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Презентация на тему Страноведение английского языка на уроках и во внеклассной деятельности

The capital of Scotland isLondonBelfastEdinburgh
The territory of the UK  is divided into ……..2 parts3 parts4 parts The capital of Scotland isLondonBelfastEdinburgh The capital of Northern Ireland isLondonBelfast Cardiff What time is it? It looked very funny. There was straw in its body and straw Вставьте слова подходящие по смыслу 1. My mother______________	to change her job.A. goes Mary bought a new hat yesterday, …?Children like sweets, …?He is watching 1. Next Sunday we … a picnic.				have		has				had		will have2. … you visit the Put the words in the correct order.celebrate/last/you/how/your/birthday/did?What/weekend/during/do/the/you/do?subjects/year/have/what/you/last/did? Расскажи нам о Лондоне, пожалуйста.Летние каникулы самые длинные.Сегодня погода хуже, чем вчера.Новый You have 1 minute, make up words as many as you can! 1.Could you tell me his address?2. May I come in?3. Can you Make up sentences with these phrases. to spend a lot of time What is the capital of Malta?WellingtonLondonOsloValletta What is the capital of New Zealand?OsloBelfastCardifWellington Who are saint patrons of …EnglandNorthern IrelandWalesScotland What is the symbol of Scotland?daffodilshamrockthistle What are you afraid of? Translatewere painted — in a very friendly way —I hope you are Who are these heroes, describe them What did Dorothy, Scarecrow and Woodman want to ask the Great Wizard about? Name the flags and the countries1234 Dieu et mon droit (Бог и моё право) National animal of Wales
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The capital of Scotland is

The capital of Scotland isLondonBelfastEdinburgh

Слайд 3 The capital of Northern Ireland is

The capital of Northern Ireland isLondonBelfast Cardiff

Слайд 4

What time is it?

What time is it?

Слайд 5
It looked very funny. There was straw in

It looked very funny. There was straw in its body and

its body and straw in its head. Its face

was a piece of an old shirt. The nose, the mouth and eyes were painted on the shirt. It had a hat on its head and a pair of old shoes on its feet.

Guess , who was this hero:

Слайд 8
Вставьте слова подходящие по смыслу

Вставьте слова подходящие по смыслу

Слайд 9 1. My mother______________ to change her job.
A. goes

1. My mother______________	to change her job.A. goes   B. is

B. is going

С will go
2. Look at him! He ______hockey.
A. plays B. is going to play С is playing
3. He__________ an interview last week.
A. gave B. is giving С will give
4. Her brother usually______books on history.
reading B. will read C. reads
5. I _____ on a chair now.
sit B. am sitting C. is sitting D. Sat

Слайд 10
Mary bought a new hat yesterday, …?
Children like

Mary bought a new hat yesterday, …?Children like sweets, …?He is

sweets, …?
He is watching an interesting film now, …?

won’t go abroad next summer, …?
Pupils are playing football at the moment, …?

Слайд 11
1. Next Sunday we … a picnic.
have has
had will have

1. Next Sunday we … a picnic.				have		has				had		will have2. … you visit

… you visit the Tretyakov Gallery last summer?
do does
did will
3. My

father often … newspapers in the evening.
read reads
is reading are reading
4. My mother … tea in the kitchen now.
drink drinks
is drinking are drinking
5.… you … my new dress?
do … like does … like
is … liking are … liking

Слайд 12
Put the words in the correct order.

Put the words in the correct order.celebrate/last/you/how/your/birthday/did?What/weekend/during/do/the/you/do?subjects/year/have/what/you/last/did?

Слайд 13
Расскажи нам о Лондоне, пожалуйста.
Летние каникулы самые длинные.

Расскажи нам о Лондоне, пожалуйста.Летние каникулы самые длинные.Сегодня погода хуже, чем

погода хуже, чем вчера.
Новый год – мой любимый праздник.

Они украшают елку.

Слайд 14
You have 1 minute, make up words as

You have 1 minute, make up words as many as you can!

many as you can!

Слайд 15
1.Could you tell me his address?
2. May I

1.Could you tell me his address?2. May I come in?3. Can

come in?
3. Can you understand what she is saying?

Could I borrow your textbook?

Yes, I can. She is speaking Italian.
Sorry, I can’t. I don’t know it.
No, I’m afraid not. I need it right now.
Sure, hurry up. You are late.

Match the questions and the answers.

Слайд 16
Make up sentences with these phrases.
to spend

Make up sentences with these phrases. to spend a lot of

a lot of time out of doors
to walk

in the fields
to play the guitar
to make a fire
to grow vegetables

Слайд 18
What is the capital of Malta?

What is the capital of Malta?WellingtonLondonOsloValletta

Слайд 19
What is the capital of New Zealand?

What is the capital of New Zealand?OsloBelfastCardifWellington

Слайд 20
Who are saint patrons of …
Northern Ireland

Who are saint patrons of …EnglandNorthern IrelandWalesScotland

Слайд 21
What is the symbol of Scotland?

What is the symbol of Scotland?daffodilshamrockthistle

Слайд 22
What are you afraid of?

What are you afraid of?

Слайд 23
were painted —
in a very friendly way

Translatewere painted — in a very friendly way —I hope you

I hope you are well? —
I must keep

the birds away —
Why! Don't you know the Great Wizard?
a lighted match —

Слайд 24
Who are these heroes, describe them

Who are these heroes, describe them

Слайд 25
What did Dorothy, Scarecrow and Woodman want to

What did Dorothy, Scarecrow and Woodman want to ask the Great Wizard about?

ask the Great Wizard about?

Слайд 26

Name the flags and the countries

Name the flags and the countries1234

Слайд 27
Dieu et mon droit (Бог и моё право)

Dieu et mon droit (Бог и моё право)

  • Имя файла: stranovedenie-angliyskogo-yazyka-na-urokah-i-vo-vneklassnoy-deyatelnosti.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 127
  • Количество скачиваний: 0