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Презентация на тему Открытый урок по Английскому языку на тему Реклама в нашей жизни

Find the proper translation of the following words and word-combinations to give true information –to make you buy one thing instead of another –to show life unrealistically -to put pressure on consumers –to improve taste –annoying
AdvertisingAdvertising is a part of our society, a social phenomenon which has Find the proper translation of the following words and word-combinations to give Find the definitions mislead –commercial –consumer –truthful –to check –product –to complain The first form of advertising was… А. writtenВ. oralC. commercialD. newspaper advertising The first print advertising leaflet advertised… А. books of religious content B. political partiesC. clothesD. furniture Egyptians used … to make sales messages А. rocksB. stonesC. papyrusD. paper In many parts of Asia, Africa and South America you can find People who advertised goods by crying in the street were called… А. Thomas Barratt sold … А. Pear’s soapB. apple’s shampooC. orange’s lipstickD. carrot’s juice The first paid advertising in newspaper appeared in… А. EnglandB. FranceC. RussiaD. Poland The street caller advised people… А. to buy America foodB. to move
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Find the proper translation of the following words

Find the proper translation of the following words and word-combinations to

and word-combinations
to give true information –
to make you buy

one thing instead of another –
to show life unrealistically -
to put pressure on consumers –
to improve taste –
annoying –
to convince people to buy things they don’t need –
to remind constantly –
common sense –
creative –

1. Улучшить вкус
2. Заставить людей покупать ненужные вещи
3. Давать правдивую информацию
4. Здравый смысл
5. Раздражающий
6. Оказывать давление на покупателей
7. Постоянно напоминать
8. Творческий
9. Оказывать жизнь нереалистичной
10. Заставлять купить одну вещь вместо другой

Слайд 3 Find the definitions
mislead –
commercial –
consumer –
truthful –
to check

Find the definitions mislead –commercial –consumer –truthful –to check –product –to

product –
to complain –

is the habit of telling the

gives a wrong impression
thing produced by nature or by man
person who uses, buys goods
examine in order to learn whether something is correct
say that one is not satisfied, that something is wrong, that one is suffering 
Advertisement inserted in a TV or radio programm

Слайд 10 The first form of advertising was…
А. written
В. oral

The first form of advertising was… А. writtenВ. oralC. commercialD. newspaper advertising

D. newspaper advertising

Слайд 11 The first print advertising leaflet advertised…
А. books of

The first print advertising leaflet advertised… А. books of religious content B. political partiesC. clothesD. furniture

religious content
B. political parties
C. clothes
D. furniture

Слайд 12 Egyptians used … to make sales messages
А. rocks

Egyptians used … to make sales messages А. rocksB. stonesC. papyrusD. paper

C. papyrus
D. paper

Слайд 13 In many parts of Asia, Africa and South

In many parts of Asia, Africa and South America you can

America you can find such ancient advertising form as…

B. furniture painting
C. wall painting
D. radio advertisement

Слайд 14 People who advertised goods by crying in the

People who advertised goods by crying in the street were called…

street were called…
А. road crier
B. country man
C. street boy

street caller

Слайд 15 Thomas Barratt sold …
А. Pear’s soap
B. apple’s shampoo

Thomas Barratt sold … А. Pear’s soapB. apple’s shampooC. orange’s lipstickD. carrot’s juice

orange’s lipstick
D. carrot’s juice

Слайд 16 The first paid advertising in newspaper appeared in…

The first paid advertising in newspaper appeared in… А. EnglandB. FranceC. RussiaD. Poland

B. France
C. Russia
D. Poland

Слайд 17 The street caller advised people…
А. to buy America

The street caller advised people… А. to buy America foodB. to

B. to move to America
C. not to move to

D. to learn English

  • Имя файла: otkrytyy-urok-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-reklama-v-nashey-zhizni.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 81
  • Количество скачиваний: 0