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Презентация на тему Theme : lesson

Plan Definition of a lessonStructure of a lessonStages of a lessonPrinciples of a lesson
Theme :  Lesson  Done Plan Definition of a lessonStructure of a lessonStages of a lessonPrinciples of a lesson A lesson is a structured period of time where learning is intended to occur. Structure of a lesson divide into  Traditional and Non-traditional lessons. The type of lesson is usually specified in the introductory part of a Non- traditional forms of the lessons attract the lesson has five stages:PreparationPresentationPracticeEvaluationExpansion 1. Preparation Use discussion or homework review to elicit knowledge related to 4. EvaluationWhen all students have completed the communication practice task, reconvene the There are 3 things which influence the success of the lesson: motivationorganizationstudents’ capacity (ability) There are four major principles behind good lesson .   They Thank you for your attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Plan
Definition of a lesson
Structure of a lesson

Plan Definition of a lessonStructure of a lessonStages of a lessonPrinciples of a lesson

of a lesson
Principles of a lesson

Слайд 3 A lesson is a structured period of time

A lesson is a structured period of time where learning is intended to occur.

where learning is intended to occur. It involves one or more students 

being taught by a teacher or instructor. A lesson may be either one section of a textbook or, more frequently, a short period of time during which learners are taught about a particular subject or taught how to perform a particular activity. Lessons are generally taught in a classroom but may instead take place in a situated learning environment. In a wider sense, a lesson is an insight gained by a learner into previously unfamiliar subject-matter. Such a lesson can be either planned or accidental, enjoyable or painful. 

Слайд 4 Structure of a lesson divide into Traditional and

Structure of a lesson divide into Traditional and Non-traditional lessons.

Non-traditional lessons.
Traditional types of lesson

1.Lessons of communication of

new knowledge
2.Combined lessons
3.Lessons of fixation of knowledge and of developing skills and abilities
4.Lessons of systematization and revision of knowledge
5.Lessons of verification and control of knowledge.

Non-traditional types of lesson

round table
Conference, etc.

Слайд 5 The type of lesson is usually specified in

The type of lesson is usually specified in the introductory part

the introductory part of a lesson plan. Lessons of communication

of new knowledge
-this type occurs in senior forms;
-the information must be accessible
;-the teacher should interweave the communication of knowledge with questions addressed to the class;
1.Checking of previous knowledge
2.Formulation of the subject
3.Communication of knowledge ( presentation)
Teacher’s exposition
Partial Fixation
Partial Fixation
Model reading
4.Fixation of knowledge (practice and production)

Traditional types of lesson

Слайд 6 Non- traditional forms of

Non- traditional forms of the lessons attract the attention

the lessons attract the attention of the pupils, raise

their interest in learning English and as a result they motivate their better adoption of the material learnt. For example role-play. Role-playing exercises teach skills that are often assumed to be learned outside of the classroom (and sometimes aren't), and how to use those skills to complement scientific knowledge. These exercises require the students to use imagination, background knowledge appropriate to the character being role-played, and communications skills. Advantages : Introduces problem situation dramatically; Provides opportunity for students to assume roles of others and thus appreciate another point of view; Allows for exploration of solutions; Provides opportunity to practice skills. Disadvantages : Some students may be too self-conscious; Not appropriate for large groups;Some students may feel threatened .

Слайд 7 lesson has five stages:

lesson has five stages:PreparationPresentationPracticeEvaluationExpansion

Слайд 8 1. Preparation
Use discussion or homework review to

1. Preparation Use discussion or homework review to elicit knowledge related

elicit knowledge related to the grammar and language use

points to be covered
Use comparison with the native language to elicit strategies that students may already be using
Use discussion of what students do and/or like to do to elicit their knowledge of the topic they will address in communication activities
2. Presentation/Modeling
Presentation provides the language input that gives students the foundation for their knowledge of the language. Input comes from the instructor and from course textbooks. Language textbooks designed for students in U.S. universities usually provide input only in the form of examples; explanations and instructions are written in English. To increase the amount of input that students receive in the target language, instructors should use it as much as possible for all classroom communication purposes.
3. Practice
In this part of the lesson, the focus shifts from the instructor as presenter to the students as completers of a designated task. Students work in pairs or small groups on a topic-based task with a specific outcome. Completion of the task may require the bridging of an information gap.

Слайд 9 4. Evaluation
When all students have completed the communication

4. EvaluationWhen all students have completed the communication practice task, reconvene

practice task, reconvene the class as a group to

recap the lesson.
Evaluation is useful for four reasons:
It reinforces the material that was presented earlier in the lesson
It provides an opportunity for students to raise questions of usage and style
It enables the instructor to monitor individual student comprehension and learning
It provides closure to the lesson
5. Expansion
Expansion activities allow students to apply the knowledge they have gained in the classroom to situations outside it. Expansion activities include out-of-class observation assignments, in which the instructor asks students to find examples of something or to use a strategy and then report back.

Слайд 10 There are 3 things which influence the success

There are 3 things which influence the success of the lesson: motivationorganizationstudents’ capacity (ability)

of the lesson:

students’ capacity (ability)

Слайд 11 There are four major principles behind good lesson

There are four major principles behind good lesson .  They

. They are variety, flexibility, learnability, and linkage.
Variety means planning

a number of different types of activities and where possible introducing students to a wide selection of materials so that learning is always interesting, motivating
 and never monotonous for the students.
Flexibility means planning to use a number of different methods and techniques rather than being a slave to one methodology. This will make teaching and learning more effective and more efficient.
Learnability means the contents and tasks planned for the lesson should be within the learning capability of the students. Of course, things should not be too easy either. Doing things that are beyond or below the students? coping ability will diminish their motivation (Schumann, 1999).
Linkage means the stages and the steps within each stage are planned in such a way that they are somehow linked with one another. Language learning needs recycling and reinforcement.

  • Имя файла: theme-lesson.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 216
  • Количество скачиваний: 0