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Презентация на тему Unit 1activities

Unit 2 DataNo privacyKeynotes: IT, store, data, collect, security, etc…Main Themes:Text about privacy “No hiding place”Vocabulary’s “Using the internet” & “Quantity and number”Rules about countable and uncountable nounsInformation technology (IT) makes it easy to store huge
Unit 1 ActivitiesPlaying the gameTalking about company’s ActivitiesMain Themes:Text about video games Unit 2 DataNo privacyKeynotes: IT, store, data, collect, security, etc…Main Themes:Text about Unit 3 EtiquetteBad manners at workKeynotes: Etiquette, polite, rules, formal, informal, etc…Main Unit 4 ImageCreating a buzzKeynotes: logo, famous, target market, brand, etc…Main Themes:Text Unit 5 SuccessPassion into profitKeynotes: competition, start-up, business plan, profit, etc…Main Themes:Text Unit 6 FutureGoing up?Keynotes: technology, ventures, potential, risky, etc…Main Themes:Text “An elevator Unit 7 LocationField of dreamsKeynotes: location, low taxes, stable economy, attract, etc…Main Unit 8 Job-seekingA monster successKeynotes: job-seekers, HR department, recruitment, etc…Main Themes:Text “The Unit 9 SellingHard to reachKeynotes: direct mail, method of selling, flyers, etc…Main Unit 10 PricePushing down pricesKeynotes: set the price, increase, graphs, trends, etc…Main Unit 11 InsuranceHonesty is the best policyKeynotes: policies, claim, compensation, damage, etc…Main Unit 12 ServiceA complaint is a giftKeynotes: customer satisfaction, delivering, train, high Unit 13 ProductivityFighting backKeynotes: up-to-date technology, stock, just-in-time delivery, etc…Main Themes:Text “Revolution Unit 14 CreativityHow to be a brilliant thinkerKeynotes: creative, perspective, innovative, etc…Main Unit 15 MotivationHaving fun at workKeynotes: achieve, pay, bonuses, senior, talented, etc…Main
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Unit 2 Data
No privacy
Keynotes: IT, store, data, collect, security,

Unit 2 DataNo privacyKeynotes: IT, store, data, collect, security, etc…Main Themes:Text

Main Themes:
Text about privacy “No hiding place”
Vocabulary’s “Using the

internet” & “Quantity and number”

Rules about countable and uncountable nouns

Information technology (IT) makes it easy to store huge amounts of data, or information, on computer databases.

Companies and organizations always collect information about people for stopping criminal activity and increasing security.

Слайд 3 Unit 3 Etiquette
Bad manners at work
Keynotes: Etiquette, polite, rules,

Unit 3 EtiquetteBad manners at workKeynotes: Etiquette, polite, rules, formal, informal,

formal, informal, etc…
Main Themes:
Prefixes un-, in-, dis-, im- with

the adjectives (unimportant, informal)

Listening about business etiquette in other cultures

Text about office workers and manners in the office

Etiquette – the rules and regulations that reflect the ideas of the proper behavior of people in society.

Слайд 4 Unit 4 Image
Creating a buzz
Keynotes: logo, famous, target market,

Unit 4 ImageCreating a buzzKeynotes: logo, famous, target market, brand, etc…Main

brand, etc…
Main Themes:
Text “Fashion’s favourite” (about the top-end fashion)

about the brands like “Ikea”, “Gucci”, “Nokia”

Vocabulary “The fashion industry” (hand-made, production, textile industry)

Image is the general opinion most people have of a company or product.

Depending on the type of activity every company or organization has it’s own brand image. By due to the brand image everyone can easily recognize and identify a company.

Слайд 5 Unit 5 Success
Passion into profit
Keynotes: competition, start-up, business plan,

Unit 5 SuccessPassion into profitKeynotes: competition, start-up, business plan, profit, etc…Main

profit, etc…
Main Themes:
Text “Passion into profit” (success story)
Listening about

the setting up a new business

Career skills “Telling Stories”

Success may refer to:

a level of social status
achievement of an objective (goal)
the opposite of failure

Слайд 6 Unit 6 Future
Going up?
Keynotes: technology, ventures, potential, risky, etc…

Unit 6 FutureGoing up?Keynotes: technology, ventures, potential, risky, etc…Main Themes:Text “An

Text “An elevator to space” (project of NASA and

Russian Space Agency)

Preview “Ventures into space”

Culture at work “Past or future” (what is the more important)

The future is the indefinite time period after the present. Its arrival is considered inevitable due to the existence of time and the laws of physics.
New technology will shape our future and open up new opportunities for business.

