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Презентация на тему June jordan (1936-2002) 

Who is June Jordan?
June Jordan (1936-2002)  Who is June Jordan? “Bisexuals are people who acknowledge in themselves the potential to be attracted Black bisexual Icon: June JordanJune Jordan, Alice Walker, Lucille Clifton, and Audre June Jordan was born in Harlem in 1936 and grew up in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Life as Activism, published in February 2014 by Litwin Books and This is a childhood memoir by a poet, essayist, teacher, and journalist. Poet and activist June Jordan wrote her way to the forefront Kissing God Goodbye  June Jordan's 1997 book of poetry, Kissing God Goodbye, I am black and alive and looking back at you./... Although Technical Difficulties, June Jordan's 1992 collection of essays, has just come out
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Who is June Jordan?

Who is June Jordan?

Слайд 3 “Bisexuals are people who acknowledge in themselves the

“Bisexuals are people who acknowledge in themselves the potential to be

potential to be attracted – romantically and/or sexually –

to people of more than one sex and/or gender, not necessarily at the same time, not necessarily in the same way, and not necessarily to the same degree.” – Robyn Ochs

Слайд 4 Black bisexual Icon: June Jordan
June Jordan, Alice Walker,

Black bisexual Icon: June JordanJune Jordan, Alice Walker, Lucille Clifton, and

Lucille Clifton, and Audre Lorde together at the 1979

Phyllis Wheatley Poetry Festival

In 1991, black bisexual theorist and poet June Jordan called the bisexual movement a "mandate for revolutionary Americans planning to make it into the twenty-first century on the basis of the heart, on the basis of an honest human body, consecrated to every struggle for justice, every struggle for equality, every struggle for freedom".

Слайд 5 June Jordan was born in Harlem in 1936 and

June Jordan was born in Harlem in 1936 and grew up in

grew up in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. Poet, activist, teacher, and essayist,

she was a prolific, passionate and influential voice for liberation. June Jordan, who died in 2002, lived and wrote on the frontlines of American poetry, political vision and moral witness.

Слайд 6 "Jordan makes us think of Akhmatova, of

Neruda. She is among the bravest of us, the

most outraged. She feels for all. She is the universal poet."
--Alice Walker

"Whatever her theme or mode, June Jordan continually delineates the conditions of survival—of the body, and mind, and the heart."
--Adrienne Rich

"In political journalism that cuts like razors, in essays that blast the darkness of confusion with relentless light; in poetry that looks as closely into lilac buds as into death’s mouth….she has comforted, explained, described, wrestled with, taught and made us laugh out loud before we wept…I am talking about a span of forty years of tireless activism coupled with and fueled by flawless art."
--Toni Morrison

Слайд 7 Life as Activism, published in

Life as Activism, published in February 2014 by Litwin Books and

February 2014 by Litwin Books and edited by Stacy Russo, is

the first complete collection of the columns June wrote for the Progressive Magazine (from 1989 to 2001). This beautiful new book comes with a foreword by Angela Davis and a preface by Matthew Rothschild. 

Слайд 9 This is a childhood memoir by a poet,

This is a childhood memoir by a poet, essayist, teacher, and

essayist, teacher, and journalist. Her immigrant parents struggled to

provide her with the educational and social opportunities not available to them or, for that matter, to most blacks of her generation. June Jordan portrays the Harlem and Brooklyn neighbourhoods where she lived and the larger landscape of her imagination. Exploring the nature of memory, writing, and familial as well as social responsibility, Jordan re-creates the world in which her identity as a social and artistic revolutionary was forged.

Слайд 10 Poet and activist June Jordan wrote her

Poet and activist June Jordan wrote her way to the

way to the forefront of political analysis, witness and

moral summoning for more than half a century. These important new essays, along with work drawn from every phase of her prolific career, document her ongoing leadership and commitment in every conflicted sphere of our second millennium lives: the varieties of supremacist values and policies; the theft of democracy inside the United States; racial and gender inequality, and the arrogance that upholds all forms of justice. In Some of Us Did Not Die, June Jordan calls us to a faithful position of outspoken resistance and hope.

Слайд 11 Kissing God Goodbye
June Jordan's 1997 book

Kissing God Goodbye June Jordan's 1997 book of poetry, Kissing God Goodbye,

of poetry, Kissing God Goodbye, has just been published in

Germany by Weidle Verlag, translated, Poetry-for-the-People-style, by the students of Technische Universität Dortmund and Professors Julia Sattler and Walter Grünzweig, in a beautiful bilingual edition, German and English, with an elegant cover by Max Cole.

Слайд 12 I am black and alive and looking

I am black and alive and looking back at you./...

back at you./... Although the world/ forgets me/ I

will say yeas/ AND NO."" Proud and provocative, this is a single poem written in many different voices, touching on black experience in a gentle surprise of phrase. The punctuation is casual, the syntax slippery, the impact quite remarkable, especially if the poem is read aloud by a person who's ""together."" And the illustrations are stunning -- 27 reproductions (many in full color) of paintings by American artists (Wyeth, Homer, Eakins, etc.), all with black subjects. Most of the themes have been approached by other black poets -- the uniqueness of black culture, weary defiance toward white hypocrisy and shallowness; here those feelings spring out again; refreshed via a slight mismatch of terms (""the midnight of the winter""; ""a hungerland of great prosperity""; ""the grieving fury of his life""; ""the pocket deadly need to please""). There are a few stylistic rough spots (e.g. excessive alliteration) and one or two lines are impossibly abstruse. Altogether, though, it has a distinguished stance and a presence of its own. ""A hallelujah little room.

Слайд 13 Technical Difficulties, June Jordan's 1992 collection of essays,

Technical Difficulties, June Jordan's 1992 collection of essays, has just come

has just come out in Spanish, with an introduction

by Angela Davis, especially written for this foreign-language edition. The beautiful book is published by LaOficina / BAAM, Madrid.

  • Имя файла: june-jordan-1936-2002 .pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 126
  • Количество скачиваний: 0