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Презентация на тему Francisco Masseria and his Girls

The artist Francisco, F. J. J. C. Masseria was born on April 7th, 1926 in Parana, capital of Province of Entre Rios, Argentina. Masseria’s parents were Italian.
Francisco Masseria and his GirlsАвтор:Ольга Михайловна Степановаучитель английского языка МБОУ «Цивильская СОШ The artist Francisco, F. J. J. C. Masseria was born on April Although none of his family were artists, Masseria evidenced a talent for His first achievement came at the age of fourteen when exhibiting at “I never believed in fads in art,” he said. “When I started At first glance, Masseria’s paintings appear to be exquisitely classic ~ the “In my paintings, there is a painterly discourse in the backgrounds,” he Francisco J.J. C Masseria’s art derives from two opposed schools of thought: In the faces of his portraits Masseria attains a lyrical response to There is a virtuoso quality to Masseria’s work that is similar to Masseria, like the abstractionists Soutine and de Kooning, aligns himself with the Masseria’s art forms a bridge between romantic-naturalism and the contemporary school of Francisco traveled across the continents of the Americas from Rio to Los His work today can be found amount private collectors and art lovers Thank you for visiting the Gallery! Источник:Francisco J. J. C. Masseria  http://arnotgallery.com/artists/francisco-j-j-c-masseria/Фантастические детские лица Франсиско Массерия https://www.liveinternet.ru/users/5031314/post450865748/Изображения:https://i.pinimg.com/originals/11/de/b8/11deb894b2a56a12be31fb11f2892a04.jpg https://mtdata.ru/u1/photoE6F2/20670317290-0/original.jpg https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Rel_OrcWcu4/XHvyqDj7VNI/AAAAAAADIj0/cYxI9WjN880QULqunmD3JUq5FuDM8wD_gCLcBGAs/s1600/Francisco%2BMasseria%2B16.jpghttps://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Lky_b98OYRI/XHv1PLj1TSI/AAAAAAADIlY/PdKfzy93Hrg-fVuk5gtCZSzu4l1hepy5gCLcBGAs/s1600/Francisco%2BMasseria%2B19.jpghttps://i.pinimg.com/236x/d9/a3/52/d9a3521448f0bd566189858ddbed197d.jpghttps://3.bp.blogspot.com/-eoZ5maA2mkI/XHvy0ivESuI/AAAAAAADIks/MF7IGOGTXDUKoFT_Vb8nwShRJYUoJml1ACLcBGAs/s1600/Francisco%2BMasseria%2B21.jpghttps://2.bp.blogspot.com/-NSco0egS-hI/XHvytsXzdEI/AAAAAAADIkI/KG7A9gd4Hx0fNZMjOOwqaROOBI4UsaVggCLcBGAs/s1600/Francisco%2BMasseria%2B3.jpghttps://4.bp.blogspot.com/-NjwTaKzB5c8/XHvylDkDvzI/AAAAAAADIjc/x-7TwkcZWYgjB4w9gH5UX7KPrrZtHrPsACLcBGAs/s1600/Francisco%2BMasseria%2B1.jpghttps://4.bp.blogspot.com/-b3mA-xV69gs/XHvytSYNuLI/AAAAAAADIkE/2vRsQM1IH0QnWwJ-gtQiPQ2o7x5pPPg3ACLcBGAs/s1600/Francisco%2BMasseria%2B2.jpghttps://4.bp.blogspot.com/-AHm6OhO6Gdw/XHvyvgGECpI/AAAAAAADIkQ/oqzmhjsA4OMGjHleHcWPrR3msTKzM-dEwCLcBGAs/s1600/Francisco%2BMasseria%2B4bis.jpghttps://4.bp.blogspot.com/-aOv-AkGCnBI/XHvykW_xLUI/AAAAAAADIjY/Vfj3jMtuMbgp0fIU4uQKrUzw7LXIf9fwACLcBGAs/s1600/Francisco%2BMasseria%2B10.jpghttps://3.bp.blogspot.com/-bihN83KC52g/XHvyxk2ZDpI/AAAAAAADIkc/lSLB_Rv89G0knByyDgTN1tNGTLEju5S_QCLcBGAs/s1600/Francisco%2BMasseria%2B7.jpg https://3.bp.blogspot.com/--bmQTlLMRFQ/XHvy0W8imuI/AAAAAAADIko/WzXYtqHoiUYt2B-RmTc5NRAnmPqrs09JgCLcBGAs/s1600/Francisco%2BMasseria%2B20.jpg
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The artist Francisco,
F. J. J. C. Masseria

The artist Francisco, F. J. J. C. Masseria was born on

was born on April 7th, 1926 in Parana, capital

of Province of Entre Rios, Argentina. Masseria’s parents were Italian.

