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Презентация на тему Importance of facial expressions

Importance of Facial ExpressionsUsually visible during interactionEyes are windows to the soulThe face is a marquee advertising emotions, moods, attitudes
Facial Behavior Chapter Four Importance of Facial ExpressionsUsually visible during interactionEyes are windows to the soulThe Functions of Facial ExpressionsReveal personality characteristicsHelp us manage and regulate interactions with othersSignal disapprovalDisbeliefSincerity Evolution and Natural SelectionExternal FactorsInnate and LearnedPerspectives on  Acquisition and Development Facial expressions InbornChildren born deaf and blind possess fundamental expressions of emotionInherently Contribute to facial behaviorEnvironmentSocial rulesCulture  Taught appropriate facial behaviors for certain Primary facial expressions linked to primary emotions from birthSADFISH As children grow Culturally-Specific Differences  Circumstances that elicit certain emotions Consequences that follow certain Facial Management Techniques learned early to the point of being automatic Four Repression of expressions 	Related to emotions felt Replacement with more acceptable emotionsExampleTeam Exaggerating what we feelExpression of emotion far beyond what we feel To NeutralizationElimination of any expression of emotionOthers are unaware of what we are DeintensificationReducing the intensity of facial expression  Circumstances require us to downplay WithholderRevealerUnwitting expressorBlanked expressorSubstitute expressorFrozen-affect expressorEver-ready expressorFlooded-affect expressorStyles of Facial Expressions Seldom has any facial movementFace inhibits display of actual feelingsConstantly use neutralizing display rule Withholder Reverse of withholder styleAlways shows true feelingsDescribed as wearing hearts on sleevesOften Believes they do a good job of masking true feelings Unknowingly leak Display ambiguous or neutral expressions when they believe they’re displaying emotion Feeling Substitute ExpressorSubstitutes one emotional expression for anotherTry to show happiness, but actually express disgust instead Frozen-Affect ExpressorAlways manifests at least part of a particular emotional expression Wears a permanent mask Displays one particular emotion as an initial response to almost any situationFollows Constantly flood their faces with a particular emotionNever appears neutralTemporary expression at FAST Separates face into three areasLower face (cheeks, nose, mouth)Eyes and eyelids Cheeks are most likely to expose true emotions Emotional changes of color Lower Face: MouthMouth works overtimeTalkingWhistlingSingingSmilingLaughingKissing Described as the battleground of the faceOne Lower Face: NoseResonator or shield to protect Eyes from injuryAgainst waterAgainst dust Eyes and Eyelids80% of information about the outside world enters through the Brows and ForeheadMultiple expressions and emotionsLowering eyebrows is frowningRaising eyebrows can express Research on FASTSadness and fear come through the eyes  Anger not Variations of Facial ExpressionsAffect blendsPartialsMicromomentary facial expressions Affect BlendsMultiple facial expressions at one timeExample:Anger in eyesDisgust in lower faceResponsible PartialsRevealing an emotion in only one area Successfully controlling other two areasEmotional Micromomentary  Facial ExpressionsBrief, fleeting expressionsUsually not observable in normal conversation Change Facial Behavior ReviewThis chapter coveredImportance of facial expressionsPerspectives on acquisition and developmentFacial
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Importance of Facial Expressions
Usually visible during interaction
Eyes are

Importance of Facial ExpressionsUsually visible during interactionEyes are windows to the

windows to the soul
The face is a marquee advertising

emotions, moods, attitudes

Слайд 3 Functions of Facial Expressions
Reveal personality characteristics
Help us manage

Functions of Facial ExpressionsReveal personality characteristicsHelp us manage and regulate interactions with othersSignal disapprovalDisbeliefSincerity

and regulate interactions with others
Signal disapproval

Слайд 4 Evolution and Natural Selection
External Factors
Innate and Learned
Perspectives on

Evolution and Natural SelectionExternal FactorsInnate and LearnedPerspectives on Acquisition and Development

Acquisition and Development

Слайд 5 Facial expressions
Children born deaf and blind possess

Facial expressions InbornChildren born deaf and blind possess fundamental expressions of

fundamental expressions of emotion

Inherently linked with moods and feelings

and Natural Selection

Слайд 6 Contribute to facial behavior
Social rules
Taught appropriate facial

Contribute to facial behaviorEnvironmentSocial rulesCulture Taught appropriate facial behaviors for certain

behaviors for certain situations
Be serious at funerals and happy

at parties

2. External Factors

Слайд 7 Primary facial expressions linked to primary emotions from

Primary facial expressions linked to primary emotions from birthSADFISH As children

As children grow
They become socialized into adult

Learn certain rules of facial display

3. Innate and Learned

Слайд 8 Culturally-Specific Differences
Circumstances that elicit certain emotions
Consequences that

Culturally-Specific Differences Circumstances that elicit certain emotions Consequences that follow certain

follow certain emotional expressions
Different display rules that members must


Слайд 9 Facial Management
Techniques learned early to the point

Facial Management Techniques learned early to the point of being automatic

of being automatic
Four common facial management techniques (MIND)

Слайд 10 Repression of expressions
Related to emotions felt

Repression of expressions 	Related to emotions felt Replacement with more acceptable

with more acceptable emotions

Team loses a game
Expected to be

good sports


Слайд 11 Exaggerating what we feel
Expression of emotion far beyond

Exaggerating what we feelExpression of emotion far beyond what we feel

what we feel
To meet expressed concern of others


leaked the secret of your surprise party
You act surprised anyway


Слайд 12 Neutralization
Elimination of any expression of emotion
Others are unaware

