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Презентация на тему Cтроим отношения, которые приносят пользу!

Общая концепция проекта и возможности, которые он открывает PwC Junior Club – это сообщество целеустремленных и любознательных студентов из разных вузов России
PwC Junior Club Cтроим отношения, которые приносят пользу!www.pwc.com Общая концепция проекта и возможности, которые он открывает В чём твоя выгода?бесплатное обучение и тренинги, которые помогут тебе определить путь Общая система развития будущих профессионалов PwC Программа PwC Junior Club Мероприятия программы Описание следующих занятийДекабрь 21.12.11Место: PwC офис Тема: Мир БизнесаЧто такое мир бизнеса Система оценки и призыСистема оценки Баллы зачисляются на каждом занятии, чем активней Начинаем! Facts and figuresOver 163,000 employeesPresence in 154 countries worldwideOffices in 757 cities422 PwC in Russia PricewaterhouseCoopers first appeared in Russia in 1913, and returned PwC offices in RussiaNovosibirsk (opening in 2011)Krasnodar(opening in 2011) PwC’s main lines of servicesAssurance ServicesTax and Legal ServicesAdvisory Assurance services Tax practiceCorporate tax Specialised groups Advisory ServicesTransaction Support Performance Improvement PwC: choice of young and talented29 is the average age of a 5 reasons to choose PwC: Perfection in profession You will become the best in your work!1st place Professional excellence  Our clientsPwC's clients in Russia are:Over 2000 Russian and Professional excellence  Our clientsPricewaterhouseCoopers in Russia 4 of the top 10 Professional excellence  Project №1 in RussiaPwC Russia is an official provider Unique training and development opportunities  Professional qualificationsProfessional qualifications constitute an important Unique training and development opportunities  АССА (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) Unique training and development opportunities  PwC offers over 20 specialised qualifications Unique training and development opportunities  Assurance Sunny Academy   – Unique training and development opportunities  Tax Academy is a unique educational Clear career prospects Work your way upManager Competitive salary and solid employee benefits package   All graduates would Unique work environment  One of the best office centres in Moscow Slide Slide Slide Slide Slide Знакомство Экскурсия по офису PwC Башня Домашнее заданиеПрезентация Длительность до 5 минутКоличество слайдов 5-7Пункты которые должны быть в facebook.com/pwc.juniorclubvkontakte.ru/pwc_juniorclub
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Общая концепция проекта и возможности, которые он открывает

Общая концепция проекта и возможности, которые он открывает

PwC Junior Club –

это сообщество целеустремленных и любознательных студентов из разных вузов России
Junior Club даст тебе возможность:
Подготовиться к карьере в мире бизнеса
Стать частью уникального сообщества
Предложить свои идеи / реализовать свой проект
Расширить сеть контактов
Пройти курс обучения в рамках внутренних тренингов компании
Вместе с сотрудниками PwC принять участие в социальных инициативах и благотворительных мероприятиях
Получить конкурентное преимущество на рынке молодых соискателей

Слайд 3 В чём твоя выгода?
бесплатное обучение и тренинги, которые

В чём твоя выгода?бесплатное обучение и тренинги, которые помогут тебе определить

помогут тебе определить путь дальнейшего карьерного развития и максимально

эффективно подготовиться к работе;
возможность познакомиться с сотрудниками всех отделов PwC;
конкурентоспособное преимущество перед общим потоком молодых соискателей на рынке труда;
интересные задания и соответствующее вознаграждение.

Слайд 4 Общая система развития будущих профессионалов PwC

Общая система развития будущих профессионалов PwC

Слайд 5 Программа PwC Junior Club

Программа PwC Junior Club

Слайд 6 Мероприятия программы

Мероприятия программы

Слайд 7 Описание следующих занятий

Декабрь 21.12.11
Место: PwC офис
Тема: Мир

Описание следующих занятийДекабрь 21.12.11Место: PwC офис Тема: Мир БизнесаЧто такое мир

Что такое мир бизнеса ? сотрудники компании PwC поделятся

своим опытом работы в различных отраслях бизнес среды.

