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Презентация на тему The cavalier poets

From the History of the Termdenoted a horseman, especially a mounted warrior, such as a knight;cavalier became a political term during Charles I’s reign;the personal style of the Cavaliers, which featured long, flowing hair and elaborate
The Cavalier Poets From the History of the Termdenoted a horseman, especially a mounted warrior, Features of Cavalier Poetry Conversational Style Elaborate Conceits Meditative Tone Classicism Conversational Style  cultivated a conversational style based on natural speech Elaborate Conceits  some of the Cavalier poets shared Donne’s fondness Meditative Tone  most of the poems seem controlled; at times Classicismadmired the poetry of the ancient Greeks and Romans;rich in classical allusions Regular Poetic Form  used regular rhythmic patterns, carefully structured stanzas, Carpe Diem  the classical influence is seen in the
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 From the History of the Term
denoted a horseman,

From the History of the Termdenoted a horseman, especially a mounted

especially a mounted warrior, such as a knight;
cavalier became

a political term during Charles I’s reign;
the personal style of the Cavaliers, which featured long, flowing hair and elaborate dress, contrasted sharply with that of the austerely garbed Roundheads;
the most gifted were Sir John Suckling, Robert Herrick, and Richard Lovelace.

Слайд 3 Features of Cavalier Poetry
Conversational Style
Elaborate Conceits

Features of Cavalier Poetry Conversational Style Elaborate Conceits Meditative Tone

Regular Poetic Form
Carpe Diem

Слайд 4 Conversational Style
cultivated a conversational style based on

Conversational Style cultivated a conversational style based on natural speech

natural speech patterns.

I sing of brooks, of blossoms,

birds, and bowers;
Of April, May, of June, and July flowers …
(R. Herrick)

Слайд 5 Elaborate Conceits
some of the Cavalier poets shared

Elaborate Conceits some of the Cavalier poets shared Donne’s fondness

Donne’s fondness for elaborate conceits;
the majority of their poems

were less obscure and more accessible than those of the metaphysical poets.

Слайд 6 Meditative Tone
most of the poems seem controlled;

Meditative Tone most of the poems seem controlled; at times

at times poets seem self-mocking

I must confess, when I

did part from you,
I could not force an artificial dew [tears]
Upon my cheeks . . .
(J. Suckling)

Слайд 7 Classicism
admired the poetry of the ancient Greeks and

Classicismadmired the poetry of the ancient Greeks and Romans;rich in classical

rich in classical allusions (the names of Greek and

Roman gods);
the forms of the poems are often based on classical models (the odes of Horace, the satires of Juvenal, and the eclogues of Virgil).

Слайд 8 Regular Poetic Form
used regular rhythmic patterns, carefully

Regular Poetic Form used regular rhythmic patterns, carefully structured stanzas,

structured stanzas, and simple language also reflects the classical

welcomed the tidy order of regular meter and rhyme schemes;
used heroic couplets (pairs of rhymed iambic pentameter lines);
regularity allowed the poems to be set to music.

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  • Количество просмотров: 91
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