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Lead X is in NWX SFDC database
Decision by CAM
CAM forwards Lead X to Partner A
CAM leaves Lead for NWX
Partner A sees Lead X on the Portal
Lead X is processed by CAM
to CAM
Partner B launches a CiB
Decision by CAM
CAM forwards Lead X to Partner A
CAM forwards Lead X to Partner B
Partner A sees Lead X on the Portal
Partner B sees Lead X on the Portal
to CAM
Partner A sees Lead X on the Portal
Partner B wants to register deal for Lead X
Partner B fulfills deal registration form
CAM forwards Lead X from NWX SFDC database
Partner registers a Deal
Partner requests a demo
Partner requests a quote
Lead X is in NWX SFDC database
Decision by CAM
CAM forwards Lead X to Partner A
CAM leaves Lead for NWX
Partner A sees Lead X on the Portal
Lead X is processed by CAM
to CAM
Partner B launches a CiB
Decision by CAM
CAM forwards Lead X to Partner A
CAM forwards Lead X to Partner B
Partner A sees Lead X on the Portal
Partner B sees Lead X on the Portal
to CAM
Partner B launches a CiB
Decision by CAM
CAM forwards Lead X to Partner A
CAM forwards Lead X to Partner B
Partner A sees Lead X on the Portal
Partner B sees Lead X on the Portal
to CAM