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Презентация на тему Change of meaning. Extension, narrowing, elevation, degradation of meaning of a word, metaphor, metonymy

Definition of changes of word meaning Types of changesExtensionElevationNarrowingDegradationMetaphorMetonomy
Change of meaning. Extension, narrowing, elevation, degradation of meaning of a word, metaphor, metonymy. Definition of changes of word meaning Types of changesExtensionElevationNarrowingDegradationMetaphorMetonomy Changes in word meaningWhen a word loses its old meaning and comes Types of Semantic Change-Extension of meaning-Narrowing of meaning-Elevation of meaning-Degradation of meaning Extension of Meaning  -Generalization of MeaningIt is a process by which salary(original) a sum of money given to Roman soldiers to enable them She is such a pretty little thing.I have to pack my things Generalization of meaning is also found in many technical terms, which are Narrowing of Meaning It is a process by which a word of Narrowing of MeaningFor economy, some phrases are shortened and only one element Change in associative meaningBoth extension and narrowing of meaning are talking about Elevation of Meaning (amelioration)  -It is the process by which words Examples of elevationnice-ignorant --- foolish --- delightful, pleasantfond-foolish --- affectionateawesome-terrible---terrific  marshal-a Degradation of Meaning  It is a process by which words with Examplessillyblessed and happy--- innocent----simple or simple-minded ----foolishsadfull, satisfied, contented ----- calm ------ serious ----sorrowful Semantic transferChange in word meaning may result from the figurative use of MetaphorThis is also a horse, but a metaphorical horse. Example of a linguistic metaphor: footfoot1. The lower extremity of the vertebrate Metonymy is another important factor in semantic change. It is a figure Example: seatSeat (its sense is extended to the right to sit as More Example: cradleCradle1. A small low bed for an infant, often
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2
Definition of changes of word meaning
Types of

Definition of changes of word meaning Types of changesExtensionElevationNarrowingDegradationMetaphorMetonomy


Слайд 3 Changes in word meaning
When a word loses its

Changes in word meaningWhen a word loses its old meaning and

old meaning and comes to refer to something different,

the result is a change in word meaning.

Change of meaning refers to the alternation of the meaning of existing words, as well as the addition of new meaning to a particular word.

Changing word meaning has never ceased since the beginning of the language and will continue in the future.

The changes in meaning are gradual, and words are not changed in a day.

Слайд 4 Types of Semantic Change
-Extension of meaning
-Narrowing of meaning

Types of Semantic Change-Extension of meaning-Narrowing of meaning-Elevation of meaning-Degradation of meaning

of meaning
-Degradation of meaning

Слайд 5 Extension of Meaning -
Generalization of Meaning
It is a

Extension of Meaning -Generalization of MeaningIt is a process by which

process by which a word which originally had a

specialized meaning has now become generalized or has extended to cover a broader concept.

Слайд 6 salary
(original) a sum of money given to Roman

salary(original) a sum of money given to Roman soldiers to enable

soldiers to enable them to buy salt
(present) fixed payment

made by employer at regular intervals to employees

(original) holy day, a day of religious significance
(present) day of festivity or recreation

Слайд 7 She is such a pretty little thing.
I have

She is such a pretty little thing.I have to pack my

to pack my things for the journey.
There is another

thing I want to ask you about.
That only makes things worse.
The thing is, can we finish the job in time?

A large proportion of polysemous words of modern English have their meanings extended sometime in the course of development. Some words are generalized to such a degree that they can mean almost everything.

“Thing” which used to mean “a public assembly” or “a council” in Anglo-Saxon times, now has become an all-purpose word. Its meaning is so general, and we sometimes call this noun a ‘light noun’.

Слайд 8 Generalization of meaning is also found in many

Generalization of meaning is also found in many technical terms, which

technical terms, which are confined to specialized use.

