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Презентация на тему Overall outline of equipment

Rotating dual stationForming manipulatorMaterial receivingboxForming and picking stationDischarge stationPositioning fixture (stainless steel)
Overall outline of equipmentWorkbenchEuropean standard profile + acrylic protective coverWelding frame Movable door Rotating dual stationForming manipulatorMaterial receivingboxForming and picking stationDischarge stationPositioning fixture (stainless steel) Equipment process flow chart1Manually insert the product into the positioning fixture2Start double Heating cylinder SplintRotating diskPositioning jigSlide cylinderTranslation cylinderBending cylinderHot tipReceiving boxThe needle tube Equipment dimensions Thank you !
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Rotating dual station
Forming manipulator
Material receivingbox
Forming and picking station

Rotating dual stationForming manipulatorMaterial receivingboxForming and picking stationDischarge stationPositioning fixture (stainless steel)

Positioning fixture (stainless steel)

Слайд 3 Equipment process flow chart
Manually insert the product into

Equipment process flow chart1Manually insert the product into the positioning fixture2Start

the positioning fixture

Start double button, dial rotate 180 degrees


manipulator movement, the needle bending angle, hot hair dryer will start the needle shaped

After forming, the manipulator takes the needle tube into the material box

After forming, the manipulator takes the needle tube into the material box

Turntable rotating 180 degrees to the manual discharge station

Cycle time :17s(Bending 6s+hot blow forming 8s+unloading 3s)
Single product time :2.8s/pcs
Single equipment capacity: 3600s/2.8s=1285pcs/h

Слайд 4 Heating cylinder
Rotating disk
Positioning jig
Slide cylinder
Translation cylinder
Bending cylinder

Heating cylinder SplintRotating diskPositioning jigSlide cylinderTranslation cylinderBending cylinderHot tipReceiving boxThe needle

Receiving box
The needle tube is rotated to the forming

station, and the cylinder motion splint is moved to the needle tube

Clamp the needle tube bending, heating cylinder down, hot wind near the elbow, hot blow points start, needle shaped

After the needle tube is formed, the slide cylinder is lifted, the needle tube is lifted out of the jig, and the translational cylinder is retracted to the top of the receiving box

Needle tube forming and blanking

Слайд 5 Equipment dimensions

Equipment dimensions

  • Имя файла: overall-outline-of-equipment.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 85
  • Количество скачиваний: 0