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Презентация на тему UI second round

Last time, you created buttons to launch the panes. Please do the same this time. Two buttons, one to launch each pane. So if you close a pane, you can relaunch it from the button on
Please create two panes, one on the left, and one on the Last time, you created buttons to launch the panes. Please do the Inside pane 4, on the right hand side (the bigger pane)I want This is what I want you to build inside pane 4Create three Inside each section, please put some clickable buttons. It doesn’t matter what Now I would like to talk about pane 3, on the left hand side I would like pane three to look like thisAt the moment, we And this button:When its clicked, I want it to have the same When you design the UI, please remember:The UI must be NEATIt must Thank you! ☺
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Last time, you created buttons to launch the

Last time, you created buttons to launch the panes. Please do

panes. Please do the same this time. Two buttons,

one to launch each pane. So if you close a pane, you can relaunch it from the button on the ribbon.

Слайд 3 Inside pane 4, on the right hand side

Inside pane 4, on the right hand side (the bigger pane)I

(the bigger pane)
I want to create collapsible drop down


I’d like to replicate something like the Microsoft Blend interface.

Do you see how each segment of the UI can be collapsed, and expanded?

I want to do this.

Слайд 4 This is what I want you to build

This is what I want you to build inside pane 4Create

inside pane 4
Create three tabs

Under each tab, please create

four collapsible sections

Don’t worry about the titles, you can call the tabs “Tab 1” etc and the sections “Section 1” etc.

Слайд 5 Inside each section, please put some clickable buttons. It

Inside each section, please put some clickable buttons. It doesn’t matter

doesn’t matter what buttons, or what the buttons do

when clicked. Please use PPT system icons, not just random icons.

Слайд 6 Now I would like to talk about pane

Now I would like to talk about pane 3, on the left hand side

3, on the left hand side

Слайд 7 I would like pane three to look like

I would like pane three to look like thisAt the moment,

At the moment, we are just testing, but I

would like two buttons to be active:

This button:

When its clicked, I want it to launch the Shapes menu

Слайд 8
And this button:
When its clicked, I want it

And this button:When its clicked, I want it to have the

to have the same functionality as it does when

you click it here:

The other buttons don’t have to be active

Слайд 9 When you design the UI, please remember:
The UI

When you design the UI, please remember:The UI must be NEATIt

must be NEAT
It must be very clean and aligned

am very particular about visual design and look and feel, so this is very important!

  • Имя файла: ui-second-round.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 128
  • Количество скачиваний: 0