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Презентации по Английскому языку

Види, жанри живопису
Види, жанри живопису

ЖИВОПИС (малярство) – вид образотворчого мистецтва, пов’язаний з передачею зорових образів шляхом нанесення кольорових матеріалів на зображальній площині, а також твори мистецтва, виконані в такий спосіб. Художні засоби живопису - колір як головний компонент живопису. Сполучення кольорів у картині створює

Historical Places in London
Historical Places in London

1Answer Founded by Edward the Confessor in 1050, the Abbey was a monastery for a long time. There are memorials to eminentmen and women. But the most popular ones are those to writers, actors and musicians in Poets’ Corner.

Мой день (My day)
Мой день (My day)

I usually get up at nine o’clock. Then I dress, clean my teeth and wash my face and hands.   Every morning I do my exercises.

What do you know about Cinema
What do you know about Cinema

The first film: “Прибытие поезда” HOLLYWOOD


Good afternoon, boys and girls! At this lesson we are going to continue working at our topic “Health”. The main thing we are going to discuss today is “How to Keep fit”. I am not well today. Can you

Two Capitals - One World
Two Capitals - One World

The aim of our project is to find similar features of Moscow and London and try to explain it. The objectives of our project areto study the history of London and Moscow;to compare the landmarks of the two capitals and find

British school system!
British school system!

History In the VI century church opened school for clergymen, later grammar schools were opened. In 1880 year education was compulsory for everybody. Since 1944, education has been available free of charge to all British children. It is compulsory for

How did you spend your holidays
How did you spend your holidays

Holidays are over No more fun. Holidays are over School has begun! Let's talk about your summer holidays. The summer holidays are over. Schoolchildren are at school again.


InvitationПредполагаемый ответ:Birthday Party PlanDate: Friday, 22nd JanuaryTime: 8 pmNumber of people: 15Food/Drinks: 3 large pizzas, 10 burgers, 1 packet of chocolate biscuit, 2 bottles of lemonadeActivities: dance, games What’s your favourite food?

Your future profession
Your future profession

Do you know the difference ? ( explain in other words)PROFESSIONJOBWORK Profession - occupation requiring extensive education: an occupation that requires extensive education or specialized trainingJob - paid occupation: an activity such as a trade or profession that

Why do people like travelling?
Why do people like travelling?

The aim of my work is: to learn what people think about travellingto lean more about tourismto tell about my visit to Italy The planIntroductionWhat transport do people use for travellingDo people like

Everyday routine
Everyday routine

«Один из самых обычных и ведущих к самым большим бедствиям соблазнов, есть соблазн словами: «Все так делают» Л.Н. Толстого 


Book for manFor detailsDevelopment of analytical skills and intuitionThe mystery of the soul'sInformation about readersLearning about the world ADVANTAGES: 1. Book much easier to read : it can take to the kitchen, the bathroom, in the bed, a walk in the


London is the British capital and one of the biggest cities in the world. London is situated upon both banks of the River Thames, it is the largest city in Britain and one of the largest in the world. Its

I like English
I like English

Цели:1) закрепить знания, полученные в течение учебного года;2) выработать умения составлять словосочетания, простые предложения, рассказ о себе;3) воспитывать интерес к предмету, любовь к животному миру. 1. Диктант «The ABC».2. Перевод словосочетаний. зеленый крокодил красивая утка серый кролик смешные свиньи черный петух семь кошек пять собак девять куриц

Different kinds of travellihg
Different kinds of travellihg

Plan of the lesson: new words & word combinations; doing the exercises; listening; adjectives describing travelling; comparison of adjectives & adverbs (revision). role-play new words & word combinations:a double-decker busa motorcyclea vana planean airshipa spaceshipa bicyclea car

Scary Halloween Story
Scary Halloween Story

Hallowe’en.31 October is Hallowe’en. This festival celebrates the return of the souls of the deads who come back to visit places where they lived. There are lots of Hallowe’en parties in the evening. People dress up as witches,

Великая Миссисипи
Великая Миссисипи

“The Great Mississippi, the majestic , the magnificent Mississippi, rolling its mile-wide tide shipping in the sun.” Mark Twain. The length of the

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