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Презентация на тему Business

BusinessMade by Regina Dimukhametova Market Company and businessNotesBe careful with the word business. When we use it The supply chain – products and services Customers, consumers and clients Finance People in businesses Money and employment Notes: Salary and wage have the same essential meaning. to balance the books: to not spend more money than you are to launch a product: to start selling and promoting a new productto Variant 1Describe a business you know that you admire. You should saywhat Part 2-style taskDescribe a business that you would like to own or Part 3-style questions Why do some people decide to set up their own
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Market


Слайд 3 Company and business
Be careful with the word business.

Company and businessNotesBe careful with the word business. When we use

When we use it uncountably, it means the idea

– to do business. If, however, we use it countably it describes a company like entity – a family business.
A company is used properly to describe a body that is a legal entity. Many businesses, particularly smaller businesses, are not legal entities – hence the term small businesses.
Corporation is used to describe larger companies and is more American than British.

Слайд 4 The supply chain – products and services

The supply chain – products and services

Слайд 5 Customers, consumers and clients

Customers, consumers and clients

Слайд 6 Finance


Слайд 7 People in businesses

People in businesses

Слайд 8 Money and employment
Salary and wage have the

Money and employment Notes: Salary and wage have the same essential

same essential meaning. Typically, skilled workers receive a salary

and unskilled worked a wage.

Слайд 9 to balance the books: to not spend more

to balance the books: to not spend more money than you

money than you are earning
to be self-employed: to work

for yourself/to not work for an employer
to cold call: to make a sales call to someone without asking them for permission first
cut throat competition: when one company lowers its prices, forcing other companies to do the same, sometimes to a point where business becomes unprofitable
to do market research: to do research into what potential customers would or wouldn’t buy
to draw up a business plan: to write a plan for a new business
to drum up business: to try to get customers
to earn a living: to earn money
to go bust: when a business is forced to close because it is unsuccessful
cash flow: the money coming in and going out of a business
to go into business with: to join another person to start or expand a business
to go it alone: to start your own business
to go under: (see ‘to go bust’)
to have a web presence: to have a website or social  media profile that showcases your business

Слайд 10 to launch a product: to start selling and

to launch a product: to start selling and promoting a new

promoting a new product
to lay someone off: when a

company ends an employee’s contract of employment
lifestyle business: a business that is set up to bring in a sufficient income and no more
to make a profit: to earn more money than it costs to run the business
niche business: a business that serves a small, particular market
to raise a company profile: to make more people aware of a business
to run your own business: to have a business of your own
sales figures: a report of the income a company generates through sales of products or services
to set up a business: to start a business
stiff competition: strong competition from other companies in the same area of work
to take on employees: to employ people
to take out a loan: to borrow money
to win a contract: when a business gets legally-binding work with an individual or company
to work for yourself: (see ‘to be self-employed’)

Слайд 11 Variant 1
Describe a business you know that you

Variant 1Describe a business you know that you admire. You should

You should say
what this business is
what the business

how long you have known about the business
and say why you like it so much.
Variant 2
A business you want to start
What business do you want to start?
Would you require certain skills to start this business?
How would your life change after this business?

Part 2-style task

Слайд 12 Part 2-style task
Describe a business that you would

Part 2-style taskDescribe a business that you would like to own

like to own or set up.
It doesn't matter what

business you choose, and you don't need to tell the truth. Here are some ideas:
Choose something that you know about. For example, if you like buying clothes, say that you would like to own a clothes shop. If you're a football fan, say that you'd like to own a football club!
Do some online research. Find the websites of companies you like, and take some notes about what they do and why they are successful.
Imagine what a typical day would be like if you worked in the business you have chosen. What would you do in the morning, during the day, and in the evening? Telling a story is a great way to extend your answer.

  • Имя файла: business.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 89
  • Количество скачиваний: 0