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Презентация на тему GPS


Part I - Course OutlineGPS FundamentalsHistory TechnologySatellitesSignalsGround StationsReceiversUsers / UsesOther GPS SystemsThe Future of GPS
Introduction to Global Positioning Systems Part I - Course OutlineGPS FundamentalsHistory TechnologySatellitesSignalsGround StationsReceiversUsers / UsesOther GPS SystemsThe Future of GPS Part II - Course OutlineGPS Show and TellHands OnUsers DiscussionGPS Operation and Theorized from 1940sGPS Origins from… Sputnik ?After 1957, scientist were able to U.S. Global Positioning System (GPS!)Navigational AidContinuous operation (24/7/356)All weather / Line of Velocity x Time = Distance Satellites in orbit transmit radio signals (code)GPS Timing is critical to determine distanceSatellites Contain 4 atomic clocks eachEntire System Timing is critical to determine distanceSatellites Contain 4 atomic clocks eachEntire System WAAS: Wide Area Augmentation SystemEGNOS: European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service GPS: Global Built by Lockheed Martin and Boeing North American (Rockwell Int.)Powered by Solar Full Constellation24 satellite vehicle units (SVU)21 active 3 hot spareshttp://www.navcen.uscg.gov/ftp/GPS/status.txthttp://www.spaceandtech.com/spacedata/constellations/navstar-gps_consum.shtmlFour Generations of Satellite Diagram12,551mile altitude 24 Satellites6 Orbital PlanesThe Aerospace Corporation - Block I original NAVSTAR constellationActive from 1978-198511 Satellite System Polar OrbitsUsed to Satellites Broadcast Signals For Two Civil FrequenciesL1 Broadcasts 50 watt signal;1575.42MHz [UHF]L2C Satellite SignalsCivilian codeC/A Code: Course/ Acquisition codeMilitary code	P-Code (precision code)Y-Code (precision code Each Satellite transmits a timing signal called a Pseudo Random Code Also Multiple Tracking StationsCentral Control Station Schriever AFB Colorado (50th Space Wing of HandheldAuto NavigationAir NavigationMarine NavigationCellular PhoneTrackingOnStar * (WAAS enabled 2008)http://www.ags.gov.ab.ca/activities/Turtle_Mountain/gps.htmReceiver Types Receiver Types - Atmospheric Delaymostly corrected for in DGPSSignal Reflections (Multi-path)better receivers are able to Summary of GPS Error SourcesTypical Error (in Meters) 	Standard GPS Differential GPS NDGPS - Nationwide Differential GPSU.S. Coast Guard Operates a National Being Developed with FAA for Air nav useNot currently accurate enough for Agriculture ConstructionMapping / GIS Military – Guidance / NavigationNavigationSurveyTime Keeping Network SynchronicityMany OthersGPS Users Agriculture – Planting Construction – GPS Controlled Grading Marine – Military Kinematic GPSUses a stationary Receiver at a known locationCorrects for atmospheric errorsEphemeris To get initialized, RTK needs a minimum of five satellites. After that GLONASS – Russia14 Satellites Last three launched in June 20053 Orbital PlanesGalileo Generation III GPS Adds L5 Carrier 3rd signal for civilian useavailable for
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Part I - Course Outline
GPS Fundamentals
Ground Stations

Part I - Course OutlineGPS FundamentalsHistory TechnologySatellitesSignalsGround StationsReceiversUsers / UsesOther GPS SystemsThe Future of GPS

/ Uses
Other GPS Systems
The Future of GPS

Слайд 3 Part II - Course Outline
GPS Show and Tell

Part II - Course OutlineGPS Show and TellHands OnUsers DiscussionGPS Operation

Users Discussion
GPS Operation and Tasks
GPS Data Collection
Mission planning
Data dictionaries

