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Презентация на тему How to make a presentation

1. Write a speechLook through the text of your speechChoose key pointsPlace them strategically
How to make a presentation 1. Write a speechLook through the text of your speechChoose key pointsPlace them strategically 2. Structure of your presentationAdequate number of slides!1st slide info: topic + 3. DesignNo full sentences, only key words, schemes and listsHighlight the most 3. DesignThe 10-20-30 ruleFormal design of slidesAll slides have the same designContrasting 4. SpeechPresentation text is a basis for your speechNo readingEye contactSimple sentences and familiar vocabulary 5. ImagesUse maximum of 2 images per slideYou can make slides with Your homeworkMake a presentation about your workplace (the company or the branch)Include:The Thank you for your attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 1. Write a speech
Look through the text of

1. Write a speechLook through the text of your speechChoose key pointsPlace them strategically

your speech
Choose key points
Place them strategically

Слайд 3 2. Structure of your presentation
Adequate number of slides!

2. Structure of your presentationAdequate number of slides!1st slide info: topic

slide info: topic + your name and group
Last slide:

saying thank you

Слайд 4 3. Design
No full sentences, only key words, schemes

3. DesignNo full sentences, only key words, schemes and listsHighlight the

and lists
Highlight the most important info
Use animation
Proofread for mistakes/misprints

Слайд 5 3. Design
The 10-20-30 rule
Formal design of slides
All slides

3. DesignThe 10-20-30 ruleFormal design of slidesAll slides have the same

have the same design
Contrasting font colour and background colour

Слайд 6 4. Speech
Presentation text is a basis for your

4. SpeechPresentation text is a basis for your speechNo readingEye contactSimple sentences and familiar vocabulary

No reading
Eye contact
Simple sentences and familiar vocabulary

Слайд 7 5. Images
Use maximum of 2 images per slide

5. ImagesUse maximum of 2 images per slideYou can make slides

can make slides with pictures only
Use appropriate pictures
Comment on


Слайд 8 Your homework
Make a presentation about your workplace (the

Your homeworkMake a presentation about your workplace (the company or the

company or the branch)
The name of your organisation
The structure

of the company (how many people work there, how many bosses there are, etc)
Your position name and description
Your office description
What you like the most about your job
What you do not really like

  • Имя файла: how-to-make-a-presentation.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 116
  • Количество скачиваний: 0
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