NeutralizationElimination of any expression of emotionOthers are unaware of what we

of what we are feeling

Card player who neutralizes facial

expressions to keep opponents guessing

Слайд 13 Deintensification
Reducing the intensity of facial expression
Circumstances require

DeintensificationReducing the intensity of facial expression Circumstances require us to downplay

us to downplay true feelings

Instructor has to deal with

a student’s outburst
Must wait until class is dismissed

Слайд 14 Withholder
Unwitting expressor
Blanked expressor
Substitute expressor
Frozen-affect expressor
Ever-ready expressor
Flooded-affect expressor
Styles of

WithholderRevealerUnwitting expressorBlanked expressorSubstitute expressorFrozen-affect expressorEver-ready expressorFlooded-affect expressorStyles of Facial Expressions

Facial Expressions

Слайд 15 Seldom has any facial movement
Face inhibits display of

Seldom has any facial movementFace inhibits display of actual feelingsConstantly use neutralizing display rule Withholder

actual feelings
Constantly use neutralizing display rule

Слайд 16 Reverse of withholder style
Always shows true feelings
Described as

Reverse of withholder styleAlways shows true feelingsDescribed as wearing hearts on

wearing hearts on sleeves
Often have a highly dramatic communication



Слайд 17 Believes they do a good job of masking

Believes they do a good job of masking true feelings Unknowingly

true feelings
Unknowingly leak information about actual felt emotions
Often in

trouble for expressing inappropriate emotions

Unwitting Expressor

Слайд 18 Display ambiguous or neutral expressions when they believe

Display ambiguous or neutral expressions when they believe they’re displaying emotion

they’re displaying emotion
Feeling and expression of emotion are unconnected



Слайд 19 Substitute Expressor
Substitutes one emotional expression for another
Try to

Substitute ExpressorSubstitutes one emotional expression for anotherTry to show happiness, but actually express disgust instead

show happiness, but actually express disgust instead

Слайд 20 Frozen-Affect Expressor
Always manifests at least part of a

Frozen-Affect ExpressorAlways manifests at least part of a particular emotional expression Wears a permanent mask

particular emotional expression
Wears a permanent mask

Слайд 21 Displays one particular emotion as an initial response

Displays one particular emotion as an initial response to almost any

to almost any situation
Follows with more revealing expression

First smiles,

then shows true emotion

Ever-Ready Expressor

Слайд 22 Constantly flood their faces with a particular emotion

Constantly flood their faces with a particular emotionNever appears neutralTemporary expression

appears neutral
Temporary expression at all times

Emotion of fear never

completely fades even when they’re happy

Flooded-Affect Expressor

Слайд 23 FAST
Separates face into three areas
Lower face (cheeks,

FAST Separates face into three areasLower face (cheeks, nose, mouth)Eyes and

nose, mouth)
Eyes and eyelids area
Brows and forehead area
Determines which

emotions are being expressed in each area

Facial Affect Scoring Technique

Слайд 24 Cheeks are most likely to expose true emotions

Cheeks are most likely to expose true emotions Emotional changes of

changes of color are most conspicuous in this area


turn red when embarrassed

Lower Face: Cheeks

Слайд 25 Lower Face: Mouth
Mouth works overtime

Described as the battleground

Lower Face: MouthMouth works overtimeTalkingWhistlingSingingSmilingLaughingKissing Described as the battleground of the

of the face
One of the most expressive areas

Слайд 26 Lower Face: Nose
Resonator or shield to protect

Lower Face: NoseResonator or shield to protect Eyes from injuryAgainst waterAgainst

from injury
Against water
Against dust and dirt
Many cultures have gone

to extreme lengths to transform the nose

Слайд 27 Eyes and Eyelids
80% of information about the outside

Eyes and Eyelids80% of information about the outside world enters through

world enters through the eyes
If we see it, we

are likely to remember it

Слайд 28 Brows and Forehead
Multiple expressions and emotions
Lowering eyebrows is

Brows and ForeheadMultiple expressions and emotionsLowering eyebrows is frowningRaising eyebrows can

Raising eyebrows can express surprise
Raising one eyebrow is questioning

Слайд 29 Research on FAST
Sadness and fear come through the

Research on FASTSadness and fear come through the eyes Anger not

Anger not accurately perceived from one specific area

blends with surprise
Found in various places on face
Happiness judged accurately 98% of the time from lower face
Surprise identified in all three areas

Слайд 30 Variations of Facial Expressions
Affect blends
Micromomentary facial expressions

Variations of Facial ExpressionsAffect blendsPartialsMicromomentary facial expressions

Слайд 31 Affect Blends
Multiple facial expressions at one time
Anger in

Affect BlendsMultiple facial expressions at one timeExample:Anger in eyesDisgust in lower

Disgust in lower face

Responsible for cultural differences found in

emotional expression

Слайд 32 Partials
Revealing an emotion in only one area

PartialsRevealing an emotion in only one area Successfully controlling other two

controlling other two areas
Emotional leakage may be cause of

Coach fearful of losing tries to mask fears with calm appearance, but one area leaks true feeling

Слайд 33 Micromomentary Facial Expressions
Brief, fleeting expressions
Usually not observable in

Micromomentary Facial ExpressionsBrief, fleeting expressionsUsually not observable in normal conversation Change

normal conversation
Change so quickly that naked eye may not

detect them
May give a person an intuitive feeling about what another is truly feeling

  • Имя файла: importance-of-facial-expressions.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 141
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