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Презентация на тему Teaching- learning process

Client EducationClient education has become one of the more important roles for nurses. With shorter hospital stays, increased demands on nurses time, and the need to give seriously ill clients technical information as soon as possible
Teaching- Learning Process Client EducationClient education has become one of the more important roles for Client Education StandardsJACHO (1987)- cites two standards r/t client education:Education and knowledge Purposes of Client TeachingMaintenance of health and illness preventionRestoration of healthCoping with impaired functioning Domains of LearningLearning behaviors classified by Bloom (1956). Listed in an ordered Cognitive Domain1.	Acquiring knowledge2.	Comprehension3. Analysis4.	Synthesis5.	Evaluation Affective Learning1.	Receiving2.	Responding3.	Valuing4.	Organizing5.	Characterizing Psychomotor Learning1.	Perception2.	Set3.	Guided Response4.	Mechanism5.	Complex Overt Response6.	Adaptation7.	Origination Basic Learning PrinciplesLearning depends upon three conditions:The readiness to learnThe ability to learnThe learning environment Readiness to Learn1.	Attentional set2.	Motivation3.	Psychosocial adaptation to illness4.	Active participation Ability to Learn1.	Developmental capability2.	Age group3.	Physical capability Learning EnvironmentEnvironmental factors must be controlled for learning to take place including:PrivacyTemperatureNoiseLightingVentilationFurniture Basic Teaching Principles1.	Timing2.	Organizing teaching material3.	Speaking the client’s language4.	Maintaining learner attention and 		participation5.	Building Teaching and the Nursing ProcessAssessLearner’s needs, readiness to learn, environment, resourcesDiagnoseKnowledge deficit
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Client Education
Client education has become one of the

Client EducationClient education has become one of the more important roles

more important roles for nurses. With shorter hospital stays,

increased demands on nurses time, and the need to give seriously ill clients technical information as soon as possible greater emphasis is given to the importance of quality client education.

Слайд 3 Client Education Standards
JACHO (1987)- cites two standards r/t

Client Education StandardsJACHO (1987)- cites two standards r/t client education:Education and

client education:
Education and knowledge of self-care are given special

consideration for patient and family in the nursing care plan.
Patients who leave the hospital still requiring nursing care should receive instructions and individual counseling prior to discharge.

Слайд 4 Purposes of Client Teaching
Maintenance of health and illness

Purposes of Client TeachingMaintenance of health and illness preventionRestoration of healthCoping with impaired functioning


Restoration of health

Coping with impaired functioning

Слайд 5 Domains of Learning
Learning behaviors classified by Bloom (1956).

Domains of LearningLearning behaviors classified by Bloom (1956). Listed in an

Listed in an ordered hierarchy, simple to complex: 3

Affective Learning
Psychomotor Learning

Слайд 6 Cognitive Domain
1. Acquiring knowledge

2. Comprehension

3. Analysis

4. Synthesis

5. Evaluation

Cognitive Domain1.	Acquiring knowledge2.	Comprehension3. Analysis4.	Synthesis5.	Evaluation

Слайд 7 Affective Learning
1. Receiving

2. Responding

3. Valuing

4. Organizing

5. Characterizing

Affective Learning1.	Receiving2.	Responding3.	Valuing4.	Organizing5.	Characterizing

Слайд 8 Psychomotor Learning
1. Perception
2. Set
3. Guided Response
4. Mechanism
5. Complex Overt Response
6. Adaptation
7. Origination

Psychomotor Learning1.	Perception2.	Set3.	Guided Response4.	Mechanism5.	Complex Overt Response6.	Adaptation7.	Origination

Слайд 9 Basic Learning Principles
Learning depends upon three conditions:
The readiness

Basic Learning PrinciplesLearning depends upon three conditions:The readiness to learnThe ability to learnThe learning environment

to learn

The ability to learn

The learning environment

Слайд 10 Readiness to Learn
1. Attentional set

2. Motivation

3. Psychosocial adaptation to illness

4. Active participation

Readiness to Learn1.	Attentional set2.	Motivation3.	Psychosocial adaptation to illness4.	Active participation

Слайд 11 Ability to Learn
1. Developmental capability

2. Age group

3. Physical capability

Ability to Learn1.	Developmental capability2.	Age group3.	Physical capability

Слайд 12 Learning Environment
Environmental factors must be controlled for learning

Learning EnvironmentEnvironmental factors must be controlled for learning to take place including:PrivacyTemperatureNoiseLightingVentilationFurniture

to take place including:

Слайд 13 Basic Teaching Principles
1. Timing
2. Organizing teaching material
3. Speaking the client’s language
4. Maintaining

Basic Teaching Principles1.	Timing2.	Organizing teaching material3.	Speaking the client’s language4.	Maintaining learner attention and

learner attention and participation
5. Building on existing knowledge
6. Reinforcing
7. Matching teaching

methods with learner’s needs

  • Имя файла: teaching-learning-process.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 216
  • Количество скачиваний: 0