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Презентация на тему Business plan Kings of cold

Business plan Kings of coldUSBfridge OUR GOOD            USB fridge Strategic planning.SWOT analysisour product is unique, spends little energy.our product is not Form of ownershiplimited liability company.General directorMarketing & PROperator-secretary our staffGeneral directorMarketing & PRSecretary-operator Raising money.Starting capital.(1,131,500rub)General director 30%(339,450rub)Marketing & PR 30%(339,450rub)Operator secretary 30%(339,450rub)Bank loan 10%(113,150rub)*With out collateral MarketingMission statement More comfort – more clients! Company mottoYour can will be Location.Our location in internet
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 OUR GOOD

OUR GOOD      USB fridge

USB fridge

Слайд 3 Strategic planning.
SWOT analysis
our product is unique, spends little

Strategic planning.SWOT analysisour product is unique, spends little energy.our product is

our product is not suitable for people who have

no usb port and you put on only 1 cup in fridge.
you can enjoy a cold drink near your computer every time you want.
we have problems with delivery and customs.

Слайд 4 Form of ownership
limited liability company.
General director
Marketing & PR

Form of ownershiplimited liability company.General directorMarketing & PROperator-secretary

Слайд 5 our staff
General director

Marketing & PR

our staffGeneral directorMarketing & PRSecretary-operator

Слайд 6 Raising money.
Starting capital.(1,131,500rub)
General director 30%(339,450rub)
Marketing & PR 30%(339,450rub)

Raising money.Starting capital.(1,131,500rub)General director 30%(339,450rub)Marketing & PR 30%(339,450rub)Operator secretary 30%(339,450rub)Bank loan 10%(113,150rub)*With out collateral

secretary 30%(339,450rub)
Bank loan 10%(113,150rub)
*With out collateral

Слайд 7 Marketing
Mission statement
More comfort – more clients!

MarketingMission statement More comfort – more clients! Company mottoYour can will

Your can will be cold in a wink of

an eye!

  • Имя файла: business-plan-kings-of-cold.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 94
  • Количество скачиваний: 0