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Презентация на тему American culture

American culture Plan1.Language2.Religion3.Cuisine4.Literature5.Music6.Movie LanguageNational language is English, it has official status in 30 states. Other ReligionUnited States is one of the most religious countries in the developed cuisineAt the core of American cuisine relies on the traditions of English LiteratureOn fiction United States at an early stage of its formation had Sir Walter Scott «Ivanhoe» MusicFormation of the musical culture of the United States began in the MovieThe American film industry at the moment is the most widespread and
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Plan


Слайд 3 Language
National language is English, it has official status

LanguageNational language is English, it has official status in 30 states.

in 30 states. Other than English spoken in the

United States for 300 languages​​, some of which - the languages ​​of the indigenous peoples.

Слайд 4 Religion
United States is one of the most religious

ReligionUnited States is one of the most religious countries in the

countries in the developed world. Citizens polled said that

religion plays a "very important" role in their lives. The church today is of great importance in the minds and lives of Americans, although it is constantly decreasing. The United States has become one of the first countries in the world, enshrined in law the principle of freedom of religion. Today in the United States, more than 250 professed religious beliefs, which are dominated by Christianity.

Слайд 5 cuisine
At the core of American cuisine relies on

cuisineAt the core of American cuisine relies on the traditions of

the traditions of English cooking XVII-XVIII centuries. American dishes

were German "steaks" and sausages, Italian pizza. Americans rarely cook at home, so the modern American diet is characterized by an extremely high incidence of convenience foods, fast food restaurants. For breakfast, most Americans eat so dry cereal. Alcoholic drinks are popular California wines, rum, whiskey.

Слайд 6 Literature
On fiction United States at an early stage

LiteratureOn fiction United States at an early stage of its formation

of its formation had a huge influence European, especially

British artistic tradition. Among the modern poets should be noted AR Emmons, May Swenson, A. Ginsberg, and R. Duncan, G. Kinnela, F, R. Bligh, J. Wright, A. Dyugena, But one of the world American writers is Walter Scott and him
Creation «Ivanhoe»

Слайд 7 Sir Walter Scott «Ivanhoe»

Sir Walter Scott «Ivanhoe»

Слайд 8 Music
Formation of the musical culture of the United

MusicFormation of the musical culture of the United States began in

States began in the late XVII century. In 20

years there are jazz, musical, and "Country-Music“. In the 80's born a new genre of hip-hop. One of the most popular singer areElvis Presley, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston and many others.

  • Имя файла: american-culture.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 173
  • Количество скачиваний: 1