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Презентация на тему Luxorhotel and casinoВыполнилаСафонова СветланаСтудентка группы 1 ГС

The Luxor Las Vegas hotel was built in 1993. He is located near the Las Vegas Strip. At that time he was the most unusual hotel. The main building of the hotel built in the shape
Luxor Hotel 		 and Casino The Luxor Las Vegas hotel was built in 1993. He is located A hotel is located in 8 kilometres from international air-port. Besides the 30-floor building-pyramid of black smoky glass, where is located the Everywhere played up the theme of Ancient Egypt. Pyramid guarded the Sphinx. Before entrance of the hotel also overtopped the Cleopatra's Needle (ancient Egyptian obelisk). The halls are decorated with statues of Pharaohs, there is  a Inside there's a river, 5 swimming pools, a bunch of restaurants and Rooms at the hotel Luxor provide cable TV with pay-channels. There is Price room 45 USD night-club LAX The End
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Слайд 2

Слайд 3

The Luxor Las Vegas hotel was built in

The Luxor Las Vegas hotel was built in 1993. He is

1993. He is located near the Las Vegas Strip.

At that time he was the most unusual hotel. The main building of the hotel built in the shape of the Egyptian pyramid.

Слайд 4 A hotel is located in 8 kilometres from

A hotel is located in 8 kilometres from international air-port.

international air-port.

Слайд 5 Besides the 30-floor building-pyramid of black smoky glass,

Besides the 30-floor building-pyramid of black smoky glass, where is located

where is located the 2500 rooms, here are 22-floors

tower with an additional two thousand rooms.

Слайд 7 Everywhere played up the theme of Ancient Egypt.

Everywhere played up the theme of Ancient Egypt. Pyramid guarded the Sphinx.

Pyramid guarded the Sphinx.

Слайд 9 Before entrance of the hotel also overtopped the

Before entrance of the hotel also overtopped the Cleopatra's Needle (ancient Egyptian obelisk).

Cleopatra's Needle (ancient Egyptian obelisk).

Слайд 10 The halls are decorated with statues of Pharaohs,

The halls are decorated with statues of Pharaohs, there is a

there is a replica of the tomb of

Tutankhamen with all its treasures.

Слайд 11 Inside there's a river, 5 swimming pools, a

Inside there's a river, 5 swimming pools, a bunch of restaurants

bunch of restaurants and 4417 rooms. Every evening with

the top of the pyramid at the Luxor beats 315.000-watt light beam. He is so powerful that its visible even from space.

Слайд 12 Rooms at the hotel Luxor provide cable TV

Rooms at the hotel Luxor provide cable TV with pay-channels. There

with pay-channels. There is a living room in every

room . There is a large shower in bathrooms. In a spa salon there is a steam bath-house, sauna and Jacuzzi. A night-club LAX in a hotel is executed in rich red tones and equipped modern voice systems

Слайд 13 Price room 45 USD

Price room 45 USD

Слайд 14 night-club LAX

night-club LAX

  • Имя файла: luxorhotel -and-casinovypolnilasafonova-svetlanastudentka-gruppy-1-gs.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 77
  • Количество скачиваний: 0
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