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Презентация на тему Launch of EPSRC High Value Manufacturing Catapult Fellowship Centre

EPSRC and TSB Partnership in High Value ManufacturingAction 5. EPSRC and TSB will seek to motivate and mobilise joint working between the EPSRC Centres for Innovative Manufacturing and HVM Catapult, including encouraging collaboration on EPSRC and
Launch of EPSRC High Value Manufacturing Catapult Fellowship CentreProfessor Alma Hodzic AMRC EPSRC and TSB Partnership in High Value ManufacturingAction 5. EPSRC and TSB High Value Manufacturing Catapult Commercialising innovationMany inventions fail here(the Valley of Death)Basic principles observed and reportedTechnology Commercialising innovationMany inventions fail here(the Valley of Death)Basic principles observed and reportedTechnology Catapult role in commercialising innovation Research councils (EPSRC, etc)Technology Strategy BoardPrivate sector Aim of EPSRC HVMC FCto enable and foster UK academic engagement with ObjectivesTo serve as a focal point of integration between UK’s academic research How to get thereCalls for Fellowships announced in Sep 2013  The How it worksAcademic with research that can be converted to a manufacturing Initiation & Selection CriteriaProjects will be co-created between academic and the host Fellowship ForumEPSRC HVMC Fellowship Forum will comprise the awarded Fellows and the Management structureIndustrial Partners             EPSRCHVMCATAPULT TimetableSep 2013: Launch of the FC and website Oct 2013: First Call What will Fellowship look like?Academics to work with Catapult centres  Accelerate Does it need to be complicated?HV Manufacturing CentreThe HVMC staff has less Bridging AMRC with Academics NCC, ACCIS & CIMComp IDC in Composites ManufactureUoB Doctoral Training Centre3 year EPSRC HVMC Fellowship Centre The future of the centreTranslational research centre enabling effective progression from TRL1-3 Thank you  For more information visit hvm.catapult.org.uk
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Слайд 2 EPSRC and TSB Partnership in High Value Manufacturing

EPSRC and TSB Partnership in High Value ManufacturingAction 5. EPSRC and

EPSRC and TSB will seek to motivate and

mobilise joint working between the EPSRC Centres for Innovative Manufacturing and HVM Catapult, including encouraging collaboration on EPSRC and TSB programmes, staff exchange and joint dissemination.

Слайд 3 High Value Manufacturing Catapult

High Value Manufacturing Catapult

Слайд 4 Commercialising innovation
Many inventions fail here
(the Valley of Death)


Commercialising innovationMany inventions fail here(the Valley of Death)Basic principles observed and

principles observed and reported
Technology concept and/or application formulated
Analytical and

experimental critical function and/or characteristic proof of concept

Component and/or validation in laboratory environment

Component and/or validation in relevant environment

System model or prototype demonstration in a relevant environment

System prototype demonstration in an operational environment

Actual system completed and qualified through test and demonstration.

Actual system proven through successful

R 1

Researchers and

Industry and

Слайд 5 Commercialising innovation
Many inventions fail here
(the Valley of Death)


Commercialising innovationMany inventions fail here(the Valley of Death)Basic principles observed and

principles observed and reported
Technology concept and/or application formulated
Analytical and

experimental critical function and/or characteristic proof of concept

Component and/or validation in laboratory environment

Component and/or validation in relevant environment

System model or prototype demonstration in a relevant environment

System prototype demonstration in an operational environment

Actual system completed and qualified through test and demonstration.

Actual system proven through successful

R 1

Researchers and

Industry and

Catapult Focus

Слайд 6 Catapult role in commercialising innovation

Research councils

Catapult role in commercialising innovation Research councils (EPSRC, etc)Technology Strategy BoardPrivate

Technology Strategy Board
Private sector funds
Catapult Focus
Actual system completed and

qualified through test and demonstration.

Actual system proven through successful

Basic principles observed and reported

Technology concept and/or application formulated

Analytical and experimental critical function and/or characteristic proof of concept

Component and/or validation in laboratory environment

Component and/or validation in relevant environment

System model or prototype demonstration in a relevant environment

System prototype demonstration in an operational environment

Funding Focus

Слайд 7 Aim of EPSRC HVMC FC
to enable and foster

Aim of EPSRC HVMC FCto enable and foster UK academic engagement

UK academic engagement with HVMC, and
to accelerate impact

from breakthrough academic ideas into manufacturing research across UK’s industrial base.

