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Презентация на тему The love

Oh my God , 6:45 ! It looks like I was sleeping for too long... a bit . I knew that I shouldn`t read that dumb manga for fools...Actually , I liked it , but...There was
The love Is bad feeling… Oh my God , 6:45 ! It looks like I was sleeping Few…*breathing hardly*…7:30 . Yay , I`m already here! Let`s go to Kokona Kokona: -Oh yes , I didn`t hear.I will be here in a Aw… Kokona: -H-how much did you say? What?! Kokona: -Okay , if After this lesson , I learned what does tranquilizer do…I think , -…what?… Hinata : -Aw , it`s so embarrassing…I… C`MON! Hinata : -I Hah , she has just thanked me for her death…I like her Oh , really ? Then it will be easier than I thought…maybe… She will be In dream , until I come to school under Oh , her haircut on her cuted off head is really beautiful Oh , it seems , I forgot about my fingerprints on katana - Hinata , give me katana , please . I owe you The love is bad feeling...which causes to many deaths…
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Слайд 2 Oh my God , 6:45 ! It looks

Oh my God , 6:45 ! It looks like I was

like I was sleeping for too long... a bit .

I knew that I shouldn`t read that dumb manga for fools...Actually , I liked it , but...There was too much love...which I need from my Senpai ! Oh , he is so cute . I don`t want anybody speak to him , look at him , love him… Yesterday a mysterious person with nickname Info-chan talked to me…She said that one girl love my Senpai and tomorrow she will make him a purpose under the Sakura tree…The legend says that anybody will accept purpose if people are under that tree…And I`m going to make that girl SUFFER…*laughing crazy*Okay , I need to change my panties…Let`s look…Oh , they are so cute and pink , and with strawberries , they are my favourite now . Okay , 7 : 00 , it looks like I need to run…By the way , my name is Ayato.

Слайд 3 Few…*breathing hardly*…7:30 . Yay , I`m already here!

Few…*breathing hardly*…7:30 . Yay , I`m already here! Let`s go to

Let`s go to Kokona , she is looking strange

last time…And Info-chan said that this girl also has crush . AND IT`S MY SENPAI. -Hi! What should I say next?…I think I need to spy at her … Kokona: -Will you be standing right here for an hour? -Oh , I just wanted to tell , that you look nice today. Of course… Kokona: -Really , *embarrainging*, thanks. *ding-dong…ding-dong* -Is your phone ringing just now ?

Слайд 4 Kokona: -Oh yes , I didn`t hear.I will be

Kokona: -Oh yes , I didn`t hear.I will be here in

here in a minute. I don`t think you didn`t hear

just… -Okay! Yes ! The time had come…It looks like she is going to the entrance where no one is… hm …very strange . Then I will just come from the other side…let`s go ! I didn`t think she would hide something from her best friend - Hinata…They know each other from the childhood , as Info-chan said…Then it must be awful… Kokona: -No ! I don`t want to do it again ! That was the first and the last time!

Слайд 5 Aw… Kokona: -H-how much did you say? What?! Kokona: -Okay , if one

Aw… Kokona: -H-how much did you say? What?! Kokona: -Okay ,

more time…THE LAST…At Shinuta town…um…tonight… Aww…That girl will have many

problems…I will post about her “date” now on public forum of our school and she would never have my Senpai… Kokona: -Oh my God ! I need to hurry up . The lesson will start right now ! What?! 7:56?! How could time pass so fast ? Okay , I came in time…I think I should learn biology first , it will help me to kill my victims and find weak points on the human body…

Слайд 6 After this lesson , I learned what does

After this lesson , I learned what does tranquilizer do…I think

tranquilizer do…I think , the Kokona will never bring

her reputation back…And Senpai will never love her after my plan will do it`s work…Kokona`s friend – Hinata…may love my Senpai too…Then , I will do something that will make her not to be . At first , I will make her to believe me…And than I will betray her . And she will never breath the air which my Senpai breaths . I should help her with something and she will like me . So , I need to find her . Oh , there she is . In the cooking club room with others… -Hi ! You look lovely today , may I help you with preparing dishes? Hinata : -Yeah , hi , actually , I don`t need any help with this , but *whispering* I need to…*embarraining*… PLEASE , JUST SAY WHAT DO YOU NEED !

