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Презентация на тему Communicating over the network


Communicating Over the NetworkThe Platform for Communications
Chapter 2CommunicatingOver The Network Communicating Over the NetworkThe Platform for Communications Elements of CommunicationPeople communicate in many different ways.Vocal, a look, a hand Elements of CommunicationDevices communicate in exactly the same way. Communicating the MessagesIn theory, a network communication could be sent as one Communicating the MessagesA better approach is called Segmentation.The data stream is divided Communicating the MessagesSegmentation and Reliability:Increases the reliability of network communications. Separate pieces Communicating the MessagesSegmentation Disadvantage: Added level of complexity.The label is a unique Components of the Network End DevicesWork Stations, Servers, Laptops, Printers, VoIP Phones, Security Cameras, PDAs......Any device End DevicesEnd Devices:A host can be a client, a server or both.The Intermediary DevicesRouters, Switches, Hubs, Wireless Access Points, Communication Servers, Security Devices.Any device Intermediary DevicesManage data as it flows through the network.Some use the destination Intermediary DevicesRegenerate and retransmit data signals.Maintain information about what pathways exist through MediaThe medium provides the channel over which the messages travel from source MediaThe signal encoding that must occur is different for each type of MediaDifferent network media have different features and benefits.Not all network media are Communicating Over the NetworkLANs, WANs and Internetworks Local Area NetworksAn individual network usually spans a single geographical area, providing Wide Area NetworksNetworks that connect LANs in geographically separated locations. Usually implemented The Internet : A Network of NetworksInternet Service Providers (ISPs) connect their Network RepresentationsSpecialized terminology is used to describe how these devices and media Network RepresentationsNetwork Interface Card (NIC):Provides the physical connection to the network at Network RepresentationsInterface:Specialized ports on an internetworking device that connect to individual networks. Communicating Over the NetworkProtocols Rules That Govern CommunicationsProtocols:Are the rules that govern communications.The format or structure Protocol SuitesProtocol Suite:A group of inter-related protocols that are necessary to perform Interaction of Protocols Technology Independent ProtocolsProtocols are not dependent upon any specific technology.They describe what Communicating Over the NetworkUsing Layered Models Layered ModelsLayered models separate the functions of specific protocols. Benefits of a Layered ModelBenefits of a Layered Model:Have defined information that Protocol and Reference ModelsProtocol Model:Closely matches the structure of a particular protocol Protocol and Reference ModelsReference Model:Provides a common reference for maintaining consistency within TCP/IP ModelOpen Standard No one company controls it. Governed by IETF Working Request For Comments RFC The Communication Process Protocol Data Units and EncapsulationHeaderHeaderDataHeaderTrailer0010100111011001010000011111010100010101Segmentation and Encapsulation Protocol Data Units and EncapsulationHeaderHeaderHeaderTrailerDecapsulation and ReassemblyData0010100111011001010000011111010100010101 Protocol Data Units and EncapsulationHeaderHeaderHeaderTrailerEmail MessageDataDataDataProtocol Data UnitsDataSegmentPacketFrame Protocol Data Units and Encapsulation Communicating Over the NetworkThe OSI Model OSI ModelThe International Organization for Standardization (ISO) released the Open Systems Interconnection OSI ModelBreaks network communication into smaller, more manageable parts. Makes learning it OSI Model - Example - FYIDescriptive Scheme:  Can be used to OSI Model – Example - FYIDescriptive Scheme:  Can be used to OSI Model – Example - FYIDescriptive Scheme:  Can be used to OSI Model OSI ModelPrimary concern: Communications between applicationsPrimary concern: Moving raw data cross the network Communicating Over the NetworkNetwork Addressing OSI Model Getting Data to the End DeviceHeaderHeaderHeaderTrailerEmail MessageDataDataDataEncoded DataProcessLogicalPhysicalEncapsulation Process and Addressing1. always Getting Data to the End Device1. 2 AddressingDelivery on a single local Getting Data to the End DeviceLayer 2 Header Getting Data Through The Network1. 3 AddressingMove data from one local network Getting Data Through the NetworkLayer 2 HeaderLayer 3 Header Getting Data to the Right Application1. 4 AddressingIdentifies the specific process or Getting Data to the Right ApplicationLayer 2 HeaderLayer 3 HeaderLayer 4 Header Putting It All TogetherLogicalMACPortMAC Comparing the OSI and TCP/IP Models Brain a little fuzzy?You need to learn to crawl before you can
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Communicating Over the Network
The Platform for Communications

Communicating Over the NetworkThe Platform for Communications

Слайд 3 Elements of Communication
People communicate in many different ways.

