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Презентация на тему Health care system(usa)

Family medicine is the science of the most common family and patient health problems regardless of gender and age.Family medicineFamily doctor is a specialist with a higher medical education who provides primary health care to the
Health Care System(USA) Family medicine is the science of the most common family and patient Family medicine as a specialty has a number of extremely important principles. United States Public Health ServiceUnited States Public Health Service -united States Federal Social and health programs:Health and Social Sciences ResearchDisease Prevention, Including Immunization ServicesEnsuring Hospital care is central to the medical systemThere are two types of The structure of hospitals is similar to our hospitals Stationary serviceSimple inpatient care - specializes in short-term hospitalization.Complex inpatient care - Inpatient institutions include: hospitals, clinics, maternity hospitals, sanatoriums hospices.There are multidisciplinary (specialized) The medical department includes:treatment wards,position of a nurse,procedural,fitting rooms,office of the head Alternative medicine refers to non-traditional practices used in place of traditional medicine.Typical In 1999, the US National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine funded
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Family medicine is the science of the most

Family medicine is the science of the most common family and

common family and patient health problems regardless of gender

and age.

Family medicine

Family doctor is a specialist with a higher medical education who provides primary health care to the population

A family medicine practitioner should have a good understanding of how the family affects a person's health and how a person's health affects his family.

Слайд 3 Family medicine as a specialty has a number

Family medicine as a specialty has a number of extremely important

of extremely important principles.
The main ones are:
duration and

continuity of observation;
versatility of primary health care;
treating the family as a unit of medical care;
prevention as the basis of the activity of a doctor and a nurse;
cost-effectiveness and appropriateness of aid;
coordination of medical care;
responsibility of the patient, his family members and society for the preservation and improvement of health.

Слайд 4 United States Public Health Service
United States Public Health

United States Public Health ServiceUnited States Public Health Service -united States

Service -
united States Federal Executive Office.

Foundation date may 4,


The main goal of the event is to protect the
health of all Americans.

Main Division - State Health Service

Слайд 5 Social and health programs:
Health and Social Sciences Research

Social and health programs:Health and Social Sciences ResearchDisease Prevention, Including Immunization

Prevention, Including Immunization Services
Ensuring the safety of food and

Medicare (health insurance for the elderly and disabled) and Medicaid (health insurance for people with low income)
Information technology in healthcare
Financial assistance and services for low-income families
Improving maternal and child health, including a Nurse Home Visitation
program to support mothers
Head Start (early childhood education)
Religious and community initiatives
Preventing Child Abuse and Domestic Violence
Treatment and prevention of drug addiction
Services for Seniors Including Food Delivery Home
Health Services for Native Americans
Emergency medical training program

Слайд 6 Hospital care is central to the medical system

Hospital care is central to the medical systemThere are two types

are two types of hospitals in the hospitals:

large, often

run by large private corporations

small, managed by district and state authorities, religious communities or independent public organizations

They provide a certain amount of outpatient care in emergency departments and specialized clinics, but they are mainly intended to provide hospital care.

Слайд 7 The structure of hospitals is similar to our

The structure of hospitals is similar to our hospitals


Слайд 8 Stationary service
Simple inpatient care - specializes in short-term

Stationary serviceSimple inpatient care - specializes in short-term hospitalization.Complex inpatient care


Complex inpatient care - providing long-term, highly qualified and

technically complex inpatient treatment.

Inpatient care is medical treatment administered to a patient whose condition requires treatment in a hospital or other health care facility, and the patient is formally admitted to the facility by a doctor.

Слайд 9 Inpatient institutions include:
maternity hospitals,

Inpatient institutions include: hospitals, clinics, maternity hospitals, sanatoriums hospices.There are multidisciplinary

There are multidisciplinary (specialized) hospitals designed to treat patients

with any one disease (for example, tuberculosis). Multidisciplinary, which include departments of various profiles (for example: therapeutic, surgical, neurological, endocrinological, etc.)

Inpatient structure

admission department,
medical departments (therapeutic, surgical, urological, etc. - depending on the profile of the hospital),
diagnostic department (laboratory, ultrasound, radiography, EFGDS, etc.),
pathological department,
catering unit,
administrative part (administration, garage, oxygen, laundry, etc.).

Слайд 10 The medical department includes:
treatment wards,
position of a nurse,

The medical department includes:treatment wards,position of a nurse,procedural,fitting rooms,office of the

office of the head of department,
lounge for relaxation,
rooms for

nurses ,
utility rooms (toilet, bathroom, toilet, linen).

The admission department is the most important treatment department of the hospital.

Patients can be taken to the emergency room:
In the direction of the local doctor
Transfer from other medical institutions
By yourself

Tasks of the admission department

Reception of patients, diagnosis and decision on the need for hospitalization.
Registration of patients and registration of their movement in the hospital.
Triage of patients.
Providing emergency medical care if necessary.
Sanitary treatment of patients (in some cases).
Acting as a reference center for the condition of patients.

Слайд 11 Alternative medicine refers to non-traditional practices used in

Alternative medicine refers to non-traditional practices used in place of traditional

place of traditional medicine.
Typical examples of alternative medicine are

homeopathy, acupuncture and naturopathy.

  • Имя файла: health-care-systemusa.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 150
  • Количество скачиваний: 1