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Презентация на тему Nucleic acids

Frederick Griffith British physician, pathologist, bacteriologistKnown for discovery of pneumococcal transformation
Nucleic Acids Frederick Griffith British physician, pathologist, bacteriologistKnown for discovery of pneumococcal transformation Griffith’s experiment Oswald Avery Canadian-born American physician and medical and medical researcher. The major part of his career was spent dСMP The principal bases in DNAPURINESPYRIMIDINES The greatest discovery! Form of DNA А-form HistonesH2A, H2B, H3 и H4 – similar between distant species: - Н3 A simple interphase organizationFrom Prof. de Jong lecture, 2006 Interphase loop modelH4 Acetylated euchromatinDNA methylated heterochromatinFrom Prof. de Jong lecture, 2006 Trihybrid 1: CC x (FF x RR) FISH: Human chromosomes Расположение 23 хромосом человека в прометафазе фибробластов
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Frederick Griffith
British physician, pathologist, bacteriologist
Known for discovery of pneumococcal

Frederick Griffith British physician, pathologist, bacteriologistKnown for discovery of pneumococcal transformation


Слайд 3 Griffith’s experiment

Griffith’s experiment

Слайд 4 Oswald Avery

Canadian-born American physician
 and medical and medical researcher.
The major part
of his

Oswald Avery Canadian-born American physician and medical and medical researcher. The major part of his career was

career was spent
at the Rockefeller University 
Hospital in New York City

Слайд 5 dСMP


Слайд 6 The principal bases in DNA


The principal bases in DNAPURINESPYRIMIDINES

Слайд 11 The greatest discovery!

The greatest discovery!

Слайд 12 Form of DNA

Form of DNA А-form       В-form



Слайд 13 Histones
H2A, H2B, H3 и H4 – similar between

HistonesH2A, H2B, H3 и H4 – similar between distant species: -

distant species:
- Н3 of calf differs from Н3

sea-urchin only in one amino acid and from green peas Н3 in tree amino acids
Н1 – more variable
- birds posses Н5 histone in erythrocytes instead H1

Слайд 17 A simple interphase organization
From Prof. de Jong lecture,

A simple interphase organizationFrom Prof. de Jong lecture, 2006


Слайд 18 Interphase loop model
H4 Acetylated euchromatin
DNA methylated heterochromatin
From Prof.

Interphase loop modelH4 Acetylated euchromatinDNA methylated heterochromatinFrom Prof. de Jong lecture, 2006

de Jong lecture, 2006

Слайд 19
Trihybrid 1: CC x (FF x

Trihybrid 1: CC x (FF x RR)  A. fistulosum

A. fistulosum - Biotin, CY3

A. roylei - FITC

A. cepa - block DNA,

Mitosis: metaphase

Khrustaleva & Kik (1998) Theor Appl Genet 96: 8-14

Слайд 20 FISH: Human chromosomes

FISH: Human chromosomes

  • Имя файла: nucleic-acids.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 152
  • Количество скачиваний: 2