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Презентация на тему The roman invasion of britain

Caesar's invasion Invaded Gaul in 55 B.C. in order to secure it for the Roman EmpireDefeated King CassivellaunusLeft after two summersContacts between Britain and Rome grew
The Roman Invasion of Britain Caesar's invasion Invaded Gaul in 55 B.C. in order to secure it The PretextClaudius decided to expand the Empire to the British IslesThe pretext The fight in the SouthLed by Vespasian, a future Emperor of RomeFirst Maiden CastleA war cemetery left behind by the RomansCeltic warriors attempted to Tribal troublesThe initial plan was to limit the conquest to the lowlands The new capitalsThe first Roman capital was at ColchesterLater a small settlement Client kingdomsThe Romans allied with tribes on the borders of their territoriesTreaties Thank you for your attention!
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Слайд 2 Caesar's invasion
Invaded Gaul in 55 B.C. in

Caesar's invasion Invaded Gaul in 55 B.C. in order to secure

order to secure it for the Roman Empire
Defeated King

Left after two summers
Contacts between Britain and Rome grew

Слайд 3 The Pretext
Claudius decided to expand the Empire to

The PretextClaudius decided to expand the Empire to the British IslesThe

the British Isles
The pretext was Caratacus’ invasion of the

Atrebates, whose king appealed to Rome for help
At first Claudius’ troops refused to disembark from their boats
They attacked near Richborough in modern Kent

Слайд 4 The fight in the South
Led by Vespasian, a

The fight in the SouthLed by Vespasian, a future Emperor of

future Emperor of Rome
First real opposition from the Durotriges

tribe in Dorset
Roman military camp built near the hill fort of Hod Hill
Overall, 20 hill forts were captured

Слайд 5 Maiden Castle
A war cemetery left behind by the

Maiden CastleA war cemetery left behind by the RomansCeltic warriors attempted

Celtic warriors attempted to defend it with 54,000 sling

stones, but failed
By summer Claudius was able to land the submission of twelve chieftains

Слайд 6 Tribal troubles
The initial plan was to limit the

Tribal troublesThe initial plan was to limit the conquest to the

conquest to the lowlands of modern England
However, the Romans

still had to deal with Caratacus’ tribes
Caratacus and his warriors were defeated in a battle near Snowdonia in 51 A.D

Слайд 7 The new capitals
The first Roman capital was at

The new capitalsThe first Roman capital was at ColchesterLater a small

Later a small settlement near the Thames river was

built up to become a trade and administrative centre.
The Romans called it Londinium (modern London)
It served troop movement, administrative communication and trade expansion

Слайд 8 Client kingdoms
The Romans allied with tribes on the

Client kingdomsThe Romans allied with tribes on the borders of their

borders of their territories
Treaties with tribes in the north

and in East Anglia created buffers on the frontiers
The process of mopping up resistance continued

  • Имя файла: the-roman-invasion-of-britain.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 126
  • Количество скачиваний: 0