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Презентация на тему Corporation

The most popular company
corporationCreated by Krutzkih E. The most popular company Widely using all over the world The long history The first result –the beginning of Developing the idea Every new “child” comes up with the times Strong concurrence like a motivation to work Creator of tablet PC        2002 The breakthrough which changed the world Modern and convenient opportunity instead of XP Achievements that can`t be missed Windows tries itself in the field of entertainment Second breath , great changes , creating of Windows 8 Contract with famous phone corporations
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The most popular company

The most popular company

Слайд 3 Widely using all over the world

Widely using all over the world

Слайд 4 The long history

The long history

Слайд 5 The first result –the beginning of

The first result –the beginning of      great success

great success

Слайд 6 Developing the idea

Developing the idea

Слайд 7 Every new “child” comes up with the times

Every new “child” comes up with the times

Слайд 9 Strong concurrence like a motivation to work

Strong concurrence like a motivation to work

Слайд 10 Creator of tablet PC

Creator of tablet PC    2002


Слайд 11 The breakthrough which changed the world

The breakthrough which changed the world

Слайд 12 Modern and convenient opportunity instead of XP

Modern and convenient opportunity instead of XP

Слайд 13 Achievements that can`t be missed

Achievements that can`t be missed

Слайд 14 Windows tries itself in the field of entertainment

Windows tries itself in the field of entertainment

Слайд 15 Second breath , great changes , creating of

Second breath , great changes , creating of Windows 8

Windows 8

  • Имя файла: corporation.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 107
  • Количество скачиваний: 0