Место: PwC офис
Тема: Personal Branding
• как адекватно оценивать себя, свои способности, свои сильные стороны;
• где и как устанавливать и поддерживать полезные связи и контакты;
• как выгодно презентовать себя, как создавать и поддерживать свой персональный бренд.

Слайд 8 Система оценки и призы
Система оценки
Баллы зачисляются на

Система оценки и призыСистема оценки Баллы зачисляются на каждом занятии, чем

каждом занятии, чем активней ты работаешь, тем больше баллов

сможешь заработать!

Призы для лучших участников Клуба:
Зачисление (без прохождения этапов отбора) в PwC Graduate Club
Недельная стажировка во внутренних отделах PwC
Бизнес-ланч с менеджером PwC
И многое другое!

Слайд 9 Начинаем!


Слайд 10

Ian  Tytherleigh

Ian Tytherleigh

Слайд 11 Facts and figures
Over 163,000 employees
Presence in 154 countries

Facts and figuresOver 163,000 employeesPresence in 154 countries worldwideOffices in 757

Offices in 757 cities
422 of the top 500 Fortune

companies are our clients
PwC employees annually spend around 200,000 hours working as volunteers

Global PwC network

Слайд 12 PwC in Russia
PricewaterhouseCoopers first appeared in Russia

PwC in Russia PricewaterhouseCoopers first appeared in Russia in 1913, and

in 1913, and returned to the Russian market in

As an audit firm, PwC was registered in Russia on 28 February 1992.
In 2009, PwC celebrated the 20th anniversary of its presence in Russia.
Over the last twenty years, PwC has grown to become the largest professional services provider in Russia.

Слайд 13 PwC offices in Russia

(opening in 2011)

(opening in

PwC offices in RussiaNovosibirsk (opening in 2011)Krasnodar(opening in 2011)


Слайд 14 PwC’s main lines of services
Assurance Services

Tax and Legal

PwC’s main lines of servicesAssurance ServicesTax and Legal ServicesAdvisory



Слайд 15 Assurance services

Assurance services

Слайд 16 Tax practice
Corporate tax
Specialised groups

Tax practiceCorporate tax Specialised groups

Слайд 17 Advisory Services

Advisory ServicesTransaction Support Performance Improvement

Слайд 18 PwC: choice of young and talented
29 is the

PwC: choice of young and talented29 is the average age of

average age of a PwC employee
190 students joined PwC

practice in 2010
PwC employees spend an average of 120 hours for studies
1st place in TOP-50 Employers for Young Specialists in audit and consulting, Aktsiya newspaper, 2011

The majority of our Partners and Directors joined PwC when they were students.

Слайд 19 5 reasons to choose PwC:

5 reasons to choose PwC:

Слайд 20 Perfection in profession You will become the best in

Perfection in profession You will become the best in your work!1st

your work!
1st place in rating of audit and consulting

groups in Russia based on 2011, RA Expert
2nd place in rating of major Russian audit companies in 2010, Kommersant publishing house and Dengi magazine
1st place in rating of audit and consulting groups in Russia based on 2011, Finance magazine
1st place in IPO Auditor rating for scope and number of transactions for 2010, ReDeal analytical group as part of offerings.ru project

Слайд 21 Professional excellence Our clients
PwC's clients in Russia


Professional excellence Our clientsPwC's clients in Russia are:Over 2000 Russian and

2000 Russian and international companies operating in various industries,

government and non-government organisations
166 Expert-400 companies. They account for 73 % of the income generated by all Expert-400 companies

Слайд 22 Professional excellence Our clients
PricewaterhouseCoopers in Russia

4 of

Professional excellence Our clientsPricewaterhouseCoopers in Russia 4 of the top 10

the top 10 iron and steel companies

• 7

of the top 10 retailers

• 9 of the top 10 oil and gas companies

• 10 of the top 10 banks

• 4 of the top 5 telecommunications companies

Слайд 23 Professional excellence Project №1 in Russia
PwC Russia is

Professional excellence Project №1 in RussiaPwC Russia is an official provider

an official provider of professional services to the XXII

Winter Olympics and XI Winter Paralympics in Sochi in 2014
Working with Sochi 2014 we advise the Organising Committee on preparing and planning the Games.

