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Презентация на тему London for free

National Theatre
London For Free National Theatre There are a lot of free concerts at this theatre. It hosts a variety of plays from Shakespeare to modern plays, concerts and exhibitions. It is the most popular music store in England - there are 250 of them. You can listen to famous pop groups there. Covent Garden Market is famous for its street performers, like musicians and acrobats. Science Museum is world-famous for its historic collections, interactive galleries and inspirational exhibitions. Tate Modern is one of the most visited art galleries in the world. It has a good collection of modern art and fantastic exhibitions. Trafalgar Square is one of the most popular places in the UK. It is used for political demonstrations and popular celebrations. Buckingham Palace. Every year 50000 guests are invited to garden parties, receptions and banquets. The forecourt is used for the Changing of the Guard. This street market is famous for its second-hand clothes and antiques.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 National Theatre

National Theatre

Слайд 3 There are a lot of free concerts at

There are a lot of free concerts at this theatre.

this theatre.

Слайд 4 It hosts a variety of plays from Shakespeare

It hosts a variety of plays from Shakespeare to modern plays, concerts and exhibitions.

to modern plays,

concerts and exhibitions.

Слайд 5 It is the most popular music store in

It is the most popular music store in England - there are 250 of them.

England - there are 250 of them.

Слайд 6 You can listen to famous pop groups there.

You can listen to famous pop groups there.

Слайд 7 Covent Garden Market is famous for its street

Covent Garden Market is famous for its street performers, like musicians and acrobats.

performers, like musicians and acrobats.

Слайд 9 Science Museum is world-famous for its historic collections,

Science Museum is world-famous for its historic collections, interactive galleries and inspirational exhibitions.

interactive galleries and inspirational exhibitions.

Слайд 11 Tate Modern is one of the most visited

Tate Modern is one of the most visited art galleries in the world.

art galleries in the world.

Слайд 12 It has a good collection of modern art

It has a good collection of modern art and fantastic exhibitions.

and fantastic exhibitions.

Слайд 13 Trafalgar Square is one of the most popular

Trafalgar Square is one of the most popular places in the UK.

places in the UK.

Слайд 14 It is used for political demonstrations and popular

It is used for political demonstrations and popular celebrations.


Слайд 15 Buckingham Palace. Every year 50000 guests are invited

Buckingham Palace. Every year 50000 guests are invited to garden parties, receptions and banquets.

to garden parties, receptions and banquets.

Слайд 16 The forecourt is used for the Changing of

The forecourt is used for the Changing of the Guard.

the Guard.

  • Имя файла: london-for-free.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 75
  • Количество скачиваний: 0