Слайд 8 Objectives
To serve as a focal point of integration

ObjectivesTo serve as a focal point of integration between UK’s academic

between UK’s academic research and HVM Catapult centres, by

providing vision and tools for collaborative engagement,
To assist UK academia in materialising novel research into new advanced manufacturing methods that will create high value to the national economy, and
To assist in developing any additional fundamental research needed to overcome bottlenecks further up the innovation landscape.

Слайд 9 How to get there
Calls for Fellowships announced in

How to get thereCalls for Fellowships announced in Sep 2013 The

Sep 2013
The fellowships will enable academic staff to

spend 6-month research visits in either one or more HVM Catapult centres spread flexibly between 1-4 years.
AMRC will facilitate management of the centre with the assistance from Steering Committee

Слайд 10 How it works
Academic with research that can be

How it worksAcademic with research that can be converted to a

converted to a manufacturing process
HVM Catapult Centre with a

partner that needs the research bringing to market

EPSRC/HVMC Visiting Fellowship to collaboratively develop the process

Слайд 11 Initiation & Selection Criteria
Projects will be co-created between

Initiation & Selection CriteriaProjects will be co-created between academic and the

academic and the host HVMC centre
The academic cannot be

from the host institution or associated universities
Proposals will be selected by a panel representing HVMC and UK Academia

Слайд 12 Fellowship Forum
EPSRC HVMC Fellowship Forum will comprise the

Fellowship ForumEPSRC HVMC Fellowship Forum will comprise the awarded Fellows and

awarded Fellows and the centre’s steering group (Catapult CTOs

and the core management team).
The Forum will meet annually at HVMC centres to facilitate the knowledge exchange between the Fellows and the stakeholders.

Слайд 13 Management structure
Industrial Partners

Management structureIndustrial Partners       EPSRCHVMCATAPULT


Слайд 14 Timetable
Sep 2013: Launch of the FC and website

TimetableSep 2013: Launch of the FC and website Oct 2013: First

Oct 2013: First Call for Proposals
Case for support

Financial Justification
HVM Catapult and Industrial Support Letters
Dec 2013: Submission deadline, reviews
Feb/March 2014: Panel meeting
March 2014: Letters of Offer and
NDA April 2014: Induction, Annual Forum and Steering Committee meetings

Слайд 15 What will Fellowship look like?
Academics to work with

What will Fellowship look like?Academics to work with Catapult centres Accelerate

Catapult centres
Accelerate (‘catapult’) the impact of their research

Tailor to suit the academic’s and Catapult’s needs
Publications expected from research projects if approved by Catapult centre and their related partners

Слайд 16 Does it need to be complicated?
HV Manufacturing Centre


Does it need to be complicated?HV Manufacturing CentreThe HVMC staff has

HVMC staff has less time for networking and academia

is rich in knowledge transfer
Reporting to the industry on daily basis can enable massive impact, however TRL1-3 grant applications require writing time and brand new concepts

Industrial R&D enables impact after 3-5 years rather than 10-15 (or even 30)
Learning from industry what is the next big thing
Science for engineering rather than science for science
Opportunities for expansion in R&D

Слайд 17 Bridging AMRC with Academics

Bridging AMRC with Academics

Слайд 18
IDC in Composites Manufacture

NCC, ACCIS & CIMComp IDC in Composites ManufactureUoB Doctoral Training Centre3

Doctoral Training Centre

3 year PhD, TRL 1-3
4 year EngD,

TRL 3-5

4 year PhD, TRL 1-3

Key: taught component; lab based project; company based manufacturing project

Relevant questions

Generic knowledge

Generic knowledge

Relevant questions

Слайд 19
Fellowship Centre

EPSRC HVMC Fellowship Centre

Слайд 20 The future of the centre
Translational research centre enabling

The future of the centreTranslational research centre enabling effective progression from

effective progression from TRL1-3 research into TRL4-6
Nationally orientated

and internationally competitive
A unique research environment with the knowledge transfer between academia and industry

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