(original) too

sensitive to medicine
(present) averse or disinclined
(original) a legal term signifying “the plea that the accused is not at the place when the crime is committed”
(present) excuse

Слайд 9 Narrowing of Meaning
It is a process by which

Narrowing of Meaning It is a process by which a word

a word of wide meaning acquires a narrow or

specialized sense. In other words, a word which used to have a more general sense becomes restricted in its application and conveys a special concept in present-day English.

Narrowing; specialization; restriction

Слайд 11 Narrowing of Meaning
For economy, some phrases are shortened

Narrowing of MeaningFor economy, some phrases are shortened and only one

and only one element of the original, usually an

adjective, is left to retain the meaning of the whole. Such adjectives have thus taken on specialized meanings.
a general = a general officer
an editorial = an editorial article

Some material nouns are used to refer to objects made of them and thus have a more specific sense.
glass a cup-like container or a mirror
iron device for smoothing clothes

Слайд 12 Change in associative meaning
Both extension and narrowing of

Change in associative meaningBoth extension and narrowing of meaning are talking

meaning are talking about the changes in conceptual meaning.

Next we will talk about the changes in associative meaning.
Elevation of meaning
Degradation of meaning

Слайд 13 Elevation of Meaning (amelioration)
-It is the process

Elevation of Meaning (amelioration) -It is the process by which words

by which words rise from humble beginnings to positions

of importance.
-Some words early in their history signify something quite low or humble, but change to designate something agreeable or pleasant.

-A “snarl” word becomes a “purr” word, or a slang becomes a common word.
-elevation; amelioration

Слайд 14 Examples of elevation

-ignorant --- foolish --- delightful, pleasant

Examples of elevationnice-ignorant --- foolish --- delightful, pleasantfond-foolish --- affectionateawesome-terrible---terrific marshal-a

--- affectionate
-a keeper of horses --- a

high ranking army officer
-a keeper of horses --- a policeman

Terrific headache
Terrific party

Слайд 15 Degradation of Meaning
It is a process by

Degradation of Meaning It is a process by which words with

which words with appreciatory or neutral affective meaning fall

into ill reputation or come to be used in a derogatory sense.

A “purr” word becomes a “snarl” word.
degradation, degeneration, pejoration

Слайд 16 Examples
blessed and happy--- innocent----simple or simple-minded ----foolish
full, satisfied,

Examplessillyblessed and happy--- innocent----simple or simple-minded ----foolishsadfull, satisfied, contented ----- calm ------ serious ----sorrowful

contented ----- calm ------ serious ----sorrowful

Слайд 17 Semantic transfer
Change in word meaning may result from

Semantic transferChange in word meaning may result from the figurative use

the figurative use of the language. Metaphor and metonymy

are two important figures of speech.

Metaphor is a figure of speech containing an implied comparison based on similarity.
E.x.: A cunning person may be referred to as a fox. Here “fox” means something other than its literal meaning. The word “fox” gets the figurative meaning of “a cunning person”.

Слайд 18 Metaphor

This is also a horse, but a metaphorical

MetaphorThis is also a horse, but a metaphorical horse.


Слайд 19 Example of a linguistic metaphor: foot

1. The lower

Example of a linguistic metaphor: footfoot1. The lower extremity of the

extremity of the vertebrate leg that is in direct

contact with the ground in standing or walking.
2. The lowest part; the bottom
the foot of a mountain
the foot of a page

This meaning is derived through the metaphor
“The last line on this page is the foot of the page.”

Слайд 20
Metonymy is another important factor in semantic change.

Metonymy is another important factor in semantic change. It is a

It is a figure of speech by which an

object or an idea is described by the name of something else closely related to it.

Слайд 21 Example: seat

Seat (its sense is extended to the

Example: seatSeat (its sense is extended to the right to sit

right to sit as a member of a committee,

such as the House of Commons)

He lost his seat in House of Commons.

The word “seat” has acquired the meaning of “the right to sit as a member” through the above metonym.

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