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Презентация на тему Outcomeentrepreneurship: starting from point zero - 2012


Outcome  ENTREPRENEURSHIP: STARTING FROM POINT ZERO - 2012 Stages Saint-Petersburg  Сentre for entrepreneurship RussiaDirectionsRaising money for entrepreneursBuilding entrepreneurial culture Training Saint-Petersburg SberbankCentre of business developmentTrainingsWorkshopsLecturesBank loansMortgage based loansFranchising programs for start upsWeb Saint-Petersburg Business incubator «Ingria»Platform for creating new IT businessHackDay Saint-Petersburg “Zone Space”NetworkingMutual beneficial cooperationMentoringOne-to-one business adviceCo-working centre for launched businesses and start ups Saint-Petersburg What we did?Made market research and defined our target audienceFound big Stages Cambridge university enterprise network CUE-Cambridge university enterprise (academic)CUETEC-Cambridge university technology and enterprise London London School of Business and FinanceTeaching course:«How to launch your own London London Metropolitan University AcceleratorA lot of business projects based in incubatorParticipation London London Metropolitan University London British library Business and Intellectual Property centreCentre for entrepreneurshipFree industry guidesSwap    London  Schlumberger Technical carriers developmentThe possibility of growth to    London  University of east london TEAM Connection with business London Key findingsImportance of academic knowledge as well as experienceNetworking power Necessity Stages Directions: researchskills and employmentproject developmentDevelopment economic intelligenceCreation and improvement working skills Rising investmentManchester New Economy Manchester Manchester Metropolitan UniversityNetworkKnowledgeFunding Supporting businesses and entrepreneursFeedbackPeer-to-peer learningParticipation in the program is available to allA MMU business incubatorThe main course:Innovation creativityGroups activitiesProducing business plan to expertsConstructive feedbackQualified Manchester Key findings Motivated and inspired staffGetting latest feedbackCollaboration with universitySocial activityFinding CollaborationMentorsInformationMarket researchWorkshopNetworkingFundingPromotionPartnersEventsSkillsAlumniPOWER APPRECIATIONSCambridge University Centre Orsolya Ihasz - Programme Manager London School of THANK YOU!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Stages


Слайд 3 Saint-Petersburg Сentre for entrepreneurship Russia
Raising money for entrepreneurs

Saint-Petersburg Сentre for entrepreneurship RussiaDirectionsRaising money for entrepreneursBuilding entrepreneurial culture Training

entrepreneurial culture
Training programs


Centre for entrepreneurship and executive development

Business Leaders Forum

Слайд 4 Saint-Petersburg Sberbank
Centre of business development
Bank loans
Mortgage based loans
Franchising programs

Saint-Petersburg SberbankCentre of business developmentTrainingsWorkshopsLecturesBank loansMortgage based loansFranchising programs for start

for start ups
Web site « Delovaya sreda»
(« Business


Слайд 5 Saint-Petersburg Business incubator «Ingria»
Platform for creating new IT business

Saint-Petersburg Business incubator «Ingria»Platform for creating new IT businessHackDay

Слайд 6 Saint-Petersburg “Zone Space”
Mutual beneficial cooperation
One-to-one business advice

Co-working centre for

Saint-Petersburg “Zone Space”NetworkingMutual beneficial cooperationMentoringOne-to-one business adviceCo-working centre for launched businesses and start ups

launched businesses and start ups

Слайд 7 Saint-Petersburg What we did?
Made market research and defined our

Saint-Petersburg What we did?Made market research and defined our target audienceFound

target audience
Found big variety of platforms for start ups

the content for opportunities map
Understood the problem of poor promotion
Realized the lack of information about creating your own business

Absence of unified place for entrepreneurs
to upgrade and develop their businesses

Слайд 8 Stages


Слайд 9 Cambridge university enterprise network
CUE-Cambridge university enterprise (academic)

Cambridge university enterprise network CUE-Cambridge university enterprise (academic)CUETEC-Cambridge university technology and

university technology and enterprise club (student)

London Cambridge centre for Entrepreneurial


Entrepreneurial ecosystem “Cambridge entrepreneurial cluster”

Cambridge cooperation
Investor community (business angels, venture capitalists)
Workshops (business Tuesday)
Professional support (law and accounting)

Слайд 10 London London School of Business and Finance
Teaching course:
«How to

London London School of Business and FinanceTeaching course:«How to launch your

launch your own business»
Community of students
Who has own business

Слайд 11 London London Metropolitan University Accelerator
A lot of business projects

