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Презентация на тему Time management

Agenda for TodayPlan activities to track Your own PerformanceEvaluate Your productivity & “Eat The Frog” in this periodMake short breaks – Workpace is the great moment in TCO
Time Management	Use Your time effectively – this is a unique resource of Agenda for TodayPlan activities to track Your own PerformanceEvaluate Your productivity & Plan activitiesWrite each activity into Diary/Card/Board (Daily/Weekly/Long-Term)Evaluate unnecessary actions & Focus on Your Real Goals Evaluate Your productivity & “Eat The Frog” in this periodIdentify the most Make short breaks – Workpace is the great moment in TCOBreak Your
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Agenda for Today
Plan activities to track Your own

Agenda for TodayPlan activities to track Your own PerformanceEvaluate Your productivity

Evaluate Your productivity & “Eat The Frog” in this

Make short breaks – Workpace is the great moment in TCO

Слайд 3 Plan activities
Write each activity into Diary/Card/Board (Daily/Weekly/Long-Term)
Evaluate unnecessary

Plan activitiesWrite each activity into Diary/Card/Board (Daily/Weekly/Long-Term)Evaluate unnecessary actions & Focus on Your Real Goals

actions & Focus on Your Real Goals

Слайд 4 Evaluate Your productivity & “Eat The Frog” in

Evaluate Your productivity & “Eat The Frog” in this periodIdentify the

this period
Identify the most Productive Period of Your Performance

the Biggest Problems during Productive Period (morning)

  • Имя файла: time-management.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 86
  • Количество скачиваний: 0