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Презентация на тему Places and perspectives

What are the most famous Traditional products in your country?, Chairs, Block Buster movies,Kitchen appliances, Pianos and guitars, Craft beer, and several more things.
Places and PerspectivesBy Andy Barton What are the most famous Traditional products in your country?, Chairs, Block Are they still popular?Beers are doing really well today, in the past
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 What are the most famous Traditional products in

What are the most famous Traditional products in your country?, Chairs,

your country?
, Chairs, Block Buster movies,Kitchen appliances, Pianos and

guitars, Craft beer, and several more things.

Слайд 3 Are they still popular?
Beers are doing really well

Are they still popular?Beers are doing really well today, in the

today, in the past year they have made a

big 10 billion dollars. Guitars and Pianos are doing pretty well, Guitars are doing much better than piano and are selling more

  • Имя файла: places-and-perspectives.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 137
  • Количество скачиваний: 0