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Презентация на тему National traditions of great britain

Britain is probably one of the few countries that value their traditions and heritage
National traditions of Great Britain Britain is probably one of the few countries that value their traditions and heritage In Britain, low-rise constructions are still dominate. The British prefer to live In the UK, the tradition of national dress hasn’t forgotten .In areas The British love their traditional cuisine, which is dominated by meat dishes. Previously, women had a very small rights in G.B., but now things Sport traditions have survived from ancient times. The British are addicted to Thank you for the attention
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Britain is probably one of the few countries

Britain is probably one of the few countries that value their traditions and heritage

that value their traditions and heritage

Слайд 3 In Britain, low-rise constructions are still dominate. The

In Britain, low-rise constructions are still dominate. The British prefer to

British prefer to live in separate homes, but not

in high-rise penthouse. Most of the houses are built for two families, always with a fireplace

Слайд 4 In the UK, the tradition of national dress

In the UK, the tradition of national dress hasn’t forgotten .In

hasn’t forgotten .In areas such as Scotland still wear

kilts. Men prefer suits, tuxedos, hats in the form of cylinders, in general, all the things that are gentlemen.

Слайд 5 The British love their traditional cuisine, which is

The British love their traditional cuisine, which is dominated by meat

dominated by meat dishes. Various puddings are the national

dish of the country.

Слайд 6 Previously, women had a very small rights in

Previously, women had a very small rights in G.B., but now

G.B., but now things have changed. Earlier in the

average English family had many children, but now the birth rate dropped significantly. Modern Family in England has 1-2 children.

Слайд 7 Sport traditions have survived from ancient times. The

Sport traditions have survived from ancient times. The British are addicted

British are addicted to horse-riding and golf. Many people

play polo

  • Имя файла: national-traditions-of-great-britain.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 102
  • Количество скачиваний: 0