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Презентация на тему Attractions of great britain

Stratford-upon-Avonis probably the second most visited town in England.The top attraction is the house in Henley Street where Shakespeare was born.In the Holy Trinity Church tourists can see the grave of Shakespeare and his family.Not far
Attractions of Great Britainby Igor Chokov Stratford-upon-Avonis probably the second most visited town in England.The top attraction is Royal Shakespeare Theatre Shakespeare`s house Oxford is the oldest university in Europe together with Cambridge, dating back Cambridge There are 23 colleges at Cambridge.There are often beautiful gardens adjoining Canterbury is the seat of the Archbishop and a magnificent cathedral from Yorkis the residence of a superb Gothic cathedral called York Minster; it York`s UniversityYork Cathedrale Stonehengeon Salisbury Plain is a remarkable prehistoric monument. The ruins consist of Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland. It holds an annual Festival of Loch Ness is the most famous lake in the Highlands.There have been KINGDOMS OF GREAT BRITAIN EnglandAdministrative centre - London ScotlandAdministrative centre - Edinburg WalesAdministrative centre - Cardiff Nothern IrelandAdministrative centre - Belfast THANK YOU FOR ATTENTION
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Stratford-upon-Avon
is probably the second most visited town in

Stratford-upon-Avonis probably the second most visited town in England.The top attraction

The top attraction is the house in Henley Street

where Shakespeare was born.
In the Holy Trinity Church tourists can see the grave of Shakespeare and his family.
Not far you can find the Royal Shakespeare Theatre and the Swan Theatre.
The centre of the town is full of magnificent half-timbered medieval houses.

Слайд 3 Royal Shakespeare Theatre
Shakespeare`s house

Royal Shakespeare Theatre Shakespeare`s house

Слайд 5 Oxford
is the oldest university in Europe together

Oxford is the oldest university in Europe together with Cambridge, dating

with Cambridge, dating back to the 12th and 13

th centuries.
There are 35 colleges at Oxford.
Nearly all the colleges consist of several buildings grouped in quadrangles around open areas of grass and beautiful gardens.

Слайд 8 Cambridge
There are 23 colleges at Cambridge.
There are

Cambridge There are 23 colleges at Cambridge.There are often beautiful gardens

often beautiful gardens adjoining the buildings.
Cambridge has remained quieter

than Oxford, which has a lot of industries now.

Слайд 11 Canterbury
is the seat of the Archbishop and

Canterbury is the seat of the Archbishop and a magnificent cathedral

a magnificent cathedral from the 11th century.
Thomas Becket,

the Archbishop of Cantebury, was murdered in the cathedral by order of the king in 1170 and soon this made Canterbury the biggest pilgrimage site in England.
The pilgrimage to Canterbury is also reflected in Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer.

Слайд 14 York
is the residence of a superb Gothic cathedral

Yorkis the residence of a superb Gothic cathedral called York Minster;

called York Minster; it boasts impressive medieval stained glass,

particularly the beautiful Gothic windows known as the Five Sisters.
We can find there also a university.

Слайд 15 York`s University
York Cathedrale

York`s UniversityYork Cathedrale

Слайд 17 Stonehenge
on Salisbury Plain is a remarkable prehistoric monument.

Stonehengeon Salisbury Plain is a remarkable prehistoric monument. The ruins consist

The ruins consist of 2 stone circles and 2

In the middle of the inner horseshoe there is the Altar Stone.

Слайд 19 Edinburgh
is the capital of Scotland.
It holds

Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland. It holds an annual Festival

an annual Festival of Music and Drama.
The oldest building

is the Castle standing on a hill in the centre of the city.
It is linked by the Royal Mile with the Palace of Holyroodhouse, the British sovereign's official Scottish residence.
Another feature is Princes Street with a well-known monument to Sir Walter Scott (a famous writer) who was born in Edinburgh.

Слайд 22 Loch Ness
is the most famous lake in

Loch Ness is the most famous lake in the Highlands.There have

the Highlands.
There have been unconfirmed reports of a Loch

Ness monster since the 15th century which brings millions of pounds a year to Scottish tourism.



Слайд 26 England
Administrative centre - London

EnglandAdministrative centre - London

Слайд 27 Scotland
Administrative centre - Edinburg

ScotlandAdministrative centre - Edinburg

Слайд 28 Wales
Administrative centre - Cardiff

WalesAdministrative centre - Cardiff

Слайд 29 Nothern Ireland
Administrative centre - Belfast

Nothern IrelandAdministrative centre - Belfast

  • Имя файла: attractions-of-great-britain.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 74
  • Количество скачиваний: 0