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Презентация на тему к уроку английского языка на тему Camping к учебнику Звездный английский 6 класс 4 модуль

Match the words with their definitions CampingCamper Сampsitea piece of land where people on holiday can camp, usually with toilets and places for washinga person who camps out for recreation, especially in the wilderness.recreational activity in which participants take
How to be a responsible camper Match the words with their definitions CampingCamper Сampsitea piece of land where people Advantages and disadvantages of camping Continue the lists:AdvantagesThe Fresh Air. When you Agree or disagree Is it important to be a responsible camper? What should you do for it? Make your own camping rules
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Match the words with their definitions

a piece

Match the words with their definitions CampingCamper Сampsitea piece of land where

of land where people on holiday can camp, usually

with toilets and places for washing
a person who camps out for recreation, especially in the wilderness.
recreational activity in which participants take up temporary residence in the outdoors, usually using tents or specially designed or adapted vehicles

Слайд 3 Advantages and disadvantages of camping Continue the lists:
The Fresh

Advantages and disadvantages of camping Continue the lists:AdvantagesThe Fresh Air. When

Air. When you spend time near a lot of

trees, you take in more oxygen.
Improved Moods.
Good Food.

Bugs (bug bites).
Bad weather (too cold, hot, or rainy).
Expensive equipment.
No internet.
Limited food.

Слайд 4 Agree or disagree

Agree or disagree

Слайд 5 Is it important to be a responsible camper? What

Is it important to be a responsible camper? What should you do for it?

should you do for it?

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-angliyskogo-yazyka-na-temu-camping-k-uchebniku-zvezdnyy-angliyskiy-6-klass-4-modul.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 265
  • Количество скачиваний: 12