Importing GPS Data into ArcMap
GPS Accuracy

Слайд 4 Theorized from 1940s
GPS Origins from… Sputnik ?
After 1957,

Theorized from 1940sGPS Origins from… Sputnik ?After 1957, scientist were able

scientist were able to track Sputnik observing the doplar

effect in radio signals
Using this technique they could effectively track the satellite - gps in reverse

TRANSIT – (Navy Navigation Satellite System)
6 satellite system
1100km polar orbits
1m accuracy w/ days of collection and post processing
90minute pass time
interpolate position
Low navigational accuracy
Retired in late 1996 (32 year service)


Слайд 5 U.S. Global Positioning System (GPS!)
Navigational Aid
Continuous operation (24/7/356)

U.S. Global Positioning System (GPS!)Navigational AidContinuous operation (24/7/356)All weather / Line

weather / Line of Site
The only Free Global Utility

Number of Simultaneous Users
Satellite / Receiver based system
Developed by the DoD and US Navy
Operated by:
Military: Air Force Joint program Office
Civil: U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center

Слайд 6 Velocity x Time = Distance
Satellites in orbit

Velocity x Time = Distance Satellites in orbit transmit radio signals

transmit radio signals (code)
GPS Receivers are always tuned to

that frequency
Receivers are producing the same code for each satellite
Each signal is then timed to determine the delay between both signals
distance between receiver and the satellite is equal to the delay
Sort of…
Process is repeated for each satellite in view

Principle Concepts of GPS Technology

Слайд 7 Timing is critical to determine distance
Satellites Contain 4

Timing is critical to determine distanceSatellites Contain 4 atomic clocks eachEntire

atomic clocks each
Entire System is Synchronized
Receivers do not have

atomic clocks
Must have at least 4 different satellites
Receivers use Triangulation algorithm from 3 satellites for position / with timing error
Hence the pseudo range = range + timing error
1 additional satellite used to calculate receivers time error (Algebra Equation)

Principle Concepts of GPS Technology

Слайд 8 Timing is critical to determine distance
Satellites Contain 4

Timing is critical to determine distanceSatellites Contain 4 atomic clocks eachEntire

atomic clocks each
Entire System is Synchronized
Receivers do not have

atomic clocks (but have atomic clock accuracy!)
Must have at least 4 different satellites
Receivers use Triangulation algorithm from 3 satellites for position / with timing error
Hence the pseudo range = range + timing error
1 additional satellite used to calculate receivers time error (Algebra Equation)

Principle Concepts of GPS Technology

Слайд 9 WAAS: Wide Area Augmentation System
EGNOS: European Geostationary Navigation

WAAS: Wide Area Augmentation SystemEGNOS: European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service GPS:

Overlay Service
GPS: Global Positioning System
NDGPS: Nationwide Differential GPS

DGPS: Differential GPS
RTK: Real-Time Kinematic (Global Positioning System)
PRN: Pseudo Random Noise (Satellite Identification)
Pseudorange: range + range correction (time)
P-Code: Precise Code
PDOP: Position Dilution of Precision
DOP: Dilution of Precision
HDOP: Horizontal Dilution of Precision
GDOP: Geometric Dilution of Precision
C/A-code: Coarse/Acquisition-Code
C/No: Carrier to Noise Ratio
S/A: Selective Availability
TDOP: Time Dilution of Precision
VDOP: Vertical Dilution of Precision
NAVSTAR: NAVigational Satellite Timing And Ranging
Constellation: Group of Satellites working in one program
GNSS: Global Navigation Satellite System

Terminology / Abbreviations

Слайд 10 Built by Lockheed Martin and Boeing North American

Built by Lockheed Martin and Boeing North American (Rockwell Int.)Powered by

(Rockwell Int.)
Powered by Solar Panels
800watts / ( Block IIF

2450 watts)
Designed to last for 7.5 – 11years
Weighs 3,600lbs – 4,480lbs
(2006 4 door Honda Accord is 3,400lbs)
In 12,000 Mile Orbits
12 hr orbit period (pass time)

