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Презентация на тему The сity attractions of new york

The statue of libertyThere are many places and city attractions in New York . If you visit to New York , you should see The statue of liberty, 5 Avenue and Central Park. The statue of
The сity attractions of New YorkKrechetovich Irina 6 group The statue of libertyThere are many places and city attractions in New 5 Avenue 5 Avenue is one of the famous street in the The Central ParkThe Central Park is the most wonderful and pleasant place
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The statue of liberty
There are many places and

The statue of libertyThere are many places and city attractions in

city attractions in New York . If you visit

to New York , you should see The statue of liberty, 5 Avenue and Central Park. The statue of liberty it is the symbol of the country

And the symbol of freedom. This statue stands proudly and every tourist can see the island from height of bird s fleight.

Слайд 3 5 Avenue
5 Avenue is one of the

5 Avenue 5 Avenue is one of the famous street in

famous street in the world everybody heard about this

street . There are many museums and architectural attractions

  • Имя файла: the-sity-attractions-of-new-york.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 104
  • Количество скачиваний: 1