Why did we start our investigation?Because of curiosity;The interest to the super light aircraft;To evaluate the correspondence of obtained results to the real winged seed flight parameters.
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Why did we start our investigation? Because of curiosity; The
interest to the super light aircraft; To evaluate the correspondence
of obtained results to the real winged seed flight parameters.
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The Aim of the work To investigate the aerodynamics
of single blade rotor (SBR); To construct its (SBR)
mathematical model; To get acquainted with results of scientific researches in this area; To solve the equation of motion of SBR: to find the angular velocity of autorotation. To sophisticate the idea of SBR motion.
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MEG-1X MEG-1X was created by American engineer Eugene Gluhareff
in 1955. The creator of MEG-1X, following the ancient
wisdom “the less, the better”, has coherently thrown out all the excessive details, he did not spare even the blades: only one of them stayed with a jet engine, attached to its end.
bladed helicopter was the student of Kharkov Aviation Institute,
Yuri Marinchenko. The original version of helicopter was planned as a backpack weighting 30 kg. He developed this idea during a year and, in 1971 the model was established.
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AliSport Nowadays the only firm, Alisport, creates the full-size
aircraft with single blade rotor. They created the famous