General Satellite Information

Слайд 13 Full Constellation
24 satellite vehicle units (SVU)
21 active

Full Constellation24 satellite vehicle units (SVU)21 active 3 hot spareshttp://www.navcen.uscg.gov/ftp/GPS/status.txthttp://www.spaceandtech.com/spacedata/constellations/navstar-gps_consum.shtmlFour Generations

hot spares
Four Generations of GPS Satellites
Block I
Block II/ IIA

Block IIF

Constellation Information

Слайд 14 Satellite Diagram
12,551mile altitude
24 Satellites
6 Orbital Planes
The Aerospace

Satellite Diagram12,551mile altitude 24 Satellites6 Orbital PlanesThe Aerospace Corporation -

Corporation - "GPS Primer"

Слайд 15 Block I
original NAVSTAR constellation
Active from 1978-1985
11 Satellite

Block I original NAVSTAR constellationActive from 1978-198511 Satellite System Polar OrbitsUsed

Polar Orbits
Used to test Principals and Technologies of

Block II / IIA
First operational GPS constellation
(solely for military use in the beginning)
Block IIR, IIR-M (current satellites)
R-Replenishment (used to replace older Block II satellites)
M-Modernized (updated version of the GPS Satellite)
Block IIF
Satellites scheduled for launch 2008
Current Satellites of the System Being Replaced by Block IIF
Will include the L5 Carrier

Constellation Information

Слайд 16 Satellites Broadcast Signals For Two Civil Frequencies
L1 Broadcasts

Satellites Broadcast Signals For Two Civil FrequenciesL1 Broadcasts 50 watt signal;1575.42MHz

50 watt signal;1575.42MHz [UHF]
L2C Broadcasts - 1227.6 MHz [UHF]

C (civil)
Signal Strength is approximately same strength as earths own natural background noise
Receivers that obtain both L1 and L2 signals are referred to as dual-frequency receivers
Multi-Channel refers to the actual satellite (one satellite frequency in each channel)
Tri-frequency –(new receivers?)

Satellites Signals – Pseudo random code

Слайд 17 Satellite Signals
Civilian code
C/A Code: Course/ Acquisition code
Military code

Satellite SignalsCivilian codeC/A Code: Course/ Acquisition codeMilitary code	P-Code (precision code)Y-Code (precision

(precision code)
Y-Code (precision code encrypted)
Almanac Information
Signal Contains Satellite Location

Information for all satellites
Repeating Binary Code
This serves as a unique satellite ID

Слайд 18 Each Satellite transmits a timing signal called a

Each Satellite transmits a timing signal called a Pseudo Random Code

Pseudo Random Code
Also referred to PRN (Pseudo Random

Repeating Binary Code
Serves as a unique satellite ID

Satellite Signal - Pseudo Random Code

Слайд 19 Multiple Tracking Stations
Central Control Station
Schriever AFB Colorado

Multiple Tracking StationsCentral Control Station Schriever AFB Colorado (50th Space Wing

(50th Space Wing of the USAF)
Tracks SVU Health (telemetry

Tracks SVUs Position (Ephemeris Data)
Satellite Orbits are effected by gravity from the earth, moon and sun. Also effected by pressure of solar radiation
Maintains Clock Synchronization between SVUs
Transmits Flight Correction Commands
Almanac Data
Updates each satellite with it’s own corrected position and the corrected position of the constellation.

