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Презентация на тему The london zoo

So here we go!
The London Zoo So here we go! In this picture you can see a map zoo.Zoo itself is On the next picture you can see that a man is On the next picture you can see that Tiger plays with       On the next picture you can see a special person And you see the monkey are interested in that kind of thing! And on this fun note, we will finish our presentation!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 So here we go!

So here we go!

Слайд 3 In this picture you can see a

In this picture you can see a map zoo.Zoo itself

map zoo.Zoo itself is very large compared with the


Слайд 4 On the next picture you can see

On the next picture you can see that a man

that a man is feeding a giraffe !. Of

a giraffe !! Now imagine you how high we must climb, I would not risk it.

Слайд 5 On the next picture you can see

On the next picture you can see that Tiger plays

that Tiger plays with a ball! It looks nice

on the background of green grass! I like this tiger!

Слайд 6       On the next picture you can see

      On the next picture you can see a special

a special person who feeds a crocodile crocodiles !!!!

Yes! At the same time beautiful, but dangerous at the same time!

Слайд 7 And you see the monkey are interested in

And you see the monkey are interested in that kind of thing!

that kind of thing!

  • Имя файла: the-london-zoo.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 86
  • Количество скачиваний: 0