Elements of CommunicationPeople communicate in many different ways.Vocal, a look, a

a look, a hand signal, body language…
All of the

methods have three things in common.
There is source for the message or a sender.
There is a destination for the message or a receiver.
There is a channel that consists of the media that provides the pathway for the message.

Слайд 4 Elements of Communication
Devices communicate in exactly the same

Elements of CommunicationDevices communicate in exactly the same way.


Слайд 5 Communicating the Messages
In theory, a network communication could be sent

Communicating the MessagesIn theory, a network communication could be sent as

as one continuous stream of 1’s and 0’s.
No other device would be

able to send or receive messages on the same network.
Significant delays
Inefficient use of the channel
A lost message entirely retransmitted.

Слайд 6 Communicating the Messages
A better approach is called Segmentation.
The data stream

Communicating the MessagesA better approach is called Segmentation.The data stream is

is divided into smaller, more manageable segments.
Segmentation has two benefits:
Different transmissions can be

interleaved on the network.

Слайд 7 Communicating the Messages
Segmentation and Reliability:
Increases the reliability of

Communicating the MessagesSegmentation and Reliability:Increases the reliability of network communications. Separate

network communications.
Separate pieces of each message can travel

across different paths to destination.
Path fails or congested, alternate path can be used.
Part of the message fails to make it to the destination, only the missing parts need to be retransmitted.

In a packet switched network like the Internet.

Слайд 8 Communicating the Messages
Segmentation Disadvantage: Added level of complexity.

Communicating the MessagesSegmentation Disadvantage: Added level of complexity.The label is a

label is a unique sequence number.
Handled by protocols that

format and address the message.

Слайд 9 Components of the Network

Components of the Network

Слайд 10 End Devices
Work Stations, Servers, Laptops, Printers, VoIP Phones,

End DevicesWork Stations, Servers, Laptops, Printers, VoIP Phones, Security Cameras, PDAs......Any

Security Cameras, PDAs......
Any device that allows us to interface

with the network.
End devices are referred to as hosts and are either the source or destination of a message.

Слайд 11 End Devices
End Devices:
A host can be a client, a

End DevicesEnd Devices:A host can be a client, a server or

server or both.
The software installed on the device determines its role.

that enables them to provide information and services (E-mail, Web Pages) to other hosts on the network.
Software installed that enables them to request and display the information obtained from the server.



Слайд 12 Intermediary Devices
Routers, Switches, Hubs, Wireless Access Points, Communication

Intermediary DevicesRouters, Switches, Hubs, Wireless Access Points, Communication Servers, Security Devices.Any

Servers, Security Devices.
Any device that provides connectivity to the

network, connectivity to other networks or links between network segments.

Слайд 13 Intermediary Devices
Manage data as it flows through the

Intermediary DevicesManage data as it flows through the network.Some use the

Some use the destination host address and network interconnection

information to find the best path through the network.

Слайд 14 Intermediary Devices
Regenerate and retransmit data signals.
Maintain information about

Intermediary DevicesRegenerate and retransmit data signals.Maintain information about what pathways exist

what pathways exist through the network and internetwork.
Notify other

devices of errors and communication failures.
Direct data along alternate pathways when there is a link failure.
Classify and direct messages according to QoS priorities.
Permit or deny the flow of data, based on security settings.

Слайд 15 Media
The medium provides the channel over which the

MediaThe medium provides the channel over which the messages travel from

messages travel from source to destination.
Metallic wires within cables

or plastic fibers

Wireless Transmission

Слайд 16 Media
The signal encoding that must occur is different

MediaThe signal encoding that must occur is different for each type

for each type of media.
Electrical impulses with specific patterns

of light in the infrared or visible ranges

Patterns of electromagnetic waves

Слайд 17 Media
Different network media have different features and benefits.

MediaDifferent network media have different features and benefits.Not all network media

all network media are appropriate for the same purpose.


must make the appropriate choice to provide the proper channel.
Distance it can carry the signal
Cost of the media
Installation costs
Cost of connectors and devices

Слайд 18 Communicating Over the Network
LANs, WANs and Internetworks

Communicating Over the NetworkLANs, WANs and Internetworks

Слайд 19 Local Area Networks
An individual network usually spans a

Local Area NetworksAn individual network usually spans a single geographical area,

single geographical area, providing services and applications to people

within a common organizational structure, such as a single business, campus or region.

