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Презентация на тему Лексико-грамматические особенности (часть 3)

Перфектные формы глаголоввыражают временную отнесенностьвыражают значение предшествования, т. е. рассматривают действие относительно какого-либо последующего момента временивыражают действие безотносительноСистема глагольных времен Неперфектные формы глаголов
Семинар 4Лексико-грамматические особенности (часть 3) Перфектные формы глаголоввыражают временную отнесенностьвыражают значение предшествования, т. е. рассматривают действие относительно In the closing weeks of 1998 a new force has leapt on For four weeks sixty-eight girls at the Normanton factory have been on A new Middle East War is raging. Fortunately it is not in Within a week of the Moon rocket comes Sir Compton Mackenzie's Mr. Tsarapkin said on arrival yesterday that he was Не was waited for in vain. Его напрасно ждали.The doctor was sent Next morning the event was reported in all the newspapers.На следующий день It is necessary that he (should) attend the conference. Необходимо, чтобы он We have been reading the newspaper for two hours.He was growing different   The operation of a receiving station is influenced by a number Obviously a flying machine should be stable.It should be noted that a If there were no frictional losses in a machine, we could get
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Перфектные формы глаголов
выражают временную отнесенность
выражают значение предшествования, т.

Перфектные формы глаголоввыражают временную отнесенностьвыражают значение предшествования, т. е. рассматривают действие

е. рассматривают действие относительно какого-либо последующего момента времени
выражают действие


Система глагольных времен

Неперфектные формы глаголов

Слайд 3 In the closing weeks of 1998 a new

In the closing weeks of 1998 a new force has leapt

force has leapt on to the world stage with

the call: "Hands off Africa," "Africa must be free," the delegates to the Accra Conference have told the developed countries to get out of this continent.
В последние недели 1998 года на мировой арене появилась новая сила. Лозунги «Руки прочь от Африки», «Африка должна быть свободной», провозглашенные деле­гатами на конференции в Аккре, говорят развитым странам, что они должны убираться с этого материка.

Слайд 4 For four weeks sixty-eight girls at the Normanton

For four weeks sixty-eight girls at the Normanton factory have been

factory have been on strike.
Шестьдесят восемь работниц нормантонской

фабрики бастуют уже четыре недели.
By the age of twelve Van had decided he must win a gold medal in Moscow because his idol, Rachmaninov, had been awarded one when he graduated from the Moscow Conservatoire.
К тому времени, когда ему исполнилось двенадцать лет, Ван уже решил, что он должен получить золотую медаль в Москве, потому что его кумир — Рахманинов — окончил Московскую консерваторию с золотой медалью.

Слайд 5 A new Middle East War is raging. Fortunately

A new Middle East War is raging. Fortunately it is not

it is not in the Middle East but in

the columns of "Reynolds News" and "The Evening Standard."
В настоящее время разгорается новая средневосточная война. К счастью, она происходит на страницах «Рейнольде ньюс» и «Ивнинг стандард», а не на Среднем Востоке.
Men were working all day yesterday to clear wreckage following a collision in fog between three goods trains and late in the afternoon one line had been cleared.
Вчера рабочие работали весь день по расчистке обломков трех товарных поездов, столкнувшихся в тумане; в конце дня одна линия была уже расчищена.

Формы Continuous

Слайд 6 Within a week of the Moon rocket comes

Within a week of the Moon rocket comes Sir Compton Mackenzie's

Sir Compton Mackenzie's "The Lunatic Republic".
He прошло и

недели с момента запуска ракеты в направлении Луны, как вышла книга сэра Комптона Мэккензи «Лунная республика безумцев».
The rubber strike ends.
Забастовка на шинном заводе закончилась.

Группа Indefinite

Слайд 7 Mr. Tsarapkin said on arrival yesterday that he

Mr. Tsarapkin said on arrival yesterday that he was

was "optimistic" about the resumed conference.
Вчера по прибытии

(в Женеву) Царапкин сказал, что он «настроен оптимистически» в отношении возобновившей работу конференции.
Britain is trailing behind in this scientific age, speaker after speaker told a weekend conference in London of teachers, trade unionists, M. P. s, and representatives of schools, technical colleges, universities and local education committees.
В наш век науки Англия тащится позади, говорил один оратор за другим на состоявшейся в Лондоне в конце прошлой недели конференции преподавателей, представителей профсоюзов, членов парламента и представителей от школ, технических колледжей, университетов и местных комитетов просвещения.