Слайд 7 Unit 7 Location
Field of dreams
Keynotes: location, low taxes, stable

Unit 7 LocationField of dreamsKeynotes: location, low taxes, stable economy, attract,

economy, attract, etc…
Main Themes:
Text “Arabia’s field of dreams” (project

of NASA and Russian Space Agency)

Vocabulary “Multi-part verbs” (set up, run out, growing up)

Culture at work “To plan or not to plan” (about start a project)

The location of a business can be an important factor for its growth.

Also the development of a company depends on the infrastructure of a region (location where company wants to set up an office)

Слайд 8 Unit 8 Job-seeking
A monster success
Keynotes: job-seekers, HR department, recruitment,

Unit 8 Job-seekingA monster successKeynotes: job-seekers, HR department, recruitment, etc…Main Themes:Text

Main Themes:
Text “The online job market” (about monster.com –

the biggest job-search site)

Listening about preparing a CV (useful advices)

Language check “The imperative” (like check, don’t touch, let’s take)

Job-seeking is the main problem for those who has not any jobs before.

People who know what kind of job they want can look at job advertisements for a suitable position.

Слайд 9 Unit 9 Selling
Hard to reach
Keynotes: direct mail, method of

Unit 9 SellingHard to reachKeynotes: direct mail, method of selling, flyers,

selling, flyers, etc…
Main Themes:
Text “Marketing to student” (about strategies

of offering students)

Culture at work: “Showing reactions” (about reactions, ideas, cultures)

Dilemma: Guerilla marketing (Virgins mobile and their problems)

There a lot of ways and methods to sell products of a company, such as: directly to the consumer, by sales representatives , direct mails.
Marketers are always looking for ways to promote their products to new kinds of customer.

Слайд 10 Unit 10 Price
Pushing down prices
Keynotes: set the price, increase,

Unit 10 PricePushing down pricesKeynotes: set the price, increase, graphs, trends,

graphs, trends, etc…
Main Themes:
Text “Make it cheaper and cheaper”

(about technology and prices)

Language check “Present Perfect”

Speaking about pricing strategy (to improve profitability)

One of the difficult things for companies is to set the price of a product. A lower price may help to increase sales, but it also reduces the profit margin.
For showing the trends in prices over months or years we often use graphs.

Слайд 11 Unit 11 Insurance
Honesty is the best policy
Keynotes: policies, claim,

Unit 11 InsuranceHonesty is the best policyKeynotes: policies, claim, compensation, damage,

compensation, damage, etc…
Main Themes:
Text “Fighting fraud” (about two voice

analyzer, LayeredVA and VRiskA)

Speaking “Honesty quiz” (about dishonest actions)

Article about manual workers and high risk on their job

Insurance is defined as the equitable transfer of the risk of a loss, from one entity to another, in exchange for payment.
An insurer is a company selling the insurance; the insured, or policyholder, is the person or entity buying the insurance policy.

Слайд 12 Unit 12 Service
A complaint is a gift
Keynotes: customer satisfaction,

Unit 12 ServiceA complaint is a giftKeynotes: customer satisfaction, delivering, train,

delivering, train, high quality, etc…
Main Themes:
Text “Getting better service”

(the failure to complain is everywhere)

Language check “First Conditional” (If we do smth, we’ll do smth)

Practice in first conditional

Companies try to provide good customer service because of the significance of customer’s satisfaction for them. Companies also need to have a system for handling complaints.

Слайд 13 Unit 13 Productivity
Fighting back
Keynotes: up-to-date technology, stock, just-in-time delivery,

Unit 13 ProductivityFighting backKeynotes: up-to-date technology, stock, just-in-time delivery, etc…Main Themes:Text

Main Themes:
Text “Revolution in the car industry” (about the

car factories of the future)

Vocabulary “Word building” (tables with nouns, person’s and verb’s)

Culture at work “Managing time” (about organising our work)

Productivity is a measure of the efficiency of production.
There are many ways for companies to improve productivity.
One of them is providing new equipments with modern technologies.

Слайд 14 Unit 14 Creativity
How to be a brilliant thinker
Keynotes: creative,

Unit 14 CreativityHow to be a brilliant thinkerKeynotes: creative, perspective, innovative,

perspective, innovative, etc…
Main Themes:
Text “A different perspective” (about different

view’s on the situation))

Creative solution (find solution to two problems)

Language check “Second Conditional”

We say that people are creative when they have new ideas that challenge the traditional ways of thinking.
Creative people have innovative ideas for new products.
Creativity is important in every field of business.

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