Слайд 20 Wide Area Networks
Networks that connect LANs in geographically

Wide Area NetworksNetworks that connect LANs in geographically separated locations. Usually

separated locations. Usually implemented with leased connections through a

telecommunications service provider (TSP) network.
A TSP traditionally transports voice and data on different networks. Now, providers are offering converged network services.

HDLC, PPP, T1, DS3, OC3, ISDN, Frame Relay

Слайд 21 The Internet : A Network of Networks
Internet Service

The Internet : A Network of NetworksInternet Service Providers (ISPs) connect

Providers (ISPs) connect their customers to the Internet through

their network infrastructure.
The Internet, then, is a collection of ISPs co-operating with each other to form one large converged internetwork.

Слайд 22 Network Representations
Specialized terminology is used to describe how

Network RepresentationsSpecialized terminology is used to describe how these devices and

these devices and media connect to one another.

Слайд 23 Network Representations
Network Interface Card (NIC):
Provides the physical connection to

Network RepresentationsNetwork Interface Card (NIC):Provides the physical connection to the network

the network at the PC or other host device.

A connector or outlet on a networking device where the media is connected to a host or other networking device.

Слайд 24 Network Representations
Specialized ports on an internetworking device that

Network RepresentationsInterface:Specialized ports on an internetworking device that connect to individual

connect to individual networks.
Because routers are used to

interconnect networks, the ports on a router are referred to as network interfaces.

Слайд 25 Communicating Over the Network

Communicating Over the NetworkProtocols

Слайд 26 Rules That Govern Communications
Are the rules that govern

Rules That Govern CommunicationsProtocols:Are the rules that govern communications.The format or

The format or structure of the message.
How and when

error and system messages are passed between devices.

The setup and termination of data transfer sessions.

The method by which networking devices share information about pathways with other networks.

Слайд 27 Protocol Suites
Protocol Suite:
A group of inter-related protocols that

Protocol SuitesProtocol Suite:A group of inter-related protocols that are necessary to

are necessary to perform a communication function.
Cannot function without

a set of standards that network vendors can follow.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE):
Develops standards in telecommunications, information technology and power generation.
Examples: 802.3 (Ethernet), 802.11 (WLAN)
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
Internet standards, RFCs (Request for Comments)
Example: TCP, IP, HTTP, FTP

Слайд 28 Interaction of Protocols

Interaction of Protocols

Слайд 29 Technology Independent Protocols
Protocols are not dependent upon any

Technology Independent ProtocolsProtocols are not dependent upon any specific technology.They describe

specific technology.
They describe what must be done to communicate

but not how its is to be carried out.

Слайд 30 Communicating Over the Network
Using Layered Models

Communicating Over the NetworkUsing Layered Models

Слайд 31 Layered Models
Layered models separate the functions of specific

Layered ModelsLayered models separate the functions of specific protocols.


Слайд 32 Benefits of a Layered Model
Benefits of a Layered

Benefits of a Layered ModelBenefits of a Layered Model:Have defined information

Have defined information that they act upon and a

defined interface to the layers above and below.
Fosters competition because products from different vendors can work together.
Prevents technology or capability changes in one layer from affecting other layers above and below.
Provides a common language to describe networking functions and capabilities.

Слайд 33 Protocol and Reference Models
Protocol Model:
Closely matches the structure of

Protocol and Reference ModelsProtocol Model:Closely matches the structure of a particular

a particular protocol suite.
The set of related protocols in a

suite typically represents all the functionality required to interface the human network with the data network.
The TCP/IP model is a protocol model because it describes the functions that occur at each layer of protocols only within the TCP/IP suite.

Слайд 34 Protocol and Reference Models
Reference Model:
Provides a common reference for

Protocol and Reference ModelsReference Model:Provides a common reference for maintaining consistency

maintaining consistency within all types of network protocols and services.
Not intended

to be an implementation specification.
Primary purpose is to aid in clearer understanding of the functions and process involved.

Слайд 35 TCP/IP Model
Open Standard
No one company controls it.
Governed by IETF Working Groups
Standards proposed using

TCP/IP ModelOpen Standard No one company controls it. Governed by IETF

Request for Comments (RFCs).