Слайд 8 Не was waited for in vain.
Его напрасно

Не was waited for in vain. Его напрасно ждали.The doctor was

The doctor was sent for immediately.
Немедленно послали за

She was bowed out of the room.
Ее с поклонами проводили из комнаты.
This conclusion was arrived at by many.
Многие пришли к этому выводу.
The strength and weakness of Cyprus as a military base have been demonstrated by the troops movement this week.
Передвижение войск на этой неделе ясно показало всю силу и слабость Кипра как военной базы.

Пассивные конструкции

Слайд 9 Next morning the event was reported in all

Next morning the event was reported in all the newspapers.На следующий

the newspapers.
На следующий день все газеты сообщили об этом

This method is considered the best.
Этот метод считается наилучшим.
Much fish is caught here.
Здесь ловится много рыбы.
Lectures on various subjects are given here.
Здесь читаются лекции на различные темы.
The bill was railroaded through the House.
Законопроект был в срочном порядке проведен через палату.

Слайд 10 It is necessary that he (should) attend the

It is necessary that he (should) attend the conference. Необходимо, чтобы

Необходимо, чтобы он присутствовал на конференции.
It is important

that the translation (should) be written.
Важно, чтобы перевод был сделан в письменной форме.
"It is desirable," the speaker went on, "that measures (should) be taken to develop East-West trade."
«Желательно,— продолжал оратор,— чтобы были приняты меры для развития торговли между Востоком и Западом».
It is curious that the weather should change so often.
Странно, что погода меняется так часто.

Сослагательное наклонение

Слайд 11 We have been reading the newspaper for two

We have been reading the newspaper for two hours.He was growing

He was growing different kinds of fruit.
They discussed every

detail of the building.
While they were discussing it, they changed some details.
It had been raining for some days when we started on our expedition.
By the fifth of March you will have been working in our shop for two years.
A thorough analysis of the optimal phenomena is still lacking.
Recent experiments concerning these phenomena have focused considerable attention on getting reliable data.
Considerable changes are currently taking place in the organization of research.
Many workers of our plant work in the daytime and study in their spare hours.
As the researchers worked hard they achieved good results.
In recent years a considerable number of works have appeared on various problems of elementary particle physics.

Ex. 1 Translate the sentences paying attention to the predicates and define the tense forms.

Слайд 12  
The operation of a receiving station is

  The operation of a receiving station is influenced by a

influenced by a number of factors.
New electronic devices

are dealt with in this article.
This equipment stability has been greatly improved by means of new efficient parts.
This research was given particular attention because of its prime importance for the development of this branch of physics.
Long-range communication systems are being successfully used in our country.
The reading of every indicating instrument is obtained in minimum of time.
The studies, which have been described in this paper, have become classical ones.
The new device had been tested for two hours when the chief engineer came and stopped the experiment.
Drill rods are made of alloyed steel.
Timber was bought as per specification enclosed.
These measurements were referred to at the conference.
As for accuracy of machinery processing much thought is being given to the shape and dimensions of the workpieces.

Ex. 2 Translate the sentences with the predicates in Passive.

Слайд 13 Obviously a flying machine should be stable.
It should

Obviously a flying machine should be stable.It should be noted that

be noted that a multiple-step rocket always has a

greater take-off mass than a single-step one.
Heat would be absorbed until the temperature of the absorbing body attains that of the heat.
If a ‘short-circuit’ occurs at any place in a circuit a very large current is cause to flow, and this would heat up the connecting wires.
He said that we should estimate its properties before storage.
We should not have been able to solve the equation, if we had not used the new derivation.

Ex. 3Translate the sentences paying attention to the different functions ‘should, would’.

  • Имя файла: leksiko-grammaticheskie-osobennosti-chast-3.pptx
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