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Презентация на тему Research on the self-motivation of students

Motivationthe set of processes that arouse, direct, and maintain human behavior toward attaining some goal, so SELF-MOTIVATION the force that drives you to do things toward reach some your own objectives.
Research on the self-motivation of studentsDone by: Nazariy NazarukYuliia NimukhaYuliia Yaremchuk Motivationthe set of processes that arouse, direct, and maintain human behavior toward Successful Students Discover their dreams providing them with a passionately felt life The purpose of the research : to determine the level of self-motivation The biggest motivations for the studentsScholarshipSuccesses at the universityRespect of friendsExperience The smallest motivations for the studentsQualification of the teachersFeeling smarter compared to GAP Analysis GAP AnalysisTeachers expect a high level of motivation from ConclusionMotivation of students of our faculty has Motivation tips1. Scholarship– very important for students(main motivator).2. Practical application of knowledge
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Слайд 2 Motivation
the set of processes that arouse, direct, and

Motivationthe set of processes that arouse, direct, and maintain human behavior

maintain human behavior toward attaining some goal, so


the force that drives you to do things toward reach some your own objectives.

Слайд 3 Successful Students
Discover their dreams providing them with a

Successful Students Discover their dreams providing them with a passionately felt

passionately felt life purpose and consistent motivation
Commit to their

dreams, visualizing the successful creation of their ideal future
Design a compelling life plan, complete with purposeful long- and short-term goals

Слайд 4 The purpose of the research :
to determine

The purpose of the research : to determine the level of

the level of self-motivation , and specific reasons ,

what motivates students to study and what doesn’t.
The study was conducted using a questionnaire.
This survey was conducted in a group MAUN 31. In total were interviewed 18 people, of which 22.22% boys and 77.78% girls.

Слайд 9 The biggest motivations for the students
Successes at the

The biggest motivations for the studentsScholarshipSuccesses at the universityRespect of friendsExperience

Respect of friends

Слайд 10 The smallest motivations for the students
Qualification of the

The smallest motivations for the studentsQualification of the teachersFeeling smarter compared

Feeling smarter compared to all
Possibility to find a good

job after the graduation

Слайд 11 GAP Analysis

GAP Analysis

Слайд 12 GAP Analysis
Teachers expect a high

GAP AnalysisTeachers expect a high level of motivation from

level of motivation from students, but our research showed

that the level of students’ motivation is 50%, and the expectations are 100%

Слайд 13 Conclusion
Motivation of students

ConclusionMotivation of students of our faculty has to

of our faculty has to be improved. Great influence

on the outcome has students’ self-motivation, which means students have bad motivators to study.

Слайд 14 Motivation tips
1. Scholarship– very important for students(main motivator).

Motivation tips1. Scholarship– very important for students(main motivator).2. Practical application of

Practical application of knowledge and skills.
3. Each student wants

to make parents proud of him or herself.
4. Opportunity to work at dream job after university.

  • Имя файла: research-on-the-self-motivation-of-students.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 132
  • Количество скачиваний: 0