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Презентации по Английскому языку

Literature for Children
Literature for Children

Books written especially for children are called children’s literature. Children's literature includes stories, fairy tales, fables, poems, and novels. It also includes nonfiction (factual) works on history, science, and other subjects. Children's literature can come in the form of picture


red orange yellow green light blue dark blue purple Wall WindowWardrobeSofaTableChairDesk Door

The White House
The White House

MenuAbout the BuildingFactsThe Blue RoomEntrance and Cross HallsThe East RoomThe Diplomatic RoomFamily LifeThe Green RoomThe Red RoomRenovationsThe State Dining RoomThe Cabinet RoomThe Oval OfficeRoosevelt RoomVice Presidential Residence About the Building For two hundred years, the White House has stood as a

Суффиксы прилагательных
Суффиксы прилагательных

-ful Суффикс -ful образует на основе существительных прилагательные со значением "обладающий (в полной мере) качеством", выраженным основой, например: hope надежда - hopeful надеющийся; саrе забота - careful заботливый, тщательный; beauty красота -

British school
British school

The school year in Britain starts in September.

Nikolay Mikhaylovich Przhevalsky and Russian geography and exploration
Nikolay Mikhaylovich Przhevalsky and Russian geography and exploration

Pronunciation guide.Eastern Siberia, Usury river, Amur, Central Asia, the Gobi, the Yangtze, the Tibet, the Tien Shen, lake Issyk kul. Urga, Ulaan Bataar, Beijing, Lhasa. Answer the questions.1. Do you like to visit new places? Why?2. How do we call a

Путешествие по сказкам. Решение задач на части
Путешествие по сказкам. Решение задач на части

«Крупное научное открытие даст решение крупной проблемы, но в решении любой задачи присутствует крупица открытия». Д. Пойа Путешествие по сказкам на уроке математики и английского языка. Считайте, ребята, точнее считайте,Хорошее дело смелей прибавляйте,Плохие дела поскорей вычитайте,Учебник научит вас точному счёту.Скорей за

My favorite TV Program .
My favorite TV Program .

My favorite TV program Galileo Galileo – Russian popular science television program on channel STS . This program starts at 3 p .m . every day.

Азербайджанская ССР (На английском)
Азербайджанская ССР (На английском)

AZ. SSR- is one of the republics of the Soviet Union. The Capital Baku, Is a major oil field, USSR. The Republic has 3 awards of the order of Lenin The Republic Of AzerbaijanThe main nationality of the Republic of Azerbaijanis,


Why do we want to hear bad news about famous people more than good news? In what ways are celebrities unreal?What do you understand by «reality TV»? Are there TV programmes in your country like the ones described in the article?

Australian wildlife
Australian wildlife

MAMMALS Mammals all produce milk to suckle their young. Mammals have fur or hair. There are three types of mammals and examples of each

Unit 5 Faces of London
Unit 5 Faces of London

Daniel Defoe (1660-1731) DanielfamousRobinsonrealmainmakedesertbecomecharacteradventureswriterDefoepotspopularislandCrusoe

Read and learn
Read and learn

My cat is black,My cat is fat, My cat likes rats.Rats are grey and fat. I like dogs,All dogs,Big dogs And small dogs,But I like best, As you can see,The dog,Who likes To play with me.

Национальные парки США
Национальные парки США

Currently in the United States there are 58 national parks, which attract tourists with its charming nature and many activities. It is very difficult to identify the best national parks, but some of them by far the most popular among tourists. Here are

ozone layer
ozone layer

Історія виникнення шарфа:Історія шарфа, налічує більше двох тисяч років. І вперше шарф з'явився в Стародавньому Китаї. У 1974 році археологи виявили монументальне поховання, що відноситься до часів правління китайського імператора Цинь Ши Хуан Ді. У гробниці були знайдені 7500 фігурок воїнів

How much do you know about English Christmas?
How much do you know about English Christmas?

Christmas is the main public holiday in Britain, when people spend timeat homeat restaurantssomewhere abroad Long before Christmas time shops become very busy, because a lot of people buy Christmas stockingsChristmas treesChristmas presents

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