Слайд 3 Although none of his family were artists,

Although none of his family were artists, Masseria evidenced a talent

evidenced a talent for art when he ws quite

young, drawing color pencil portraits of his grade school friends.
He began painting with oil paints when he was about 13 and progressed rapidly
as an artist.

Слайд 4 His first achievement came at the age of

His first achievement came at the age of fourteen when exhibiting

fourteen when exhibiting at the Salon Annuale of Entre

Rios he earned his first gold medal.
His father, Joseph, encouraged his son to pursue his talent as a ‘self taught’ artist. Masseria’s paintings did not gain recognition in Argentina. “I was known locally but not nationally” he said during a visit to the USA.

Слайд 5 “I never believed in fads in art,” he

“I never believed in fads in art,” he said. “When I

said. “When I started to paint in Argentina people

would say, ‘Francisco, why don’t you paint abstract art?’ I did not paint it because I did not feel it. Yet around 1970 I started to paint abstract art because it was within me at that time, not because it was the right thing to do at the moment.”

Слайд 6 At first glance, Masseria’s paintings appear to be

At first glance, Masseria’s paintings appear to be exquisitely classic ~

exquisitely classic ~ the luminous, angelic faces, the serene

gaze of the untroubled, the Renaissance like costumes. But the backgrounds are of another time and place, whirling, swirling abstract masses. By combining the classic realism with the abstract Masseria achieved remarkable tension and release, the heartbeat of any art form.

Слайд 7 “In my paintings, there is a painterly discourse

“In my paintings, there is a painterly discourse in the backgrounds,”

in the backgrounds,” he pointed out. “They are not

just haphazard. They have a meaning, a significance, and they stand on their own. I like to think that my painting leaves a little mystery and leads the viewer to discover new nuances in my work.”

Слайд 8 Francisco J.J. C Masseria’s art derives from two

Francisco J.J. C Masseria’s art derives from two opposed schools of

opposed schools of thought: the Romantic realism of Diego

Velasquez, Peter Paul Rubens and Eugene Delacroix, and the swirling abstract expressionism of Chaim Soutine an dWillem de Kooning. Masseria combines these two forces in work that is both monumental and passionate.

Слайд 9 In the faces of his portraits Masseria attains

In the faces of his portraits Masseria attains a lyrical response

a lyrical response to the human form, especially in

developing the typically romantic serenity of the eyes. Like the Spaniard Velasquez, he applies vigorous brush work to his lively portraits, combining an economy of style with a painterly application of fresh translucent color.

Слайд 10 There is a virtuoso quality to Masseria’s work

There is a virtuoso quality to Masseria’s work that is similar

that is similar to Rubens, the 17th Century Flemish

master, and the Frenchman Delacroix. While the compositions of these artists alternate between baroque vitality and rhythmic balance, the technique is determinedly Romantic. Their touch is free and bold. Color is their essential medium of expression.

Слайд 11 Masseria, like the abstractionists Soutine and de Kooning,

Masseria, like the abstractionists Soutine and de Kooning, aligns himself with

aligns himself with the modern theory that color and

form can exist alone as a means of expression without reference to the imitation of visual reality. The slashing, twisting colors of Masseria’s backgrounds are expressive
even though
they are nonrepresentational.

Слайд 12 Masseria’s art forms a bridge between romantic-naturalism and

Masseria’s art forms a bridge between romantic-naturalism and the contemporary school

the contemporary school of abstract-expressionism. The calm realism of

the foregrounds contrasts with the dynamic tensions of the backgrounds. Out of this emerges a painting within a painting. The patterns of colors, densely intermingled and freely splattered, exist without reference to nature.

Слайд 13 Francisco traveled across the continents of the Americas

Francisco traveled across the continents of the Americas from Rio to

from Rio to Los Angeles to New York achieving

great acclaim for his work. A series of personal exhibitions from 1950 to 1964 brought him into the major circles of the art world.

Слайд 14 His work today can be found amount private

His work today can be found amount private collectors and art

collectors and art lovers world wide.

F.J.J.C. Masseria represented by

Arnot Gallery in New York since 1958. Masseria died in Rome, Italy in 2002.

Слайд 15 Thank you
for visiting the Gallery!

Thank you for visiting the Gallery!

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