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Презентация на тему The one day in london

I always dream to go to the London. It’s the one of amazing town on the world.There are a huge amount of ancient castles, beautiful buildings and exciting views here. Soon, I will be there.
The one day in London I always dream to go to the London. It’s the one of The first, I’m planning to go to the Big Ben. The tower After that, I’m going to see the Tower Bridge. The bridge crosses Also, I want to visit the Buckingham Palace. It’s the London residence The end, I’m driving on a double-decker bus and enjoying the wonderful
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 I always dream to go to the London.

I always dream to go to the London. It’s the one

It’s the one of amazing town on the world.

are a huge amount of ancient castles, beautiful buildings and exciting views here. Soon, I will be there.

Слайд 3 The first, I’m planning to go to the

The first, I’m planning to go to the Big Ben. The

Big Ben. The tower is officially known as the

Elizabeth Tower (previously called the Clock Tower or St Stephen's Tower)

Слайд 4 After that, I’m going to see the Tower

After that, I’m going to see the Tower Bridge. The bridge

Bridge. The bridge crosses the River Thames close to

the Tower of London and has become an iconic symbol of London.

Слайд 5 Also, I want to visit the Buckingham Palace.

Also, I want to visit the Buckingham Palace. It’s the London

It’s the London residence and principal workplace of the

reigning monarch of the United Kingdom

  • Имя файла: the-one-day-in-london.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 87
  • Количество скачиваний: 0