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Презентация на тему Classification of female genitals

Uterus, Uterus; uterine (fallopian) tube, Tuba uterina; ap-radiograph after injection of a contrast medium through the neck of the uterus (hysterosalpingography); central view. This clinical method can be used to checkfor luminal obstruction in the uterine
CLASSIFICATION OF FEMALE GENITALS:Organa genitalia feminina interna: ovarium, tuba uterine, uterus, vagina, Uterus, Uterus; uterine (fallopian) tube, Tuba uterina; ap-radiograph after injection of a 3 month5 month7 month Uterus, Uterus, Vagina, Vagina, normal angles between the vagina, the cervix and Cardinal ligament, Parametrium*	Cervix uteri	Lig. pubovesicale	Pararectal space, Paraproctium*	Paravesical space, Paracystium*	Petropubical space (= spatium Bipartite uterus. Note the absence of the fundus of the uterus and PerineumDiafragma urogenitaleDiafragma pelvisTrigonum urogenitaleTrigonum anale External urethral sphincter, urethrovaginal sphincter, and compressor urethrae. Left, male; right female.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 6 Uterus, Uterus; uterine (fallopian) tube, Tuba uterina; ap-radiograph

Uterus, Uterus; uterine (fallopian) tube, Tuba uterina; ap-radiograph after injection of

after injection of a contrast medium through the neck

of the uterus (hysterosalpingography); central view. This clinical method can be used to checkfor luminal obstruction in the uterine tube. K= adapter of the injection tube for the contrast medium

Слайд 12 3 month
5 month
7 month

3 month5 month7 month

Слайд 13 Uterus, Uterus, Vagina, Vagina, normal angles between the

Uterus, Uterus, Vagina, Vagina, normal angles between the vagina, the cervix

vagina, the cervix and the corpus of the uterus,

schematic median section, lateral view.
* longitudinal axis of the vagina
** longitudinal axis of the ceivix of the uterus

Слайд 20 Cardinal ligament, Parametrium*
Cervix uteri
Lig. pubovesicale
Pararectal space, Paraproctium*
Paravesical space,

Cardinal ligament, Parametrium*	Cervix uteri	Lig. pubovesicale	Pararectal space, Paraproctium*	Paravesical space, Paracystium*	Petropubical space (=

Petropubical space (= spatium prevesical = RETZIUS's space)*
Plica recto-uterina

Rectal fascia*
Recto-uterine pouch (= DOUGLAS'S space)*
Retrorectal space*
Sacro-uterine ligament*
Vesical fascia*
Vesica urinaria

Слайд 31 Bipartite uterus. Note the absence of the fundus

Bipartite uterus. Note the absence of the fundus of the uterus

of the uterus and in it’s place a median

depression, the remains of a median vaginal septum, and a cervix with two openings.

Слайд 35 Perineum
Diafragma urogenitale
Diafragma pelvis
Trigonum urogenitale
Trigonum anale

PerineumDiafragma urogenitaleDiafragma pelvisTrigonum urogenitaleTrigonum anale

Слайд 37 External urethral sphincter, urethrovaginal sphincter, and compressor urethrae.

External urethral sphincter, urethrovaginal sphincter, and compressor urethrae. Left, male; right female.

Left, male; right female.

  • Имя файла: classification-of-female-genitals.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 117
  • Количество скачиваний: 0