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Презентация на тему Пирогов Николай Иванович

A boy of fourteen, he entered the medical faculty of Moscow University. After graduating, he studied for several years abroad. To become a Professor of Pies prepared in the professorial Institute at Dorpat University. Here, at
Пирогов Николай ИвановичWas born in Nowember 13,1810In moskoy A boy of fourteen, he entered the medical faculty of Moscow University. the name Pirogov named street in Cheboksary In search of efficient method of study, Pirogov decided to apply In early 1881 Pirogov noticed the pain and irritation on mucous membrane
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 A boy of fourteen, he entered the medical

A boy of fourteen, he entered the medical faculty of Moscow

faculty of Moscow University. After graduating, he studied for

several years abroad. To become a Professor of Pies prepared in the professorial Institute at Dorpat University. Here, at the surgical clinic, Pirogov worked for five years, brilliantly defended his doctoral dissertation and at the age of only twenty-six years was elected Professor of the Dorpat University. After a few years Pirogov was invited to Petersburg, where he headed the Department of surgery at the Medico-surgical Academy. At the same time Pirogov managed organized by the Clinic of hospital surgery. As the duties of Pirogov included the training of military surgeons, he began to study common in those days, surgical methods. Many of them have been radically reworked; in addition, Pirogov has developed some new techniques, thanks to which he managed more often than other surgeons, to avoid amputation of limbs. One of such methods to date is called the "Pirogov's Operation"

Слайд 3 the name Pirogov named street in Cheboksary

the name Pirogov named street in Cheboksary

Слайд 4 In search of efficient method of study, Pirogov

In search of efficient method of study, Pirogov decided to

decided to apply anatomical studies on frozen corpses. Pirogov

himself called it "ice anatomy". This was born a new medical discipline — topographic anatomy. After a few years of such study anatomy Pirogov published the first anatomical Atlas under the title "Topographical anatomy, illustrated with cuts through frozen human body in three directions", which became an indispensable guide for surgeons. From this point the surgeons had the opportunity to operate, causing minimal trauma to the patient. This Atlas and the methodology suggested by Pirogov became the basis for all subsequent development of operative surgery. In 1847, Pirogov went to the army in the Caucasus, because she wanted to go to the field he developed surgical methods. In the Caucasus he first applied bandaging using bandages soaked in starch. The starch bandage was more comfortable and stronger than the original prints. Here, in the small countryof Salta, Pirogov for the first time in the history of medicine began to operate on the wounded from the ethereal anesthesia in the field conditions. Only the great surgeon spent about 10 thousand operations under ether anesthesia

  • Имя файла: pirogov-nikolay-ivanovich.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 212
  • Количество скачиваний: 0
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