In addition we implement specific projects in such areas as budgeting, taxation, personnel management, purchases, technologies, planning, sustainable development, etc.

Cooperation with the Sochi 2014 Organising Committee provides an opportunity for our people to work on the interesting high level projects.

Слайд 24 Unique training and development opportunities Professional qualifications
Professional qualifications

Unique training and development opportunities Professional qualificationsProfessional qualifications constitute an important

constitute an important part of our trainings and an

integral part of the career with PwC.

Leadership development

Professional development trainings

Communication skills trainings

Technical trainings

Professional qualifications

Слайд 25 Unique training and development opportunities АССА (Association of

Unique training and development opportunities АССА (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants)

Chartered Certified Accountants) Programme
ACCA is a key internationally accepted

qualification for our assurance practice and some business advisory groups.
700 students are annually trained under the ACCA programme
230 ACCA members work in our firm
14 examinations should be passed by a student on his way to АССА membership
5 weeks is an ACCA on-site training period for an employee during the first year of his work
100% support is provided by the firm to all employees passing ACCA examinations for the first time

Слайд 26 Unique training and development opportunities PwC offers over

Unique training and development opportunities PwC offers over 20 specialised qualifications

20 specialised qualifications

Слайд 27 Unique training and development opportunities Assurance Sunny Academy

Unique training and development opportunities Assurance Sunny Academy  – professional

– professional training for auditors
obtain additional accounting

and audit knowledge
learn about new pronouncements in the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
gain valuable experience from senior staff of the firm
socialise with the colleagues informally
obtain an advanced training certificate

Annual Academy for auditors is
a unique opportunity to ...

Слайд 28 Unique training and development opportunities Tax Academy is

Unique training and development opportunities Tax Academy is a unique educational

a unique educational project of PwC

Tax Academy is

a four-year development programme for our tax specialists.

A wide range of specialised tax courses;

Trainings: understanding of business, consultancy skills, business English, etc.

Advanced training forms: international project work, business games, individual research, etc.

Programme gradualtion certificate.

Слайд 29 Clear career prospects Work your way up

Clear career prospects Work your way upManager   ConsultantSenior ConsultantSenior

Senior Consultant
Senior Manager




Assistant Manager

Слайд 30 Competitive salary and solid employee benefits package

Competitive salary and solid employee benefits package  All graduates would

graduates would like to know what is their future

employer's remuneration programme!

PwC offers you:
Competitive salary
Performance bonuses (starting the Senior Consultant's level) and additional incentive plan
Voluntary medical insurance programme
Expanded life insurance and travel insurance programme
Corporate SIM card
Additional vacation days

Слайд 31 Unique work environment
One of the best office

Unique work environment One of the best office centres in Moscow

centres in Moscow in two steps from the Metro

Comfortable work environment

• PwC Club with the summer terrace, bars and cafes with a panoramic view of Moscow

• Wellness areas

Слайд 37 Знакомство


Слайд 38 Экскурсия по офису PwC

Экскурсия по офису PwC

Слайд 39 Башня


Слайд 40 Домашнее задание
Длительность до 5 минут
Количество слайдов 5-7

Домашнее заданиеПрезентация Длительность до 5 минутКоличество слайдов 5-7Пункты которые должны быть

которые должны быть в презентации:
Описание отрасли
Основные игроки
Перспективы развития

в мире
Перспективы развития в России

  • Имя файла: ctroim-otnosheniya-kotorye-prinosyat-polzu.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 105
  • Количество скачиваний: 0