Слайд 36 Request For Comments RFC

Request For Comments RFC

Слайд 37 The Communication Process

The Communication Process

Слайд 38 Protocol Data Units and Encapsulation
Segmentation and Encapsulation

Protocol Data Units and EncapsulationHeaderHeaderDataHeaderTrailer0010100111011001010000011111010100010101Segmentation and Encapsulation

Слайд 39 Protocol Data Units and Encapsulation
Decapsulation and Reassembly


Protocol Data Units and EncapsulationHeaderHeaderHeaderTrailerDecapsulation and ReassemblyData0010100111011001010000011111010100010101

Слайд 40 Protocol Data Units and Encapsulation
Email Message
Protocol Data Units

Protocol Data Units and EncapsulationHeaderHeaderHeaderTrailerEmail MessageDataDataDataProtocol Data UnitsDataSegmentPacketFrame

Слайд 41 Protocol Data Units and Encapsulation

Protocol Data Units and Encapsulation

Слайд 42 Communicating Over the Network
The OSI Model

Communicating Over the NetworkThe OSI Model

Слайд 43 OSI Model
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) released

OSI ModelThe International Organization for Standardization (ISO) released the Open Systems

the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model in 1984.

for more information

Слайд 44 OSI Model
Breaks network communication into smaller, more manageable parts.

OSI ModelBreaks network communication into smaller, more manageable parts. Makes learning

Makes learning it easier to understand.
Prevents changes in one layer

from affecting other layers.
Standardizes network components to allow multiple vendor development and support.
Allows different types of network hardware and software to communicate with each other.
It is a descriptive scheme.

Слайд 45 OSI Model - Example - FYI
Descriptive Scheme:

OSI Model - Example - FYIDescriptive Scheme: Can be used to

Can be used to describe the functionality and interaction

of different protocol suites.


Слайд 46 OSI Model – Example - FYI
Descriptive Scheme:

OSI Model – Example - FYIDescriptive Scheme: Can be used to

Can be used to describe the functionality and interaction

of different protocol suites.


Слайд 47 OSI Model – Example - FYI
Descriptive Scheme:

OSI Model – Example - FYIDescriptive Scheme: Can be used to

Can be used to describe the functionality and interaction

of different protocol suites.


Слайд 48 OSI Model

OSI Model

Слайд 49 OSI Model
Primary concern: Communications between applications
Primary concern: Moving

OSI ModelPrimary concern: Communications between applicationsPrimary concern: Moving raw data cross the network

raw data cross the network

Слайд 50 Communicating Over the Network
Network Addressing

Communicating Over the NetworkNetwork Addressing

Слайд 51 OSI Model

OSI Model

Слайд 52 Getting Data to the End Device
Email Message
Encoded Data

Getting Data to the End DeviceHeaderHeaderHeaderTrailerEmail MessageDataDataDataEncoded DataProcessLogicalPhysicalEncapsulation Process and Addressing1.

Process and Addressing
Addressing always includes both the Source and

Destination Addresses.

Слайд 53 Getting Data to the End Device
Layer 2 Addressing

Getting Data to the End Device1. 2 AddressingDelivery on a single

on a single local network.
Unique on the network and

represents the device.
Codes placed on the NIC by the manufacturer.
Referred to as the physical address or the MAC address.




Source and Destination Physical or MAC Address

Слайд 54 Getting Data to the End Device

Layer 2 Header

Getting Data to the End DeviceLayer 2 Header

Слайд 55 Getting Data Through The Network
Layer 3 Addressing
Move data

Getting Data Through The Network1. 3 AddressingMove data from one local

from one local network to another local network.
Addresses must

identify both the network and the host on that network.
Used by routers to determine the best path to the destination host.

Слайд 56 Getting Data Through the Network

Layer 2 Header

Layer 3

Getting Data Through the NetworkLayer 2 HeaderLayer 3 Header


Слайд 57 Getting Data to the Right Application
Layer 4 Addressing

Getting Data to the Right Application1. 4 AddressingIdentifies the specific process

the specific process or service running on the destination

host that will act on the data.
Multiple, simultaneous applications.

Слайд 58 Getting Data to the Right Application

Layer 2 Header


Getting Data to the Right ApplicationLayer 2 HeaderLayer 3 HeaderLayer 4 Header

3 Header

Layer 4 Header

Слайд 59 Putting It All Together



Putting It All TogetherLogicalMACPortMAC

Слайд 60 Comparing the OSI and TCP/IP Models

Comparing the OSI and TCP/IP Models

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