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Презентации по Английскому языку

Маслов Марк Александрович
Маслов Марк Александрович

Как в мыльной опере…19 сентября 2014г №140 (6151) История наши группыАдминистратор Художественный руководитель коллектива: ВИК”ЛОТОС” Главный оператор: Режиссер редактор: Солист: Маслов Марк АлександровичВедущей Солист: Солисты: Евгений Букуров, Людмила Симонова, Марк Маслов.Николай Мосяков

Декоративно-ужиткове мистецтво
Декоративно-ужиткове мистецтво

Ужиткове мистецтво – національне за самою своєю природою, воно народжується зі звичаїв,вірувань народу… Ю.Борєв, російський філософ З усіх видів мистецтва, з якими зустрічається людина протягом свого життя, декоративно – ужиткове мистецтво

Английский этикет
Английский этикет

Цель моей работы- изучить активные вежливые формы английского языкаПричина выбора темы- дефицит вежливости и внимания если все вокруг будут вежливыми, то в глобальном масштабе не будет войн и все проблемы будут решаться через мирдля малого общества- это будут люди внимательные и

Mykola Pyrohov(1810-1881)
Mykola Pyrohov(1810-1881)

Family and early years Mkola Ivanovich Pirogov was born on 13/25 November 1810 in Moscow, the son of a military officer. His father Ivan served as treasurer of the Moscow refreshment depot with the rank of Major. Secondary education Mykola got


Which words are connected with painting?iconproposalchemistryhelicopterstill lifepediatriciancanvaswizardseascaperepresentativedrawingdevelopmentmowerartistbrushgallery Genres of painting

Английский язык. Погода
Английский язык. Погода

You can see the first snowflakes in November. The temperature at this time is 15-20 degrees below zero. In January and February it is really cold. You can wake up and find out that the temperature is - 40 C

School education
School education

A good schoolMost important features of a good school are - a comfortable and spacious school building; - school grounds fitted with everything necessary; - up-to-date computer labs with Internet access; - a lot of modern equipment. A good schoolWhat really


Ergonomics - the science that studies the problems arising in the "human-technology system" in order to optimize the work of the operator, creating for him a comfortable and safe environment, thereby improving productivity, health and performance.CONCEPT OF ERGONOMICS

Тютчев Фёдор Иванович Любимые женщины поэта.
Тютчев Фёдор Иванович Любимые женщины поэта.

Женщины, которых любил ПОЭТ: Амалия Крюденер, Элеонора Петерсон, Эрнестина Дёрнберг, Елена Денисьева. .

Colours and their Association Part 2 colour idioms
Colours and their Association Part 2 colour idioms

ВВЕДЕНИЕВ каждом языке есть множество разных идиом, и в этой работе я хочу показать вам какие цветовые идиомы бывают в Англии . COLOUR LOCAL COLOURAll the traditional features of a place that give it its own character and make it special.SEE

The most important problems of our environmental And How save our planet?
The most important problems of our environmental And How save our planet?

Environmentalists say the air in a modern apartment 4 times dirtier than the outside, and 7 times more toxic. The main source of pollution - finishing materials and furniture. For construction and repair of premises used harmless substances.Such material are more friendly

St Patrick
St Patrick

He became a priest He went to Ireland to teach people about God.

Rating system
Rating system

General Audiences. All ages admitted. This movie contains nothing that would offend parents for viewing by children. Such films may contain only mild violence or crude humor, and may have no nudity, sex, drugs or coarse (as distinct from impolite) language.

Did You Know?
Did You Know?

What other names does hurricane have?How high waves can winds make?Where does the word 'hurricane' comes from?Are hurricanes dangerous for people? Why?What speed does hurricane have?Where do tornadoes occur more often?Answer the questions http://video.nationalgeographic.com/video/player/environment/environment-natural-disasters/tornadoes/tornadoes-101.html http://video.nationalgeographic.com/video/player/environment/environment-natural-disasters/tornadoes/tornadoes-101.html Hurricanes are the biggest, scariest

Shakespeare. The Greatest writer in History
Shakespeare. The Greatest writer in History

William Shakespeare. The greatest English poet and dramatist.Memorial Theatre in Stratford-on-Avon. There were 8 children in their family, 4 girls and 4 boys. But two eldest girls died at an early age. William was the

The United Kingdom Of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Prepared by Alissa Meznikova
The United Kingdom Of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Prepared by Alissa Meznikova

Geography of Great Britain Geographical InformationLocation: Western Europe, islands including the northern one-sixth of the island of Ireland between the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea, northwest of FranceGeographic coordinates: 54 00 N, 2 00 WMap references: EuropeArea: total: 244,820

Computers are necessary part of modern life
Computers are necessary part of modern life

On the one side… Life is simpleComputers help us in usual things, like planning our routes.

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