Ground Control

Слайд 20 Handheld
Auto Navigation
Air Navigation
Marine Navigation
Cellular Phone
OnStar * (WAAS enabled

HandheldAuto NavigationAir NavigationMarine NavigationCellular PhoneTrackingOnStar * (WAAS enabled 2008)http://www.ags.gov.ab.ca/activities/Turtle_Mountain/gps.htmReceiver Types

Receiver Types

Слайд 21 Receiver Types -

Receiver Types -

Слайд 22 Atmospheric Delay
mostly corrected for in DGPS
Signal Reflections (Multi-path)

Atmospheric Delaymostly corrected for in DGPSSignal Reflections (Multi-path)better receivers are able

receivers are able to reject multipath
Receiver Errors
Clock differences and

SVU tracking
Satellite Positional Errors (Ephemeris)
Corrected for using DGPS

Error Sources

Слайд 23 Summary of GPS Error Sources
Typical Error (in Meters)

Summary of GPS Error SourcesTypical Error (in Meters) 	Standard GPS

Standard GPS Differential GPS

Clocks 1.5 0
Orbit Errors 2.5 0
Ionosphere 5.0 0.4
Troposphere 0.5 0.2
Receiver Noise 0.3 0.3
Multipath 0.6 0.6

Typical Error Budget

Слайд 24 Differential GPS NDGPS - Nationwide Differential GPS
U.S. Coast Guard

Differential GPS NDGPS - Nationwide Differential GPSU.S. Coast Guard Operates a

Operates a National System
Used for Navigation and Harbor Navigation

of 85 un-manned beacon transmitting sites
2 Manned Master Control Stations
Receives GPS Signal and re-transmitts atmosphere error clock error correction information
Must use a DGPS beacon receiver AND a GPS receiver
>3m accuracy

Слайд 25 Being Developed with FAA for Air nav use

Being Developed with FAA for Air nav useNot currently accurate enough

currently accurate enough for precision approach
Provides >3m accuracy
2 Geostationary

SVUs broadcast on L1
Transmits Location and Correction
Uses Ground Station Information for correction
24 + ground stations
2 master stations (one on each coast)

WAAS - Wide Area Augmentation System

Слайд 26 Agriculture
Mapping / GIS
Military – Guidance /

Agriculture ConstructionMapping / GIS Military – Guidance / NavigationNavigationSurveyTime Keeping Network SynchronicityMany OthersGPS Users

Time Keeping
Network Synchronicity
Many Others

GPS Users

Слайд 27 Agriculture – Planting
Construction –
GPS Controlled Grading

Agriculture – Planting Construction – GPS Controlled Grading

Слайд 28 Marine – Military

Marine – Military

Слайд 29 Kinematic GPS
Uses a stationary Receiver at a known

Kinematic GPSUses a stationary Receiver at a known locationCorrects for atmospheric

Corrects for atmospheric errors
Ephemeris errors / other
Centimeter Accuracy in

horizontal and vertical accuracy
Dual Frequency Receivers
Must have your own base station within close proximity to your collection site

Слайд 30 To get initialized, RTK needs a minimum of

To get initialized, RTK needs a minimum of five satellites. After

five satellites. After that it can operate with four.

DGPS needs a minimum of three, though at least four are required for submeter accuracy.
For RTK, you need a dual frequency GPS receiver. Single frequency receivers are sufficient for DGPS.
For RTK, your GPS receiver must be capable of On-the-Fly initialization (obtaining centimeter accuracy while moving). For DGPS, this isn't necessary.
With RTK, it takes one minute to initialize. DGPS receivers initialize immediately.
You can expect accuracy of a few centimeters in all three dimensions using RTK. With DGPS, you can achieve sub-meter accuracy in horizontal position only.
To obtain GPS corrections for RTK, you need your own base station that is no more than ten kilometers from the field you are working in. For DGPS, you can use your own base station, a correction service provider, or make use of the free radio beacon broadcasts in many regions.

Difference between DGPS & RTK (Trimble Website)

Слайд 31 GLONASS – Russia
14 Satellites
Last three launched in

GLONASS – Russia14 Satellites Last three launched in June 20053 Orbital

June 2005
3 Orbital Planes

Galileo – Europe
30 Satellites
23 222 km

/ 75,459ft / 14.2miles
14 hour orbit
Better polar coverage
Search and Rescue function
transponds distress signals / reply
Anticipated fully operational 2008

Other GPS Systems

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