до моменту мовлення і має результат у теперішньому часі:
I have locked the door.
Mary is not at home. She has gone to the theatre.
в центрі уваги результат дії, а не час: You have read more than I.
FindSlide.org - это сайт презентаций, докладов, шаблонов в формате PowerPoint.
Email: Нажмите что бы посмотреть
I have worked.
He has not worked.
She has not worked.
It has not worked.
I have not worked.
Present Perfect Tense
We have translated this text already.
My friend has never studied German.
I have not exercised yet.
They have planted trees at the park for two hours.
Oksana has just returned from the school.
John has worked at the hospital since 1997.
Have you passed all exams?
They have walked five kilometers.
My sister has missed the morning train.
Mr. Smith has travelled to many countries.
We have lived here all our lives.
Children have finished all tasks and can go home.
He has just phoned you.
Have you tasted tacos before?
She has listened to this music recently.
I have helped you all these years.
He has published only one article for now.
They have never watched “Titanic”.
We have stayed at home in the evening lately.
Has Ann tried this dress?
He has not decided where to go in summer.
Present Perfect Tense
Теперішній доконаний час неправильних дієслів
have/has + 3 форма дієслова
I have seen this movie recently.
She has not met him since last week.
They just have gone to the theatre.
Children have sung since afternoon.
Teachers have never given us home task.
The boy has just built a sand castle.
My parents have gotten up early lately.