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Презентация на тему Tepuisthe lost world

Location and General DescriptionThese dramatic features in the landscape perforate an extensive matrix of highland savannas and rain forests across southern Venezuela mostly, with a few outliers in western Guyana, Suriname, and northern most Brazil. Hundreds of smaller sandstone mountains exist
Tepuis The Lost WorldSlivinskaya Tatsiana Location and General DescriptionThese dramatic features in the landscape perforate an extensive The Guayana Shield, on which the Tepuis rest, consists of a rock Flora and faunaThe plateau of the tepuis is completely isolated from the A few of the most notable of the 60 tepuis:	AuyantepuiMount RoraimaMatawi TepuiAutana Tepui Ptari-tepuiSarisariñama Tepui Auyantepui is the largest of the tepuis with a surface area of 700 km². Angel Mount Roraima, also known as Roraima Tepui. A report by the noted Matawi Tepui, also known as Kukenán, because it is the source of Autana Tepui stands 1,300 m above the forest floor. A unique cave runs Ptari-tepui's sheer rock walls are so isolated, it is believed a high number Sarisariñama Tepui, famous for its almost perfectly circular sinkholes which go straight down Thank you for your attention
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Location and General Description
These dramatic features in the

Location and General DescriptionThese dramatic features in the landscape perforate an

landscape perforate an extensive matrix of highland savannas and

rain forests across southern Venezuela mostly, with a few outliers in western Guyana, Suriname, and northern most Brazil. Hundreds of smaller sandstone mountains exist in the ecoregion as well.

Слайд 3 The Guayana Shield, on which the Tepuis rest,

The Guayana Shield, on which the Tepuis rest, consists of a

consists of a rock basement with a variety of

igneous and metamorphic rock types formed during different geological periods beginning 1.8 billion years ago. Most of this granitic basement was overlain with many layers of sand that were subsequently compressed and cemented together to a thickness of several thousand meters to form quartzitic and sandstone rocks. Following the uplifting of this once-continuous layer, subsequent erosion resulted in the separation and isolation of the Tepui Mountains, approximately 180 million years ago. These remnants of highly weathered and ancient parent rock are some of the oldest geological formations in all of South America.

Слайд 4 Flora and fauna
The plateau of the tepuis is

Flora and faunaThe plateau of the tepuis is completely isolated from

completely isolated from the ground forest, making them ecological

islands. The altitude causes them to have a different climate from the ground forest. The top presents cool temperatures with frequent rainfall, while the bases of the mountains have a tropical, warm and humid climate. The isolation has led to the presence of endemic flora and fauna through evolution over millennia of a different world of animal and plants, cut off from the rest of the world by the imposing rock walls. Some tepui sinkholes contain species that have evolved in these "islands within islands" that are unique to that sinkhole.

Слайд 5 A few of the most notable of the

A few of the most notable of the 60 tepuis:	AuyantepuiMount RoraimaMatawi TepuiAutana Tepui Ptari-tepuiSarisariñama Tepui

60 tepuis:

Mount Roraima
Matawi Tepui
Autana Tepui 
Sarisariñama Tepui

Слайд 6 Auyantepui is the largest of the tepuis with a

Auyantepui is the largest of the tepuis with a surface area of

surface area of 700 km². Angel Falls, the highest waterfall in

the world, drops from a cleft in the summit.

Слайд 7 Mount Roraima, also known as Roraima Tepui. A

Mount Roraima, also known as Roraima Tepui. A report by the

report by the noted South American researcher Robert Schomburgk inspired the

Scottish author Arthur Conan Doyle to write his novel The Lost World about the discovery of a living prehistoric world full of dinosaurs and primeval plants. The borders of Venezuela, Brazil, and Guyana meet on the top.

Слайд 8 Matawi Tepui, also known as Kukenán, because it

Matawi Tepui, also known as Kukenán, because it is the source

is the source of the Kukenán River, is considered

the "place of the dead" by the localPemon Indians. Located next to Mount Roraima in Venezuela.

Слайд 9 Autana Tepui stands 1,300 m above the forest floor.

Autana Tepui stands 1,300 m above the forest floor. A unique cave

A unique cave runs from one side of the

mountain to the other.

Слайд 10 Ptari-tepui's sheer rock walls are so isolated, it

Ptari-tepui's sheer rock walls are so isolated, it is believed a high

is believed a high number of endemic plant and animal

species could be found there.

Слайд 11 Sarisariñama Tepui, famous for its almost perfectly circular sinkholes

Sarisariñama Tepui, famous for its almost perfectly circular sinkholes which go straight

which go straight down from the mountain top -

the largest such sinkhole is 350 meters in diameter and depth (purportedly created by groundwater erosion). They harbor an ecosystem composed of unique plant and animal species at the bottom.

  • Имя файла: tepuisthe-lost-world.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 120
  • Количество скачиваний: 0