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Презентация на тему Quadratic function and its graphic

Образовательный - the concept of quadratic function - property of these function - algorithm graphing quadratic functionВоспитательный - teach children to work independently - to educate children in attentiveness Развивающие - develop sustained attention -
Quadratic function and its graphic Образовательный - the concept of quadratic function - property of these Type lesson: work in group Lesson equipment: interactive board, slide, cards with tasks 1. Organizing time (3 minute)2. Teach the basic properties of quadratic functions
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Образовательный
- the concept of quadratic function

Образовательный - the concept of quadratic function - property of

- property of these function
- algorithm graphing quadratic

- teach children to work independently
- to educate children in attentiveness
- develop sustained attention
- develop mathematical language
- develop the ability to switch attention

Goals lesson

Слайд 3 Type lesson: work in group

Type lesson: work in group Lesson equipment: interactive board, slide, cards with tasks

equipment: interactive board, slide, cards with tasks

  • Имя файла: quadratic-function-and-its-graphic.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 203
  • Количество скачиваний: 0