London London Metropolitan University AcceleratorA lot of business projects based in

based in incubator
Participation of alumni as mentors for start

Free working space for two years
Teambuilding outside the incubator

Strong partners:

ERDF (European Regional Development Fund)
LKIC (London Knowledge Innovation Centre)
TIC (Thames Innovation centre)
LDA (London Development Agency)

Слайд 12 London London Metropolitan University

London London Metropolitan University

Слайд 13 London British library Business and Intellectual Property centre
Centre for entrepreneurship

London British library Business and Intellectual Property centreCentre for entrepreneurshipFree industry

industry guides
Swap skills desk
Necessity to find market for your

No barriers to be involved in the centre activities (except the age limit – 16 years old)

Слайд 14   London Schlumberger
Technical carriers development
The possibility of growth

  London Schlumberger Technical carriers developmentThe possibility of growth to the

to the company
HR management planning
Corporative culture
Technical safety
Internships for students

Слайд 15   London University of east london
Connection with

  London University of east london TEAM Connection with business LocationMentoringFree place for working (1 year)Promotion

Free place for working (1 year)

Слайд 16 London Key findings
Importance of academic knowledge as well as

London Key findingsImportance of academic knowledge as well as experienceNetworking power

Networking power
Necessity of market research and finding your

SWOT analysis of your personality
Huge role of financial support from banks, government and partners
Working with alumni

Слайд 17 Stages


Слайд 18 Directions:
skills and employment
project development
Development economic intelligence
Creation and

Directions: researchskills and employmentproject developmentDevelopment economic intelligenceCreation and improvement working skills Rising investmentManchester New Economy

improvement working skills
Rising investment

Manchester New Economy

Слайд 19 Manchester Manchester Metropolitan University

Manchester Manchester Metropolitan UniversityNetworkKnowledgeFunding

Слайд 20 Supporting businesses and entrepreneurs
Peer-to-peer learning
Participation in the program

Supporting businesses and entrepreneursFeedbackPeer-to-peer learningParticipation in the program is available to

is available to all
A range of businesses the centre

works with
Huge science park
Concept of Entrepreneurship
Maintaining motivation

Manchester Manchester Metropolitan University

Слайд 23 MMU business incubator
The main course:
Innovation creativity
Groups activities
Producing business

MMU business incubatorThe main course:Innovation creativityGroups activitiesProducing business plan to expertsConstructive

plan to experts
Constructive feedback
Qualified managers of centre
Collaboration between business

and academics
Open minded staff

Manchester Innospace

Слайд 24 Manchester Key findings
Motivated and inspired staff
Getting latest feedback

Manchester Key findings Motivated and inspired staffGetting latest feedbackCollaboration with universitySocial

with university
Social activity
Finding key issues in order to attract

and retain our target audience
Building strategic partnerships
Communication + skills = success

Слайд 25 Collaboration
Market research

CollaborationMentorsInformationMarket researchWorkshopNetworkingFundingPromotionPartnersEventsSkillsAlumniPOWER

Cambridge University Centre Orsolya Ihasz - Programme Manager London

APPRECIATIONSCambridge University Centre Orsolya Ihasz - Programme Manager London School

School of Business and Finance Asmik Magakian - Global Events

Roy Butcher - Academic Dean Elena Kaverina - Regional Director, CIS
London Metropolitan University Richard Celm - Accelerator manager Simon Boot - Student Enterprise Development Manager Schlumberger. The Headquaters. Natalia Smirnova - Personnel Manager, Global Accounts & London HQ British Library: Business and IP Centre. Neil Infield - Business and IP Centre manager The University of East London. The Knowledge Dock Business Centre Linsey Cole - Development manager Jacqueline Chandler - Business centre manager Jannifer Sutton - Creative manager and Editor Manchester Metropolitan University Claire Shofield - Deputy Director with Special Responsibility for Learning and Curriculum; Enterprise Fellow and Enterprise Champion Ann Mulhaney - Enterprise Fellow Claire Giddens - Enterprise Officer Jonathan Lawson - Enterprise Fellow New economy Lisa Harding - Principal - Project development Dr Alexander Roy - Head of research Siobhan Shirreff - Acting Director James Farr - Skills and Employment The Innospace Avin Wong - Director of WhichSocial Aden Levin - Director of Snowboxx David Woollard - Head of Business Development

  • Имя файла: outcomeentrepreneurship-starting-from-point-zero-2012.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 67
  • Количество скачиваний: 0