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Презентация на тему Future house

Technologies of future houses are focused on security, conveniences, entertainment, modern devices like quantum computer, teleport and etc.
Future house Technologies of future houses are focused on security, conveniences, entertainment, modern devices A house will allow save more energy, live more safety, more conveniently. When you come again, clever house turns on TV, computer, as you Your future house will provide the best feelings, as you can imagine. I think, that future houses will adjast to humidity and air make-up I can’t don’t tell you about future devices and show you some Thank you for attention
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Technologies of future houses are focused on security,

Technologies of future houses are focused on security, conveniences, entertainment, modern

conveniences, entertainment, modern devices like quantum computer, teleport and


Слайд 3 A house will allow save more energy, live

A house will allow save more energy, live more safety, more

more safety, more conveniently. The light is turned off

automatically, when you leave the house.

Слайд 4 When you come again, clever house turns on

When you come again, clever house turns on TV, computer, as

TV, computer, as you like. But I prefer to

turn on music anywhere and more loudly.

Слайд 5 Your future house will provide the best feelings,

Your future house will provide the best feelings, as you can

as you can imagine. It can provide carefree life

for you with any entertainment.

Слайд 6 I think, that future houses will adjast to

I think, that future houses will adjast to humidity and air

humidity and air make-up because life in fresh air

is very important.

Слайд 7 I can’t don’t tell you about future devices

I can’t don’t tell you about future devices and show you

and show you some photo on which you can

see car, other effective devices.

  • Имя файла: future-house.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 108
  • Количество скачиваний: 1