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Презентация на тему The most unusual houses.

The most unusual housesWith each pasing day more and more surprised, what is ther not in our wold. How many creative pople, how many interesting things they creabe. Many come up and open up new avenues
The most unusual houses.Present Hairulla Asylbek8’’L’’ grade The most unusual housesWith each pasing day more and more surprised, what (Device to Root out Evil). Vancover, Canada. Of course, it is not (The Crooked House). Sopotarinoricio, Poland Museium of Moden Art. Niteroi, Brazil Lotus Temle. New Deli, India . Skyscraper in Malmö, Sweden That’s all I think you like it thank you
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The most unusual houses
With each pasing day more

The most unusual housesWith each pasing day more and more surprised,

and more surprised, what is ther not in our

wold. How many creative pople, how many interesting things they creabe. Many come up and open up new avenues in various fieldsTake, for example architecture, archtects turns violent fantasy. Today I present to you my collection of the most incredle buildings that you surely surprise you.

Слайд 3 (Device to Root out Evil). Vancover, Canada. Of

(Device to Root out Evil). Vancover, Canada. Of course, it is

course, it is not building ratter monument, but since

a home, suitable for kits

Слайд 4 (The Crooked House). Sopotarinoricio, Poland

(The Crooked House). Sopotarinoricio, Poland

Слайд 5 Museium of Moden Art. Niteroi, Brazil

Museium of Moden Art. Niteroi, Brazil

Слайд 6 Lotus Temle. New Deli, India

Lotus Temle. New Deli, India

Слайд 7 . Skyscraper in Malmö, Sweden

. Skyscraper in Malmö, Sweden

  • Имя файла: the-most-unusual-houses.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 128
  • Количество скачиваний: 0