Слайд 7 -…what?… Hinata : -Aw , it`s so embarrassing…I… C`MON! Hinata : -I have

-…what?… Hinata : -Aw , it`s so embarrassing…I… C`MON! Hinata :

lost my bra… …aw…and…does she want me to find it

roaming through ALL school territory ? It`s a first half of the question…the next is HOW ? Just HOW did she lose it ? -Don`t even ask me how did I do it ! Just help me to find it... Not problem… -Okay , so , where can it be ? -Um…everywhere… Problem… -Okay , I`ll try to find it… Of course , I will find it ! SENPAI IS MINE ! -Thanks you a lot !

Слайд 8 Hah , she has just thanked me for

Hah , she has just thanked me for her death…I like

her death…I like her . But , I want

to see her eyes when she knows who is her best friend . I have 45 minutes more for the search before the next lesson starts…So , it looks like I need to start from the schoolyard…After 30 minutes of the real hell I have found it near the school fence…I had a thought : “HOW THE HELL DID YOU LOSE IT ?!” and then “WHY THE HELL DID YOU LOSE IT?!”. Now I` M going to the cooking club to give her HER THE HELL BRA…Keep calm , Ayato , now you won`t ever need to search her bra… -I found it , Hinata. -Oh , thanks you a lot , now I owe you one.

Слайд 9 Oh , really ? Then it will be

Oh , really ? Then it will be easier than I

easier than I thought…maybe… -Not at all . Bye! As our

teacher is so strict and as I have only 3 minutes , I decided to run…On the way , in the corridor , I saw the nurses room…there must be a tranquilizer and a surge...Good. Now , I want to learn language…I will help me to write letters to my victims , and also suicide letter , that will sweep my footprints . The lesson ended and now most of the students are going home…And its great…As Hinata “owes me one” she won`t disagree if I ask her to follow me…It`s time to make a plan . First , I will go to the nurses room to take surge and tranquilizer . Second , I will ask her to follow me . I will lead her to the room with small chest on the first floor , which I have seen before . Then I will creep to her behind and attack her with the tranquilizer .

Слайд 10 She will be In dream , until I

She will be In dream , until I come to school

come to school under the cover of night .

When I return to my home , I will put Hinata into the chair with rope . I did it guys , I was torturing her for 12 hours , so her sanity had fallen to 0 % . Now , I`ll bring her to school . We are here , near the fence gates of the school . The only thing , which is left is Ocama , that girl , who will make a purpose to my Senpai tonight . I have bought katana for Hinata . -Hinata , *giving katana* , destroy her ! *pointing on Ocama* Hinata : -I`ll do it , because I owe you one . Ocama : -No , please ! No ! Don`t come any closer to me ! Nooooo !

Слайд 11 Oh , her haircut on her cuted off

Oh , her haircut on her cuted off head is really

head is really beautiful , she was preparing to

this day…But , she is too dumb for Senpai to be his . Directress : -What happened ? Oh my God , oh my God ! *in icteric* It couldn`t happen ! Hah , but it has already happened . Crowd : -Hinata ! Hinata is MONSTER ! Hinata , YOU ARE MONSTER ! Oh , it was dumb, very dumb…What I have just saw in her eyes ? The rage ? I think it`s time to go back…Oh…As I thought , she pushed katana in the head of the boy , screaming nearby. Why are they shouting ? Just some blood…and corpses…Ah , she is just killing more and more people … STOP ! WHERE IS MY SENPAI ?! Ah , he has already gone home . I love him . So much . What ? Police ? I don`t think they will help to stop Hinata . Ahahah , what can I see ? Medics ? How can they help corpses ?

Слайд 12 Oh , it seems , I forgot about

Oh , it seems , I forgot about my fingerprints on

my fingerprints on katana … Bad news for me

… Okay . Let`s do it ! - Hinata , give me katana ... Directress : -ARE YOU STUPID ?! SHE WILL KILL YOU ! Oh my God , why did she say that ? Hinata is already going to her… -Stop ! I`m a directress and you have no permission to touch me ! Hinata continues to go to her , smiling . Directress : -I said STOP ! Stoop ! Somebody , police ! HELP ME ! It was too late…

Слайд 13 - Hinata , give me katana , please

- Hinata , give me katana , please . I owe

. I owe you . I think she won`t kill

me… Hinata : -Okay , I owe you too . - Hinata , behind ! Let`s run ! The policeman was running to her … But she smiled to me and went to the cope with straight hands…She has done her work , my work is disposing from the weapon – katana . I put it into the huge oven and activated it . This day will always be remembered for this school , for me , for this town…The school is closed…And I`m already dead…Why ? Because my Senpai loved Ocama , and he ended his life with suicide , the same I did . I can`t imagine my life without him…

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